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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. Good call. I'd forgotten him. Time to get the youth involved. What is James Jordan up to? Is he a chance to play a few games before the end of the season? I know he had an interrupted pre-season.
  2. Is Maynard the obvious replacement at this stage? He is the only one I can think of. I think Tracc should move to the midfield, along with Melksham, for the next couple of weeks.
  3. Rowell with pick 1 if that’s where we end up. He is ready to play AFL next year, could have played this year, and has serious pace. Pick 1 should go toward drafting this bloke
  4. IF you get rid of depth players, you have to replace them with something better in order for the side to improve. We haven’t done that. That is my point. Our strength last year was the fact we could cover injuries, we are now bag to shuffling guys in from VFL who are not in any form, have no AFL ability and we are devoid of any real depth. Too many list changes that haven’t done anything to improve the list.
  5. Wouldn’t you be? Look at what Goodwin has destroyed in two years. He sacked off Watts, who Roos had got the best out of. He sacked off Hogan, who was known as Roos’ pet. He got rid of all our depth in favour of C.Wagner, Lockhart, a few late picks. lets look at the players that we had contributions from over the 2017/2018 seasons and look who has departed:- hogan watts kent tyson bugg pederson vince look at those names. All made contributions over that period. I said at the start of the year tht I was concerned with the 7 list changes we made in the off season. It’s too many and we have not bought any real talent into the side. No wonder we have gone backwards. Roos and PJ made a massive contribution to restoring a club culture, that seems to have eroded in the space of 5 months. Welcome to ground zero. Again!
  6. It’s hard to hit a target inside 50 when no one leads at the ball carrier. They all run back towards goal demanding the footy. It calls against the basics of this game. It’s a new trend and the 666 rule has taken footy back to a traditional style, you must lead at the ball inside fifty. If we don’t improve this, we do not win another game this year
  7. We also need to look at why we through the side around every minute of every quarter. I don’t think more than 6 players actually played in the one spot all night. At one point, Huntbwas playing out of the goal square. Players are thrown all over the place. The first quarter structure showed potential and then we threw it all around. Went defensive. Why? I’m fknnn fed up.
  8. Let’s talk about the MFC lovechild Viney, who cannot hit a target, who attempts to break every tackle, despite not having the strength to bust through, who handballs at his teammates feet, who is just a fknnn good average player.
  9. If you want to spew up , watch Goodwins presser. He is positive and thinks we are moving in the right direction
  10. Preuss had a jab to get through the St Kilda game. I would say the short break has meant he was not ready to go again. They are looking at the following week. Although, this is Melbourne, he could be 4-6 by the end of this evening
  11. I hate to say it, but Smith has never demonstrated AFL qualities to me. I thought Keilty was ahead of him at Casey. Can anyone elaborate on what Smith has done in the 2s this year?
  12. The axe has been swung. Thank god. Shame Preuss is injured. From memory Tim Smith played last Anzac eve before injuring a shoulder. Let’s see how he goes.
  13. JUST watched On The Couch and Roosy and Lyon reiterated a little of the above, but also said tht we commit to the footy too much. As in, we have too many players going to the ball carrier, which allows sides to get free numbers on the outside. It’s pretty accurate. That, coupled with a lack of leg speed and poor i50s makes us the worst side in the comp right now.
  14. Drove past Gosch’s Paddock about an hour ago. We must have been training as there were a number of support staff packing up the oval, although the players were not training. I did see Mitch Hannan doing 1 on 1 work with a coach. Marking drills. Obviously after the main session finished. I hope this means he is progressing well and we see him soon.
  15. SO you want leg speed but your potential trades include 3 guys with genuine leg speed. I’m confused.
  16. Paul Roos must be shaking his head privately. Goodwin has effectively hijacked his team, ousted genuine talent in Hogan and Watts. Threw out the defensive structures that Roos instilled and has us back to where we were 4 years ago. It’s simply not good enough. Goodwin is so robotic in his press conferences and seems too stubborn to adapt his game style. Why we signed him for 4 years Ian beyond me. Had one good year.
  17. What’s your point? Was Lou Richards playing as a lead up forward target?
  18. How was Ray when he suddenly became the controlling umpire and paid advantage after the umpire in control had called for play to stop. Again, Ray wasn’t having any of it. In he came. Calling advantage while all our players stopped. Saints run into open goal
  19. On a side note, what the hell is with Razor Ray and his stupid pep talks after paying free kicks to our players.?? Anyone else notice this? The most memorable was when Viney won a free for holding the ball and he was trying to get up and get the footy back off his opponent who wouldn’t release it so he scrapped with him, it should have been a fifty, but no, Ray comes in and stops the game, buys the St Kilda defenders some time, and has a chat with Viney. He is a [censored]. He did the same to Frost.
  20. Yes yes yes. 100 ? times yes. I was irate watching it. No. 15 for ST Lilda feasted on the the wing with his pace and we were stuck with two plodders who are past their prime. Horrendous coaching
  21. Why are there people here who defend spargo? He is hopeless. Why does he make himself a leading target constantly ? He is 4 foot nothing and consistently leads upnthe ground and demands the footy. Who do you think you are? Has he been instructed to do this? If so, what a fundamental f. Up by the coaches. He is never going to win a mrking contest. Then, when we need him crumbing inside 50, he is never there! So he can have all the pace in the world, but right now he serves no purpose in the side.
  22. The season is a complete write-off. Why anyone bothers worrying about what we should change is beyond me. Nothing can fix this mess. We overrated our list. Moved on all our depth and we replaced it with what??? Last night was proof of that. Didn’t rate Kent and he tore us a new one. We desperately lack a small crumbing forward and they took ours. It’s a joke.
  23. Simon Goodwin has NFI. Why he played Jones and Lewis on the Wings for the entire 3rd quarter is beyond me. They are simply too slow for that role. Wingman are a big part of the game again and these two are well past it. Lewis was pathetic tonight. Also, why is Spargo constantly used as a lead up forward? He is 5 foot nothing. He wouldn’t out mark a garden gnome. Yet, we consistently go to him as the ? on a lead
  24. This comment is so accurate. Go back and look at the way we lined up each quarter. In the 3rd we played Jones and Lewis on the wings and we were completely smashed because of it. That’s Goodwin . Not the players. Pisssss off Simon. Get ya head out of ya assss
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