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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. Also, can Petracca start nailing his shots on goal. Some of his pings are so hollywood and unrealistic. Needs to be more team focussed or actually work on his accuracy
  2. Glad we agree on ANB, but Petty is a taco. One of the sloppiest footballers I’ve seen since Oscar McDonald debuted. I’d be concerned if we are relying on him developing
  3. Having watched the replay after seeing the game live, a few of my casual observations:- — Hunt, while his disposal is still a concern, was best used as a forward. In fact he was the best of the small forwards we trialled today. He is ahead of spargo in that position at the moment in my view. - We were trialling players in numerous positions all day, while Brisbane played to their structure and their set up remained consistent - our kicking inside 50 is a concern still. We must lead at the ball and lower the eyes. Too many bombs to the ‘hot spot’, despite being outnumbered ahead of the ball. - ANB is a complete scrubber and shirks contests but loves cheap goals from inside 15metres - Oliver had the fumbles. He wasn’t on his Pat Malone. - Joel Smith offers plenty. Versatile and has a go. - Billy Stretch offers nothing at the moment. Extremely disappointing. - the new rules have actually hurt our game plan. We relied on guys coming off the back of the square to create contested ball. Our strength has been impeded by the new rules.
  4. Feet never left the ground. That kid had absolutely no awareness. The ball was still within 5 metres. Initial contact was to the chest, it may have clipped his chin. Injury report should be favourable. Next case
  5. WHY hasn’t Baker been given a run this JLT series? Anyone’s update is on that? Strange not to experiment with Gawn and Preuss in tandem again. Given that McDonald was woeful up forward last week. I would have liked to see the twin towers in together. A little confused, but it’s all about rd 1 I spose.
  6. I'm more concerned by the bias umpiring in Q4 of the MEL v North game. It was bltantly obvious that the two teams were subject to different rules and that the AFL have a bit riding on North Women's team being winners. They will be hoping North host the final, which they'll put on in Tasmania. It was a farce and when that deliberate out of bounds was paid, if it wasn't already obvious from the free kick for in the back, it was apparent that the fix was in.
  7. I'd have him in the best 22. He is dangerous and scares the shhit out of the opposition. The other advantage is that he can kick. A lock for me.
  8. what's the score? We looked very scratchy before the cable was cut.
  9. It was during the rebuild of the GABBA stands. You can clearly see the old stands half demolished and the scaffolding. Why would they photoshop the crowd?
  10. Back in the heartland...half the people that show up will be wearing St Kilda jumpers. Hopefully they do a similar night somewhere in the region where the majority of MFC supporters live. They did an open night training at Toorak Park a few season's ago. It was very well attended.
  11. Seen it. It’s a shocking look. Similar to the Mumford video, but the fact he is doing it off a girls breasts makes it a shocking look. It’s almost career ending stuff
  12. Yep and a a lot of white powder on said breasts at Oktoberfest. It’s outrageous.
  13. Forward line is a concern for me. If Tom McDonald isn’t right, I guess Preuss will be the tall target deep. A little concerned about McDonald as he seems to be having trouble with his big toe again. Go see Petraccas Instagram to see what I am talking about. I think we will improve if guys like Spargo the Weed can take their game to the next level. Getting Hannan going and consistently contributing will improve the functionality of the forward line. We were better upnforward without Hogan, so it doesn’t bother me that he has gone. It will be an interesting start to the year to see how we shape up.
  14. Some pretty ordinary photos doing the rounds of social media showing Jesse’s off-season ‘training’. It should be pretty clear to all why we weren’t desperate to keep him. he is a kid who is entitled to a good time, but there is a enough evidence out there for people to paint a picture of why the MFC decided to move on Hogan.
  15. On the issue of MFC/MCC memberships, I have often wondered why the MCC don’t do a better deal for us. For example, my wife is not an MCC member but buys an MFC membership but elects to buy a MCC guest ticket every week. I’d love to see the MCC introduce a permanent MFC supporter guest pass that gave access to MFC games and access to the MCC reserve. The problem is , Eddie would get his knickers in a bunch and stop it. The MFC is a sporting section of the MCC though. It should be a non-issue. Obviously these memberships would not give access to category A games like QB or anzac eve, but could be a huge revenue raiser for MFC and MCC. I remember talking to Jimmy Stynes at a Youth Summit when he first took over as Pres. he and Schwabb has identified that the separation of supporters was a key problem. I understand tht not all MFC supporters want to sit in the MCC, but a large majority do or have friends sitting in the Reserve who they’d like to sit with. Back in the 80s and MFC membership allowed you to sit in the MCC section. When that was taken away, our supporter groups were divided. So set up a 600 dollar MFC/MCC membership tht gives MFC fans access to the reserve for non Category A games. At least it adds money to both club’s pockets and might prompt some to take up MFC membership. Especially those with kids under 16 who aren’t MCC members yet and pay guest pass fees weekly.
  16. that Sparow kid has some serious size to him. His biceps are bigger than a few 3rd year players.
  17. I’ll ask again, are we making this pick 26 tonight or can I go to bed? This is the the most drawn out shite I’ve ever been subjected to.
  18. Chris Dawes wore them in a night game a few season's ago. I think we won. I remember Mitch Clark wore them too.
  19. 100%. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the current jumper. If anything, the V could be deeper, but that's about it. That example of the Robbie Flower jumper above is completely inaccurate of what MFC jumpers looked liked at the time. You only need to look at the guy behind flower to see that the V was not wide and under the armpit at all. Refer to this image for accurate representation. The only reason that it looks like that is because of the construction of the longsleeve jumper and wool being the fabric. See here: https://www.google.com.au/search?q=robbie+flower&rlz=1C1GGRV_enAU753AU753&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiv2v2X0sPeAhUBO48KHd-GBusQ_AUIDigB&biw=1156&bih=839#imgrc=JwONnpB7oiKZxM:
  20. Thus creating a compromised fixture that disadvantages, seriously disadvantages, 2 sides in the competition more heavily than any other. It also dilutes the ANZAC eve game. You won't see best teams playing. so what the hell is the point.
  21. In other words, Ed will hijack the day and make it all about the good work Collingwood do in the community?
  22. The NT games HAVE TO GO next season. Especially if the AFL is drawing us to playing WA and SA sides there continually. They get more support than we do and it's a climate that suits the West Aussies far more than us. It is literally diluting any home ground advantage. Times up on this. When the membership swells this year, surely we must look at ridding ourselves of this silly alliance.
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