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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. it’s not even a real pre season game can we relax??
  2. it’s a pretty sad list of captains really. only 5-6 quality leaders
  3. we have the best leadership we’ve had for decades. Max, Viney, Lever, Trac, Gus, May etc. And other teams…. Allen, Simpkin. ouch Surprised Danger is so high and think Sicily should be higher
  4. The team ahead at 6 Quarter time has literally never lost a game
  5. Trac paying $15 for the Brownlow. you’re welcome
  6. Well said Trac. You can’t move past poor performances until you admit what happened and be brutally honest Gives me hope for the year ahead
  7. I’m hoping to see some evidence of what we have been working on in the off season. ball movement, hitting targets, connection between d50, mid and F50. What? a man can dream can’t he?!
  8. thanks for the report anyone know when our first ‘official’ practice match is?
  9. Even as a huge fan i found it very hard to enjoy watching us last season even when we were winning. some of the first halves of games it was staggering how few goals we scored. Hopefully we find a way to open up our attacking play and move the ball quicker and more accurately this year
  10. true but i reckon we could just ignore that coach
  11. Windsor won’t be playing a game until he shaves those sideburns!
  12. more likely for Fritsch’s bro to play with us
  13. Thanks Picket Reckon we might have 30 starting round 1 at this rate! 😊
  14. The sub rule sucks. just have an interchange bench. Messes with players fitness and match ‘touch’. Guys like Toby Bedford end up not playing in the 2’s or firsts
  15. Well Maxy said he’d be back in Jan Just made it! Go Clarry!
  16. Wasn’t that long ago we had Davey Green and Moloney as our 3 captaincy candidates. no offence to any of them but it’s nice to have 5-6 quality leadership options these days
  17. Anyone doubting our premiership captain is in for a shock after Grundy was dropped he was back to his best he is driven, might be older but not over the hill. he will be back in 2024
  18. Max and Jack are the best leaders this club has had for decades. They compliment each other very well. Max covers off field to let Jack lead on field. Not saying they don’t do the other Just need more players to play with the same dedication and hunger that these two do
  19. Checking thread to see some good news and i hear Schache is the answer? think i’ll wait a month
  20. a star? i just said he might prosper/do well. The Saints have had a poor culture/environment for years imo. Even with their golden generation they couldn’t win even one flag. A more professional environment and less pressure of being pick 3 i reckon he could do well with his skills providing his body stands up and he put the work in
  21. I’m excited about Billings. Gun junior who struggled in the poor environment of the Saints. I reckon he might prosper with no expectation and with our superior program. No doubt his skills are excellent. just needs the right environment
  22. Brown will be on the injury list and playing the odd game for Casey. Petty is so injury prone we can’t rely on him to be tight regularly either. Hopefully Fullarton is good
  23. To be honest we were lucky to survive this period without being relegated or dissolved as would happen in other sports. I am very happy to support a quality successful club now
  24. fingers crossed you’re right. physically i think he’ll be fine just worried about him
  25. Don’t think we can expect anything from Clarry this year. I think he has a lot to work through. If he plays 5 games i’d be surprised
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