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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. The Pies will out of the 8 at the end of round 7 so i’m happy
  2. what a game then no result just play 5 minutes more FFS
  3. Absolute turnover fest in perfect conditions DL would be in meltdown if one of these teams was us
  4. Wonder why McRae doesn’t rate Noble that highly. I reckon he is a great small defender but he’s been dropped a few times now hope the FD are keeping an eye on him
  5. Mackay has been average/decent and certainly worth the big money Goldy has probably been the best of them imo
  6. MOTY But why did Mackay run under the ball to provide the lift??
  7. Duursma, Gresham, mackay, Goldy terrific recruiting by the bombers 😂😂
  8. Game over. Bombers will lose by 45+
  9. yeah fair enough. still Petty will be lucky if selected I actually am not sure Stewart is a lock to play. The concussion looked a bad one and the game only 14 days after
  10. McRae game plan go down by 35 points get the players fired up get the crowd behind them win by 2 points
  11. Goody tries nothing like: Turner fwd Petty fwd Rivers mid Salem mid Brayshaw back T Mac back again Trying 1/2/3 tall fwds Playing first year kids like Windsor and Kolt I reckon Goody gets a bad rep for being stubborn and not trying stuff but he is getting a lot better in this area the last 2 years imo. Also game plan mixed up somewhat this season
  12. Petty’s stats: 7 clangers 3 free kicks against /0 for 0 contested marks The game previous: 2 kicks / 2 clangers we can’t carry this type of output against better teams
  13. Stewart would play on Turner or JVR in this scenario
  14. Need a moderator union unfair working conditions
  15. Shout out to Laurie. was great off the bench
  16. our pressure and defensive game is so much better with him in the team
  17. Fritsch is a fascinating player. maybe the most skilled kick i’ve seen for the demons could end up our 2nd highest goal kicker of all time most underrated player in the comp
  18. I’m Irish - we’ve had our own struggles - so i don’t know a lot about the ANZACs. but my kids are Aussies and i’ve been trying to educate them on the little i know. look back 50 years, 70 years. the world was so different. we are so lucky to live in a stable safe place. My love, sympathy and gratitude to you all that have suffered losses through war and protecting our country
  19. “if we play like this against the Cats…” that talk is nonsense each game is so different. Tigers tried to shut us down. Cats will back themselves I’ll back us all day against the pussycats
  20. why bring Brown back in? he has had 9 touches total and 1 goal from the past two games
  21. Gawn Lever Turner Rivers Langdon May
  22. Petty dropped for… (if we had an in form mid but we don’t. ) Fullarton let JVR concentrate on being a fwd
  23. Regulation 40 point win 😬 Great to have Turner break out
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