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Everything posted by Leoncelli_36

  1. Shame Adem's children are avid Hawks fans
  2. Lyon was around for 5 minutes while Jimmy was sick. Don't distort the truth.
  3. Hawthorn had Derm and Dunstall running the place when Clarko came on board. That is what distinguishes them. We have barely any Melbourne people involved with the club anymore. Helps with the connection to the club.
  4. yes from me...we need a Melbourne person back in our ranks. Would love Yze.
  5. Didn't get the ruck. Must be on the bench
  6. I don’t have a brother who is a member,but was going off the comments of Freo supporters on social media and other forums, just seems like he [censored] it up a bit. Happy to give him a go on the basis we aren’t paying overs.
  7. No but I wouldn’t overrate Langdon. Freo supporters can not wait to see the back of him. He can’t hit a target, so will fit right in and we will probably hand over our first round pick for Langdon and their first round. Pick 3 wil go on to be a star and we will bank another middle of the roader and soon find out Langdon is a butcher.
  8. HE was pick 54 in his draft year. Out of contract. Third rounder and something fringe the other way. Is that what gets it done?
  9. Tells you how bad we have been in both -areas. AN indictment. Were you not annoyed by his inability finish this year. ? Remember the adelaide game?
  10. This is a shallOw draft. If we move outside of the top 6 we are absolutely bonkers. Let me guess, some bolter inside mid that no one had heard of a month ago is currently in our sights?
  11. Great early on in his career, but is an ability to do the simple things in matches this year was disappointing. Developed a bad habit of kicking the ball, rather dribbling the ball, along the ground and missing basic shots on goal. His tackling pressure became non existent. had some great moments. Wish him all the best.the Gold Coast might pick him up.
  12. Yep, just like last year where we got rid of Hogan to be replaced by May, who proved to be unfit, and walked around patting ourselves on the back. All while letting half-decent depth players like Kent walk for peanuts in a bid to recruit Wagner's brother. Then thinking KK was a prized recruit we got on the cheap. We have overrated our list, and cleaned out players that were talented in the hope of half-baked spuds like ANB, Wagner and Stretch would cut the mustard at AFL level.
  13. This notion of trading Brayshaw is ridiculous. I’d want a A Grader in return and Langdon ain’t that. Not even close. It’s a [censored] draft and therefore the 2nd rounder is useless. I hate the offseason
  14. We have a track record of being bent over though
  15. BACK to Petracca, I’d be furious if we let him got for a lousy 2nd round pick in a weak draft. He has talent. We need to harness it. If he goes , I want a ready made player in return. Certainly nothing tied in with Langdon. Track will finish top5 in our bnf and is contracted
  16. No. He is unhappy, but not the source of player discontent. Join the dots
  17. Not if what is published is substantially true or true. They could just ask me for the source and I’d be happy for them to do so. Tell them privately and then they can make a call. I know that the mail I get is solid as a rock and couldn’t care what people choose to believe or not. Point is, there are problems at the club. With players, with admin and I’ve been told to expect “really big changes”.
  18. It’s a funny place demonland. A forum where rumours start. But as soon as you name names or reveal too much, the admins shut it down and hand out bans. I knew what Was going on with the bloke who is now out west. Posted about it two months before it began to surface and was told it was risking defamation. Which is complete nonsense, because it was truth or substantially true. Believe what you want
  19. I’ve said it elsewhere . Or people are close to sources high up at the club.
  20. I’ve heard similar negative things that have been alluded to by Lord Nev. a fractured group. One leader that isn’t well liked and the players don’t respect. You can put the pieces of the puzzle together from that.
  21. I decided not to watch I say, for the first time in my life, and only just watched the last quarter. Jones’ centering kick out of the back half was fundamentally horrendous and he should have strips torn off him by the coach. He initially signalled that he was heading to the boundary side and all our players moved that way, and then he pulls the kick back to the middle. He has done that sort of stuff for too long. It’s criminal. All we needed was to force a boundary throw in. He has been offered 3 years at the GC and wouldn’t be surprised if he walks. Apparently is disgruntled at the Dees. If he leaves, that’s a sad way to finish up
  22. I was told that at a recent business lunch, at an exclusive Australian ‘businessmen’s club’ the CEO was present and told an audience that we are expecting a significant financial loss at the end of the season. I’ve posted this on previous threads and no one seemed to believe it. I think we are back up [censored] creek
  23. Watching Brad Green's delivery to Neita...urrrggh. just makes me more depressed. Not a single player i'd back to deliver it lace-out like that now. My favourite:
  24. YOu are on the money. He doesn’t relate to many of his teammates. That was the word I was given. Jones did, but is also a different age bracket to a lot of the younger guys and is becoming less focussed on football. We need a change. It’s simple
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