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Everything posted by dieter

  1. I can't stick with Sky news because my wife, my daughter and the neighbours complain about my language.
  2. I'm cornfused enough already. I get cornfused every time I listen to Bolt, Frydenberg and Scomeo; I go to Demonland and the gibberish continues.
  3. Just looked up teabagging. Oi weh, slanderers and bandicoots and filthy liars. I'm too scared to look up the meaning of snowball dropper. It can't be good...
  4. In Germany, dropping the snowball is a free kick. The rumour maybe true. The teabagger is, unfortunately: English Breakfast.
  5. Great post, Binman. I'm German, of course, and I don't blame her for spelling Oskar correctly. What kind of a dog, by the way? We have a Swiss White Shepherd. With you 100% about Oscar. I also loved Ray Biffin, Peter Giles and Gary Baker. I also throw in Henry Coles, Stephen Icke and Steven Smith, all great unsung heroes, and, Tony Sullivan...I could go on....
  6. Admittedly, it was a highlights 'package', but he took more one grab marks in 4 minutes than Melbourne took all bloody season.
  7. A. I didn't know I was invited. B. Should I bring my bathers?
  8. Yes, this ain't comparing apples with apples, the Strumpet is out there in Alpha Centauri and incomparable. Please recall, Scomo's first 'lockdown' included putting it off till his Hillsong crowd could gather, the same people who then spread the virus in SA, the same PM who slipped through the slippery slope of responsibility for the Ruby Princess fiasco by doing what he does best, defending the indefensible - I.E. that Dutton''s crowd WERE AND ARE responsible for so-called border security, and therefore caused most of the spread throughout Australia etc etc. I could go on, about the water scandals Angus Taylor is involved in, the sporty rorty affair, the spending of 30 million tax payer dollars in donations to a Liberal supporter who sold him a piece of land worth at the most 3 million, down to his Aged Care Minister's amnesia about Ministerial Responsibility. But, there you go, this is the age we live in, the age of Scomo bulls''t and double talk. We won't mention his tax donations to his favourite church. You know, Jaded, we could be here all night enumerating this man's total ineptitude and irresponsibility, even before we begin to mention his lies. But there you go,: you seem to think his rorts and lies are okay. This, I guess, is the great unknown of where 'Democracy' can lead us: I think, inevitably, into a labyrinth of self deceit and total, absolute nonsense. Scomo's handling of the bush fires, his total denial about the sports rorts, his total refutation of climate change will come back to bite us and our future generations for a very long time.
  9. Me thinks Dante lives in a place called cloud cuckoo. There are many like-minded individuals in this asylum: Bolt, Devine, Sheridan, Murdoch, Credlin, the opposition leader in Victoria, Dutton, Morrison, and more than 70 million members of the US species.
  10. More a far right troglodyte than an ageist, I would have thought.
  11. I've yet to hear or watch or listen to a Trump supporter who doesn't conform absolutely to your description: not one, sweetheart. Giuliani may not be uneducated but he is the epitome of white trash.
  12. Um, misogyny has nil to do with my hatred of this putrid woman: I'll remind you. Do you recall when the US and Nato raped Libya? It caused total mayhem afterwards due to refugee crises, and today Libya is a total basket case, where slavery has returned full scale. The rape of Libya was Hillary's baby. When the so-called 'rebels' - the very same mercenaries were sent to try and rape Syria- had murdered Gaddafi, this pig of a woman said, We came, we saw, Gaddafi died.
  13. Unfortunately, many Hispanics and Blacks voted Trump.
  14. You flatter him: he is not, nor was he ever a Politician. He is a swindler, a bullshi''er, a conman, a bully, a golf cheat, a mental midget, a serial sexual predator, an illiterate buffoon. and that's probably why so many yanks voted for him.
  15. Good points, Mr Mac. It looks more like we can at least say we have avoided another 4 years of the chief lunatic running the asylum. I loathe Joe Biden and everything he stands for. IF the Democrats had any guts or brains - which I doubt - we'd have a president who actually was articulate and had some policies. Sanders would have been a much better choice.
  16. Trump is obviously mentally disturbed: he rants and raves like a spoilt child who wants to bully everyone in the kindergarten. That he is taken seriously enough to gain the millions of votes he has gained tells me the US is a similar entity. In the meantime, It occurred to me that surely there are people in the US who can step in and take the man to the asylum/gaol where he belongs, along the lines of The Caine Mutiny. Trump is a caricature of Captain Queeg, though much more demented.
  17. IT sounds as demented as the the rantings of a man called Donald.
  18. Lovely stuff. One small factual horror: Barassi was not captain in 1965: he had been seduced to coach Carlton.
  19. I agree entirely: I didn't want to turn it into a history lesson.
  20. You will never know how much I despise Biden, the same way I thoroughly despise Hilary. They are/were both pig ignorant privileged war mongers. I ain't black and white, Macca, I think for myself.
  21. You mean, how full of scheissen is Trump, surely?
  22. I have no US team. If you consider the Democrats The Left, well, you got some serious thinking to do. Also, I have been more critical of the Democrats in my life than the so-called Republicans. Why? Because the D's are the biggest B/shieters of all. And the left? They lost their souls before they were even formed. Bye Macca. Nice knowing ya.
  23. I taut dis was quite civilised for a while. Enter the H word, I'm outta her baby. have a good life.
  24. You know, I hope like hell that Biden wins. But I am under no illusion that the US will change; in fact, I believe the fractures are so deep that it will self-implode. And, I can't help it, I believe it's what they deserve for trying to bulldust the world for so long.
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