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Timothy Reddan-A'Blew

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Everything posted by Timothy Reddan-A'Blew

  1. 👍Just finished it. I'm an all of the 57 years - and the several before them that the book covers for their effect on 'the 57'. So I'm not a 'particularly', I'm a 'definitely'.
  2. Oh, and by the way, @Demonstone, I'm prepared to hold the fort - or at least toss it around a bit - while you're on what we hope is just a (well-earned) sabbatical.
  3. Probably apocryphal, but Frank Sinatra reputedly said, on being presented with a book as a gift, 'What do I want a book for? I've already read one!'
  4. 👏 @Bombay Airconditioning and @Allus Monk. Persistence Rules!
  5. ('Longshot listener / loneliest throngs / singleton holster - all anagrams of The Rolling Stones' Yours, @Demonstone? 👏) I take heart that, as the full title goes, 'this may be the last time'. So, from my bias, https://www.google.com/search?q=get+back+beatles+youtube&oq=get+back+beatles+youtube&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512j0i22i30i625l2j0i22i30j0i10i22i30j0i22i30l2.9174j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:f269b487,vid:rG860QcseTI
  6. Gus interviewed at the Coterie golf day: '...[there's] new positions for different players that the people will see...' It sounded like these were relatively settled outcomes from 'the heap of matchplay' they'd been doing at training, as opposed to praccy match try-outs. It will be interesting to see what might be unfolding in this regard next Friday.
  7. Sorry, @Bombay Airconditioning. I was hardly more confident of this answer than the handful I'd already tried!
  8. I'm looking forward generally to what new elements there might be in our ball movement. Ours is - or at least has the capacity to be - the fastest, most skilled, most disciplined squad. Meanwhile, to your opening query, he'd probably end up doing - you guessed it! - a banana, that accordingly still ended up out to the left.
  9. OK, fair enough, BA; that's one of the (lesser!) strategic options I was foolishly considering as an alternative to craven surrender. @Demonstone, please note: BA and I would like more time... ...and another clue?
  10. I was going that 'geopolitical' path (as represented by the twins), too - through some PM-ing, I now at least feel like I'm dealing with a few less 'locks', but I can't find my keys anywhere! Meanwhile, paradoxically, as readers may have been hearing in my posts, it has been a case of 'This means Waugh!'
  11. 1. And Tilly and Mazer didn't?! 2. As you can see, yes.
  12. ...and why am I always the one getting these onto a second page?!
  13. Never mind the 😆, @WalkingCivilWar; give in to temptation!
  14. You must be SO tempted to drop some clever hints, @WalkingCivilWar! 🤓
  15. ...and this albeit fascinating and sobering rabbit hole got me no nearer to the answer @Demonstone!
  16. As an aside (indeed, as an A(ustralian)side), Leo Little played on the winning side in this game: https://www.google.com/search?q=remastered+1916+australian+football+match&oq=remastered+1916+australian+football+match&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.28351j1j4&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:15f6b4ec,vid:B88dBgC01YA He's the second player from the right in the back row in the team shots of the blue, Australia-map team, and the white-shorts No.5 in the match footage. Later wounded, he did make it back, joining the Fuchsias in 1919 after playing with University when he joined up. What a time. Lest we forget.
  17. Make 'em YOPROfessionally now, Red!
  18. I'm sure it ain't peanuts. But wait... 🥜 yoghurt; hmmm... Yeah. Nah.
  19. Bananas! Are you there, @Redleg, @old dee and the rest of the NoT$NoB$ crew?
  20. ...though, in the presence of @ManDee's with-it erudition, that would be zee, zee, zee, zee?
  21. Come to D'Land for an education; thanks, MD! 🙂 Though I do note from Samuel Johnson Google that it is 'informal', 'US', and arising from drug culture. So I'm not surprised it has escaped my attention! 😉
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