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Everything posted by dieter
Sounds like you've also been watching too much Hollywood. Well, it's not surprising, that's where most of America and Australia gets its knowledge of history from. And, ahem, Dante, who is standing up for the Reich? You sound like the same bully boys who assumed a lot of things about me because I'm German. In the end, they may have won the fisticuffs that followed - it was always me against at least 15 - but not one of them ever came within a centimeter of the truth.
In an ideal world a bomb planted by - ah well, let's face it, it will inevitably be a false flag operation, in other words some Muslim stooge will take the blame - a white supremacist who is convinced Agent Orange won't kill enough Mexicans, Muslims and Blacks and the lot of them die long agonizing deaths. Hopefully the Clintons get taken out simultaneously. If you think what I've written is cruel, just remember that this is the American way.
You bin watching too many hollywood movies, playing too many war games, Dante. Whatever happened to your interest in literature, Aleghieri? You had a find mind once.
Actually, the Germans regarded yankee soldiers the same way the so-called allies regarded italian soldiers. My father who was conscripted in February 1941 when he turned 17 said to me once that Germans always fancied their chances when they fought yankees. That was when the playing field was relatively even, in other words when they still had ammunition and petrol.
No but my wife's cousin works for Asio so watch out.
They were petrified because they were twelve years old, had no guns and ammunition and most of them were still virgins.
A friend of mine calls him Agent Orange.
No doubt he was an exception. There is slim evidence that exceptions exist. I'll consider it. In the meantime, I suggest you get a bed that has no floor space beneath it. It's much safer. Also, buy a gun and have it at the ready in case someone TRIES to sneak under the non-existent space beneath the bed. Some Americans and Christians are so friggin thick they'd still try. Just shoot the idiots. Now remember, you'll need the gun because all americans and christians carry guns, all of them. They claim it's to protect themselves from deranged lunatics. Between you and me, DC, we know who the real lunatics are, don't we?
I don't have one to spare: I'm using mine to protect myself from the biggest Terrorist organisation the world has known, namely the USA.
...9/11 which was engineered by the Neo Cons and Israel.
Lunatics galore. Just watch this Bro, promise me.
Sorry,I didn't mean to 'paint you into a corner'. I guess I was trying to say that the terrorist stuff is orchestrated to make it seem that Muslims are the threat they really aren't. I agree entirely that one cannot argue with a bigot: it's a waste of time and energy. When you think about it, the whole issue is a semi-tragic farce. It was brought to a head by the Twin Towers catastrophe where allegedly some Saudi Arabian jerkoff playboys who couldn't even land a Cessna hijacked some planes and flew them into various buildings. Apparently Rumsfelt said ten minutes after it happened that this was the USA's chance to now bomb Iraq into oblivion. Instead they started a war in Afghanistan which is ongoing, which as recently as a week ago, some gung ho clown demanded yet another escalation thereof. They then went, on the basis of a fatuous and contemptible lie, to destroy a country created by Sykes/Picquot called Iraq.The Neo-Con agenda - all of which is documented in emails and leaked correspondence - of forcing regime change in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and ultimately Iran followed and is continuing. An ex USA bomber Pilot who saw the light recently wrote that it occurred to him one day that you cannot continuously bomb the bejesus out of people without these same people one day saying, F you, I've had enough. In the meantime, though we are part of this whole regime of terror and destruction, idiots like Lambie and Hanson and the Abbotts and Howards live in fear of what has yet to happen, that is a 'Genuine' act of reprisal by the victims of the atrocities we have committed. Yes, we, white man, we are part of that coalition. In the meantime there is astounding evidence that many of the so-called terrorist attacks are in fact false flag operations. I know, the right wing lunatics who feel its their right and obligation to bomb the crap out of countries will call me a 'conspiracy theorist'. Yep, I am one, I admit. And, to finish, I will point you in the direction of why I am one. Number one. Just google 9/11, Building 7. Number 2. Just google the Pentagon Plane hit. Number 3. Just consider in the cold light of day how a CIA goon was able to find in the red hot molten rubble of the twin towers the intact passport of the so-called leader and pilot of one of the planes. Once you have done this and you still believe the official story about 9/11 you are either brainwashed or stupid or so totally bigoted that you can't see the forest for the trees. Why is 9/11 relevant to all this? Simply because all the mindless and bigoted and racist paranoia we've seen on this site stem from this treacherous act. An act performed, just ask the Biffins and Pro Dees of the world, by MUSLIMS. All the stupid and mind-numbing contradictions in their stance and the basis of their paranoid fears go back to this act of treachery. I put it to you, Macca, we are being led way towards the cliff by pied pipers who are evil bulldusters.
Biff, don't you understand that your reaction to Muslims is a form of TOTALItARIANISM? Your take on them Muslims is about as sane and rational as Hitler's version of the Jews. In fact, I regard all this anti Muslim propaganda as the new Anti Semitism. ( The irony being, of course, that most likely the Ashkenasi Jews are not Semites anyway.)
Can you please nominate one act of muslim terrorism committed in Australia? I can nominate a thousand acts of terrorism committed by the USA and Australia and Britain, the so-called coalition of the willing - against Muslims though. You have more chance of being bittten by a shark than being killed by a Muslim in this country. Or, if you are a woman, being murdered or bashed by your white trash christian husband or boyfriend.
Now you're talking.
The Sunnis and the Shia got along fine under Ottoman rule and for 14 hundred years before that. So did Muslims and Christians and Jews in Muslim countries. Witness the Jewish populations in Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Syria etc etc. As usual, fanatical and misinformed haters like you have total amnesia about the origins of religious wars in the Middle east, namely the Sykes/Picquot agreement. But that's okay. You sound like a brainwashed foot soldier to me, someone who believes anything that consolidates your prejudices. You might like to treat yourself to a frontal lobotomy if you want to start behaving like a decent human being. And, please, PD, why the name calling? It's so unbecoming of such an obviously fine gentleman.
I don't understand the question. My question is - as per Nutbean's post - just who is advocating strict adherence to so-called sharia law? Lunatics like Hanson and Lambie rave on about it, but just who in Australia advocates it?
Good point. So, who is advocating return to strict sharia law?
That's a great critique of why you hate anything to do with the Muslim faith. Just for the record, there are as many examples of not very nice things, shall we say, in the old testament, and, if you really want to have your sensibilities singed and are strong of stomach read the Torah and the Talmud. If you would like a definition of Sharia law, you may be interested in watching this: https://www.facebook.com/alikadribrisbane/videos/1341037999294413/
As they say in the classics, my dear boy, do you have the faintest idea what the term 'sharia law means'? Hopefully you're not just going to regurgitate the ignorant garbage that spews forth from Hanson and Lambie. So, please, enlighten us, What exactly is Sharia Law?
Sounds like fun to me.
Wrecker, what did you say? All religions have 'traditional geographic locations'? What does that mean? That all christians and jews and muslims ought to go back to the middle east?
Ah, Twitter, after Howard, Abbottoir and Turnbulldust give me Jacqui's notion of Sharia law any day, baby.
Let's face it, it's good to have an opinion in the kitchen based on, shall we say, traditional virtues? Where can traditional virtue be found these days? These days so-called feminists don't even know how to boil a spud, let alone plug in a toaster. As the preacher said in Ecclesiastes, all is vanity and a striving after wind. There is nothing new under the sun. In other words, feminists have been around since time inmanmorial.