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Posts posted by KingDingAling

  1. 1 hour ago, ArtificialWisdom said:

    Jones is the other one. He has spent more time in the middle over the past month and it has coincided with Brayshaws fall. 

    Brayshaw was averaging 28 touches a game in the first 6 weeks, he was moved out to the wing and that's crashed down to 19. I know disposals aren't everything but Brayshaws is an accumulator, that's what he is best at and they've taken that off him. 

    I'd trial Jones or Viney as a defensive forward. Gives Brayshaw more pure midfield minutes. Even Oliver could benefit with some time forward, especially when he cops a heavy tag.

    We need to find alternative options for the likes of Oliver, Viney, Jones and Brayshaw, 4 players that can all only play in one position

    No. We just need to run Brayshaw into the ground as a midfielder. Dont care what we do with Viney. Oliver and Jones are effective resting forward. But how we are playing Brayshaw on the wing at present just shows a lack of understanding of basic footy. He is too slow to play wing, and he does not have the precision. Not only is it a waste but we need to be utilizing our wings with pace, as we have a slow midfield unit as it is. Putting Brayshaw on the wing just compounds that.

  2. Panics in tight, handballs it off to blokes already in danger, doesn't look ahead of the contest, hacks it on the boot, fumbles. Plenty of potential there, and does have some points on the board after two really good seasons. But he is a bit down this year. He isn't improving at a rate I - and I'm sure many - were expecting him to.

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  3. What if we held firm and demanded pick 5 off of Freo, and drafted Rozzee.

    What if we didn't sell the farm for Lever.

    What if Oliver didn't sh*t himself everytime he had the ball in close and dished it off like a hot spud.

    What if Petracca wasn't scared to take the game on.

    What if Brayshaw didn't turn the ball over so much and had penetration in his kick.

    What if we had two Christian Salem's.

    What if we didn't overrate Tom McDonald as a forward. He isn't a forward's a-hole.

    What if Gawn was an effective tap ruckman.

    What if Goodwin could coach.

    What if we dropped Lewis back to the VFL - where he belongs.

    What if Hibberd went with him.

    What if we had of kept Bernie Vince.

    What if.

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  4. 35 minutes ago, junk said:

    If Freeman has overcome his hamstring problems, he would be a good buy. Otherwise I would go for Adam Tipungwati , just a gut feeling.

    Freeman might be worth looking at. He is injury prone but if we give nothing then he'd be worth a gamble. We need pace and game breakers.

  5. Big NO for Patton. Not interested at all. We should have learnt our lesson with Lever - don't trade for players with an ACL history. Not rocket science. Even Petracca is a shadow of the player he would've been. ACL's are no joke. They really affect an individual. Hopefully the football department take a few deep breaths next time, count to 10, then halve what they want to give for a player. This football department has set this club back a long way.

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  6. 2 hours ago, rjay said:

    Looks like they managed his game time (72%) and he also spent some time back.

    I think his job is done at the club, it's time to put the cue in the rack.

    Salem is going to have to take the organising/leadership role down back and share it with Lever whenever he gets on the park...

    As for Spargo, as I said last week his problem is not when he has the ball in hand (apart from a massive clanger this week), it's that he doesn't get it enough and he provides zero defensive pressure.

    ...the opposition just disregard him when they have the ball, they know he can't do any damage even if he chased and could catch them. They just brush him aside.

    Salem is a weapon down back. I'd like to see him take full ownership over the delivery out of the backline and push to get the ball as much as he can. Needs to be more consistent, but he could play a quarter back role down back. A real game changer. Lever and May back (eventually) will help us a lot. Lewis isn't the answer down back. Its time Salem taken over and stamped himself as a general.

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  7. We have no mids with pace. We have no mids who kick efficiently and with precision. Harmes is probably our best midfielder if you ignore the stats and look at actual impact. 

    Our backline is terrible. Our forward line is just below terrible. The game has changed and the open space has caught our lack of skill out. We are in for a long long year. We will likely be 0-4 after next week.

  8. Petracca is a gun. He can and probably still will be a better player than DeGoey. Don't forget Trac missed his first full year with an ACL. That is less time to develop his tank, and he is still developing his tank. He is a full time midfielder. When that happens we will see the obvious - that Petracca is a superstar. I wouldn't trade Petracca for pick 1 in the next upcoming draft and many on here want to sell him off for a bag of chips and a pie. 

