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Everything posted by dieter

  1. He died when he was fifty eight. I was shocked when I discovered this. I mentioned it to a friend who pointed out that until the advent of blood thinners and blood pressure medication, coupled with the fact most men smoked and that the basic Aussie diet was heart attack tucker, most men died before they reached 70, hence the retirement pension allocation of the number 65.
  2. Christian has a bad case of 'selective criteria'...
  3. It was not a bump. May stood his ground, braced himself for contact when the dumbass Brisbane player ran into him. A bump is when you move towards someone with the intention of connecting. May stood his ground....
  4. It's ok for a Hawhtorn player to gut punch then?????
  5. Also, play it at normal speed. 2 Brisbane boys offered token and very short-lived objections, no free kick awarded...
  6. Besides, he only defends Catholic Archbishops these days.
  7. Simon Goodwin does not agree with you, Jaded. Like him I do not understand the fuss...
  8. Surely Melbourne will appeal? Mumford bashed a bloke and got off. may stood his ground and protected himself. Christian is a friggin onanist.
  9. See Ross Lyon is already clutching at straws: claims his side was disadvantaged by only getting a 6 day break. Tsk tsk, Ross, so did a lot of other sides...
  10. Very sorry to hear about this. My condolences.
  11. P l e a s e . Play it at normal speed and the Brisbane player was watching the flight of the ball, did not see May standing directly in front of him and basically ran into May. Was May meant to tip toe out of the way? Remember he would have had a split second to decide to tip toe away and get branded a shirker or simply stand his ground. He did no more than brace himself for a collision caused by the lack of awareness of the Brisbane player. Had it been a road accident the Brisbane player would have copped a fine for taking his eyes off the traffic in front of him. It happened in front of umpires, commentators had no problem with it until it was replayed in slow motion. No free kick was awarded and only two Brisbane players made very belated attempts to tick May off. Like I say, p l e a s e, if you don't mind...
  12. Go easy, Jack watts isn't even German...
  13. I'd add , Dentists, Bouncers, Property Developers, Bank Officials, Crowd Controllers, especially the ones that confiscate food and water and other beverages, and probably most members of the Clergy.
  14. Do you promise? I'm starting to like that Ethan boy, despite his moustache. Anyway, any grandson of the mighty Ian Thorogood is good enough for me, though, it must be said, Ian did at one time defect to Carlton. Then again, so did the mighty Ronald dale...
  15. I'm reporting both of you to the moderators for turning this debate into an illicit drug fuelled wanton free for all. Damn it all, I got a demerit point this morning from the Grape - who obviously hates my guts - for writing something along the lines that Wars on anything, E.G. Drugs and Terror was a waste of time and lives. Apparently it was 'political'. Maybe I won't report you, just counsel you that the Grape will be onto you if you write anything 'political' about drugs. You can write about siring 25-30 children and putting 'evidence' out in the street, but that's okay apparently. Be warned.???✔??‍♀️
  16. When was the last time you was drug tested?
  17. Please allow us to drug test them first...
  18. There is a certain Gardiner player who, when Gardiner 'blended' with Ewing, told my brother - who is 67, won the bowling average for the seconds in this club's current incarnation, though he played more games in the first than the seconds - that he came in to face me on a hat-trick at Central Park in 1976. He told my brother I was the quickest bowler he has ever faced. True dinks. Another time, at Secondary school level, I was bowling to the captain of St Pats East melbourne who kept despatching my full tosses to the cover boundary. His big fat coach who stood at point rather than change over when a right hander was batting, called me for chucking. I knew I didn't throw the ball he called - I bowled big turning off-cutters - but I let the next ball go, it was short of a length - on the famous Rupertswood Ashes pitch - and it flew past his head. The wicket keeper pulled me aside at the end of the over and he said, When you bowled that bouncer the batsman turned to me and said, 'Fluck, I heard that whistle as it passed.' Then he said, " He also waltzed over to his coach - the square leg umpire - and told him not to call me again because he was bowling [censored] and they'll take him off."
  19. Time hath not blunted your wild erratic fancies... Sometimes I wish I could bowl a bouncer or two at you and regret I didn't get the opportunity when you were playing with PH Mitchell...
  20. From the expert on the effects of Ice - your own words - but I do wish they'd stop calling this absolutely pernicious and evil drug Ice...
  21. I had a suspicion you are a copper: the moustache gives you away.
  22. Not often that can happen. Is this happenchance??????
  23. Ah, the Biff, how much I've missed your misanthropic bulldust. Tell me, what do you know about Wagner?
  24. Dare I say it: well, someone had to? No, I didn't say that, it was meant in fun. I've spoken to Keilty during a break in a practice match when he was injured. He is a terrifically amiable young man and I wish him all the best. It would be great to see him asked to step and and see him perform well.
  25. I didn't watch any of it but it would seem that to be within 7 points with minutes to go with virtually half the side not playing - including such key personnel such as Gawn, Jetta, Viney, Hibberd, Melksham, May, Vandenberg, Hannan, Lewis, Jones and Lever - was a reasonable effort and I can't see the reason for concern. In an ideal side Keilty, the 2 Wagners, Maynard, JKH, Petty, Jordan, Sparrow wouldn't have been called on. I understand Keity, Petty and Chander showed good signs...
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