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  1. Can anyone point me to the link for the GF game day thread? Watched the do I last night and keen to relive everyone’s thoughts on the day.
  2. https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/tiktok-video-shows-afl-star-luke-jackson-in-heated-conversation-with-police-outside-metropolis-fremantle-ng-b882026735z
  3. Sorry if this has already been asked; is there a link to replay if the game that includes the halftime performance? Thanks
  4. Truck driver tested positive… no change to GF at this stage..
  5. 😂😂😂 Yes I know this is the right forum because there are plenty of people packing themselves about next Saturday. Hoping, believing we can win but also nervous because we are the MFC after all. Anyway, I thought some of you might have been to a GF in Melbourne when some ogre teams played and might have some advice. 😀
  6. For those who've attended a GF before - how long after the siren would you arrange your pickup/transport home? One of our party will be in wheelchair so we'll be using a charter vehicle (can't take the train) and trying to work out how much time to allow after the siren for the formalities and whatever it is they do afterwards. Thanks!
  7. Does anyone know if a timeline for GF Day has been announced? I know that bouncedown is at 5.15pm WST but what about Time gates open? Time pre-game entertainment starts? Thanks everyone.
  8. Thanks!
  9. Does anyone know how the GFG usually works? Do they open tickets up to member with a GFG for a few hours and then allow Priority 2s and 3s, then the public? Do GFG holders get a choice about where they sit/what price their tickets? Just interested to know how it works. Thanks
  10. Melbourne members to be represented in Perth: https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/1014105/melbourne-members-to-be-represented-in-perth?fbclid=IwAR3Pr3F90WWdq6y-wyJXy-kSAPscv9Svfiu7fvhM5GSCR5DKDM_VGcIeSQk
  11. Out of interest, I just tried to find tickets in the public sale. I got back ~200 results for single tickets. Less than 20 seemed to be non-restricted viewing so looks like there will be a great crowd - hopefully mostly Dees supporters.
  12. Does anyone know ~ how much GF tickets usually are? I realise it might be different if it’s held at Optus but just interested to know…
  13. For those in Vic, are there any states that will allow you in? I’m thinking some of the VIPs could travel to an interim state, spend the required time there before heading to Perth. Obviously would only work for those who don’t have day jobs and would have to start the process before knowing if we’ll make it…
  14. I hope I misheard but I swear I heard the local news in Perth say they will be looking to make some GF tickets available to WCE and Freo members!! Any other Perthites hear this?
  15. Just went to watch the replay and found my recording stopped with 4:20 to go. 🤬
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