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Petraccattack said:

    How to stop cyber bullying   -  don't use social media.

    Wheres my Nobel peace prize


    Before they hand you a Nobel peace prize, dare I suggest onlines users - use the block or ignore function? Or would that be called 'victim blaming' in this day and age? Deadset. MFC supporting a cause that could be largely prevented by just using basic common sense. Ironic that MFC supports a cause that could be prevented by using basic common sense, because we are 0-2 and its largely because we haven't used our basic common sense. Stupid campaign, waste of time and virtue signaling. Poor form MFC.

  10. Oliver is a potentially great kick. I say 'potentially' because we never really see him kick effectively - he just long bombs. Its pretty pointless, not to mention lazy. Oliver should be held to higher standards than others. He needs to find the balance between when to handball, and when to hold onto the footy, find space and execute effectively. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, scarlett said:

    Keilty has been playing forward ruck and has been showing enough to be ahead of what pruess showed in jlt. 

    Agree completely with leaving t-mac forward, but the effective disposal is also to blame on our key forwards and coaches, they need to make space for each other and charge out and demand the kicker to attempt the kick. Jogging around the forward 50 all flying in the same pack didnt work last year and isnt going to work this year. Which brings my next question, t-mac started well both games leading and taking marks all over the ground, but ran out of gas pretty quick and reverted to wanting it bombed on his head, he was always in the top group in pre season time trials, has his toe taken away his ability to get the miles in taking away one of his top strengths?

    Pruess in, would weaken our forward pressure way to much, its poor now. he struggled running out a half in jlt 1, Keilty offered more up forward and competed in the ruck, while smashing pruess around the ground. It would also keep at least 2 kpp playing as forwards stopping the opposition backman outnumbering our talls.

    Good observations scarlett.

  12. 23 minutes ago, WERRIDEE said:

    I heard that May is out for a week or 2 so T.McDonald to go down back and Keilty to go forward. Hunt out for J.Wagner as well. Had enough of Hunt he's finished at Melbourne.

    Hunt isn't finished at Melbourne. We need his run. We need his run out of our backline, as he was good last week at times. Why did he look so ordinary tonight (among many?). Because we had no structure or game plan running the ball out of our backline. When Hunt looks good its when he has space. How do we get him space? Get the ball in the hands of Salem who can find him space. Tonight Salem locked down Ablett early and we had rushed players like Hibberd and rusty players like May kicking out. So you say Hunt is finished at Melbourne, but take him out and we still lack run, and its not Jayden Hunt's fault that he isn't getting that space.

    So you want to move Keilty up forward? Based on what? Its speculative and desperate. Tom McDonald has actually shown something up forward. Keep him there. He isn't our problem. Our problem is our lack of effective disposal inside forward 50. If Tom McDonald had clean disposal coming into him he'd be kicking straight and there would be no problem. MFC have a big problem, but it isn't our players, its our coaching and their lack of structure and planning. We have have the best ruck in the game, the cleanest first touch mid in the game - Oliver - yet we are still hacking it inside forward 50. So something is either going wrong from Gawn to Oliver, or Oliver to forward 50, and if that is no Oliver substitute that for Brayshaw. These guys hack the football when they need to be working as a unit to dispose the ball effectively into our forward 50.

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  13. 1 hour ago, At the break of Gawn said:

    Goody shouldn't have listened to the media hype about Weid after the first 2 finals - he's no where near Hogan. Should have risked not trading Hogan and hoped he would have changed his mind and not lose him as a FA. 

    You think Hogan wanted to wait around for effective ball use inside our 50? This club has been bombing the ball inside forward 50 since Jamar/Moloney, and nothing appears to be changing in a hurry. I'd have Jones no where near the ball drop, Brayshaw and Oliver are not much better (unless they were to handball to a receiver).. There isn't a real effective plan out of the middle. It would be a long term option, but something I would consider exploring would be to have Salem rotating with Fritsch in the midfield, and have them play as a link man - on the receiving end of a handball from Oliver or Brayshaw. The aim of the game is to kick goals, the best way to do that is to move the ball out of the middle and cleanly into our forward line - giving our forwards the best opportunity to kick goals. Our club has the greatest capacity to do this. But instead we play a sloppy country football reserves style of play - with absolutely no organisation. 

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