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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. not sticking up for the list exactly but i believe it is based on who is the top players for 2024. i.e who will be the best by end of season. so some guess work / predicting involved
  2. true it’s crazy hot minor correction - the first game is only 8 days later
  3. damn. having 10 missing is a terrible place to start the season kids will be getting games this year for sure
  4. ha! no my bad. i’m sensitive this week. dead set gutted about Gus agree with your post 👍🏻
  5. You lost me at “massive messaging headwinds” i get enough of that corporate BS talk at work
  6. Angus is a quality human and the fact he did not excuse Maynard or mention him in his letter speaks volumes for me Im still so angry I hope we [censored] then up this year. don’t care where we finish
  7. i feel like i’m going insane will anyone in the media call it out?? [censored]
  8. man i’m having a bitter text argument with an old high school mate pies supporter. wont admit any fault at all to maynard he’s getting both barrels
  9. true he didn’t get as many opportunities as he could have
  10. im dehydrated after reading that letter what a bloke
  11. he wanted to leave, what can you do? good teams lose players not in their best 22
  12. compensation from who? and for what? this sucks and it’s not fair but let’s not be crazy
  13. can i change my vote? think i’ll book a September holiday
  14. when was his last concussion? like 5 years ago? if so Maynard has ended his career and cost him millions and put his long term health in jeopardy with zero punishment im furious
  15. what does the worst one hit wonder mean anyway? are there good one hit wonders? there are 18 teams it’s pretty common to only win one. And i’m sure teams like the Saints in 09 ‘10 would love to be a one hit wonder
  16. now i’m REALLY [censored] [censored] at Maynard he hadnt had a concussion in over 5 years Love you Gus. must be so hard
  17. DubDee


    Look on the bright side folks - we have the chance to have 4 point in the bank before round 1 for the first time ever!
  18. Thurin for a big workout if you go there i reckon
  19. it’s not even a real pre season game can we relax??
  20. it’s a pretty sad list of captains really. only 5-6 quality leaders
  21. we have the best leadership we’ve had for decades. Max, Viney, Lever, Trac, Gus, May etc. And other teams…. Allen, Simpkin. ouch Surprised Danger is so high and think Sicily should be higher
  22. The team ahead at 6 Quarter time has literally never lost a game
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