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Posts posted by KingDingAling

  1. Where to start, where to stop!

    We are blessed with the best quarter back in the game (Christian Salem). Tonight we chose not to use him in that role. It was back to being an ineffective team. We have too much ineffective runners in Hibberd and Hunt (who wasn't too bad). The fact that May came in meant less ball in the hands of a real user (Salem). I think we play in a year where the ball needs to be in the hands of a real user of the ball, and set up from the backline. Really disheartening tonight, not a lot to like, no real structure. The boys tried hard, many did well, but they are running around chasing kicks without no real disciplined game play or structure. Reminds me of when I played under 11's.

  2. I think the problem is both mental and physical. Mentally Petracca is trying 'too hard', and he is playing outside of himself. He wants to have a real impact - you can see that. The kid tries his heart out. Physically, as has been mentioned on this site all pre-season, Petracca is carrying too much weight. Everyone outside of our fitness department can see that, and its obviously having an effect on Petracca's game. The solution: Lose weight, build endurance, and run full time on the ball. Put down the basketball and start training for distance. I am still very impressed with Petracca, he is just not being served well by our fitness department.

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  3. I felt sorry for Max Gawn. He was getting smashed up from pillar to post, and not one of his teammates flew the flag. Thankfully May comes back in this week, a side with Steven May in it wouldn't side by idly and watch Gawn get battered. I know a side with Jake Lever in it sure as hell wouldn't either - as that kid has serious hands (players know it). Look forward to getting Lever back. After last week I'd say Jack Viney's reputation took a slight dent. As a player most others consider to be hard and play on the edge, he sat by and did nothing whilst Gawn got hit contest after contest, and often by slight on players who were doing it just because they could see others were getting away with it. 

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  4. We looked slow, were beaten in close by youngsters, killed on the spread, didn't have a plan B for Gawn. Today was a bad day. On the upside, we have May coming back in and Lever also at some point. It's hard to really say what we need. Salem was an absolute standout today and I thought Spargo tried hard with his constant pressure.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Damo said:

    Amazingly big call by Jon Ralph who isnt normally as outlandish as most. He also said Hoges has been seen out more than Elvis over summer.

    Really worried about Jesse Hogan now. Hope it is being exaggerated.

    Even if he has been seen out more than Elvis? So what. If Jesse Hogan has anxiety then it is possible he is using substances to relieve any symptoms in the short term - because he may not have been aware of anxiety as something affecting him. Now he is aware, Fremantle will ensure Hogan is treated effectively, and not with alleged substances like drugs and alcohol. 

  6. In all likelihood Hogan has been playing with anxiety for quite some time. If Fremantle can get on top of this and get Hogan treated sucessfully - then they will see a player who reaches his full potential. If that were to be the case, then Jesse Hogan's best football is most definitely in front of him. I admire any AFL football player who even walks the field with clinical anxiety. Good luck to Jesse. Welcome back to the great MFC anytime.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Wiseblood said:

    No surprise to see the Tigers get on top here.  If you're watching it carefully, the mistakes are coming from the depth players who are being given a run today.  It also means that our work from the kick outs, and even the run from defence, isn't working how we'd like.  

    That's what JLT is for, though. 

    Spot on.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Goffer said:

    I’ve no doubt Jack was up to similar hi jinks when he was with us but it seems Port have something of a culture problem right now. You’ve the Jack Watts stories, Sam Powell-Peper and his two highly publicised incidents, and there are rumours on their board that Dixon came back out of shape and Rockliff is having attitude problems. Would not be one bit surprised to see them drop sharply down the ladder this season 

    Rockliff could have attitude problems because of Port's culture? I wouldn't be so quick to judge him. When he was at Brisbane he was clearly frustrated, and the fact they got Fagan in to clean up their mess suggests there was a problem. I'd be willing to cut Rockliff some slack. He isn't he easiest bloke to like but maybe he expects more from others. That probably isn't a bad thing. 

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  9. Petracca is going to be vital for us next year. Weideman is largely unproven, and whilst he does look the goods - we can't 100% bank on it. Petracca is a good fall back option for us in the forward line. He has the tools to be a power forward. Hopefully we don't need to rely on him to be a one out power forward, but if need be, I think he could do that role very well. He is very strong. I have seen nothing to suggest he will be a full time - or even part time - midfielder, but he could play a vital role for us in the forward line next year. Whilst we didn't draft Trac to solely be a forward, it may turn out that he could be more beneficial for us to play forward - than he'd be as a mid. 

  10. Jason Taylor just has an exceptional eye for talent. Few have it and most don't. We see what Jason Taylor can do with second, third and fourth round picks, lets hope the club stops giving away first round charities and Jason Taylor gets a few more opportunities with some first round selections. Fritsch and Spargo last year is an amazing haul. Both could improve and be seriously elite players - especially Fritsch. I'd rate Fritsch as a top 5 pick if that draft was re-run again.

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  11. 19 minutes ago, goodwindees said:

    This is an interesting selection.  I can tell you that Hawthorn classified him as Not Draft Quality.  This is the label they attach to all players they believe are not worthy of Draft consideration. 

    I also looked at a lot of Phantom Drafters and I don’t recall seeing anyone nominate him in a Top 50.

    Let’s hope Jason Taylor proves them all wrong. 

    We must have got wind of another club taking him. Otherwise there is no reason he wouldn't have lasted until the rookie draft. He barely rates a mention anywhere. Jason Taylor does have a good eye. He needs to at this club, we don't leave him with much.

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  12. 38 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    Going to be a struggle for some to spell his name correctly!

    I love a country kid with a pure kick. From Jason Taylor's comments I'm not sure he's really targeted for any particular position, maybe more of a gamble on some skills and athleticism. 

    20th December, would have to be closest to youngest player in the draft. 

    Another club must have been looking at him if we taken him so early in the draft. 

  13. 2 hours ago, faultydet said:

    Remember that the gun player you wish for Taylor to pick up, needs to actually be available at that pick.

    Granted, he has been amazing with his choices thus far, but we still rely on other recruiters missing the mark.

    That is true. But if this draft is deep, and granted there are many key position players early on - Taylor could have a quality mid in store at 23 and 28. Who knows? But he is in the position to do so now. Our needs are met. Taylor can afford to waste a couple picks on footballers who get passed up. If the draft is deep, I am thinking Sloane, Parker and Beams type players. Well built footballers who could immediately make an impact. 

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