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Everything posted by Moneider96

  1. Honestly, this thread has been a massive facepalm. If there is anyone who is actually open minded to discuss where the evidence leads, feel free to PM me.
  2. The seventh day hasn't ended yet. For the love of God, do not bring up Ken Ham. Young Earth Creationism is embarrassing. There isn't any biblical account of the age of the earth
  3. Evolution doesn't invalidate Christianity any more than the germ theory of disease or the Big Bang theory of Cosmic Evolution, How can anyone say, on the basis of scientific evidence that the whole scheme was not set up by a provident God to arrive at homeo sapiens on planet earht? Keep in mind, that when evolutionary biologists say that the mutations that lead to evolutionary development are random, random doesn't mean ''occurring by chance'', it means ''irrespective of their usefulness to the organism.'' There is a reason that many famous evolutionists, like Francis Collins, are Christians.
  4. Tell me one contradiction between science and Christian belief.
  5. Sigh... Alrighty then, I think this will be a waste of time. Back to work.
  6. Fair enough. Ask yourself though, do you despise Christianity for emotional or intellectual reasons?
  7. The same old wafer thin rhetoric which dominates dialogue yet avoids substantive discussion. ''retard the human race'': Did you know that science is a unique contribution of the Christian faith? It is the Christian world which gave birth to the experimental method of science itself because it was only the Christian worldview which viewed the world as a rational place which is open to exploration and discovery. ''Badly written'' I honestly have no time today to go through supposed contradictions. But luckily for me, this guy already has: https://www.youtube.com/user/InspiringPhilosophy/videos Anyways, check those videos out if you want to learn something.
  8. ''Whoever harms a dhimmi (any non-Muslim) then I will be his opponent on the day of judgement'' I find it interesting that this intention is expressed so clearly and unambiguously. Maybe we ought to interpret other more violent verses (in the literal sense) in light of this intention. Maybe, this explains why there are a minority of terrorists in the Muslim community - some interpret the Quran literally, whilst others interpret it in accordance with the directions given by verses like this. To be honest though, I know nothing about the Quran. There might be contradictions in the clear meaning of the text.
  9. Im not sure what he's inferring. Hogan has another two years on his contract. Nothing to worry about.
  10. I think it got deleted. Still linked though on the Melbourne bigfooty trade thread.
  11. Idk whether to laugh or cry. Even Ollie wines is tweeting about it.
  12. Would prefer Bugg for that role.
  13. So Freo will get Mccarthy and Bennell this year. Will they have enough room for Hogan in a couple years time? Maybe their giving up?
  14. lol, it's not what i believe. Just the impression I've got from listening to people in the media.
  15. The consensus among comentators? it would go something like this IMO: 1. GWS 2. Gold Coast 3. Western Bulldogs 4. St Kilda 5. Melbourne
  16. Don't really rate Crouch. Gets a heap of it, but is a horrible decision maker. His brother on the other hand...
  17. Pick 5 for Hartlett and second rounder?
  18. Got it from Bigfooty: Caro on 3AW said Hartlett has been officially told the club wants to trade him to clear salary cap room for Dixon. The Crows and Melbourne are into him, This means they can only accept picks only.
  19. Signing Shultz and Dixon, you would think they would have to get rid of someone.
  20. Will be very angry if that happens. Essendon should at least give us a 3rd rounder back.
  21. Toump + 2nd rounder for Aish + 3rd rounder. Would you guys do that?
  22. Rumour going around bigfooty that a big name port player is on the way out. Hamish Harlett maybe? They might get rid of him before he becomes a free agent next year.
  23. Like a week ago; on radio, Todd Viney was suggesting that Port should trade Harlett.
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