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Everything posted by Oneday

  1. How can we be so consistently shizenhouse! Seriously MFC you have lost me.
  2. I have come to the realisation that next year will be no different. For those that say we came in under prepared and had no pre season, how have the druggies been able to turn things around after their issues. We are talking about professional sports people. They are required to play 2hrs of football a week! We have major issues, something that pick 2 ain’t going to do a brass razoo to address. MFC great way to completely snuff any delight my family of five had for this club.
  3. What a joke, seriously how can we be this bad
  4. Oh well at least a top 5 draft pick will make a HUUUUUUGE difference!
  5. I am coming to terms with the fact we will never be any good, a flag is all but a dream and will never be realised!
  6. What a pathetic club. I seriously have to question why I continually pay for 5 reserved seat memeberships for my family when this club clearly stands for nothing. Do we have a positive win loss ratio with any club???????????????
  7. Ahhhh the days of old, who will we take with the number 1 pick?
  8. There fixed it.
  9. Alir Alir will have a field day picking off our i50 entries!
  10. Hang on guys, remember what goody said about judging them on their performance
  11. I have settled, and so have we. Number 1 draft pick here we come. We all know how much good that will do us!
  12. Yet another weekend ruined
  13. What a [censored] pathetic response mfc, you have lost me and my family.
  14. I seriously am over this club
  15. This is bringing back 186 memories all over again.
  16. I was just speaking to the membership team, apparently we are at about 41,140 as of this morning.
  17. macccccccccaaaaaaa
  18. Anyone notice the amount of times Jetta tackles someone and wraps his arms, legs and whole body around them? Has been my long time fav player this man. Nev has to be one of the most underrated players going around. Once he gets you, will never let go!
  19. I don't know why I'm so nervous!
  20. How do we continually year after year serve this up? Then there is a club like the drug cheats that just find a way to unite and play as a TEAM and win? A man can only take so much before his faith is questioned.
  21. And I thought after these years of reading your posts I was getting to know you, now you are telling me that you only indulge very moderately! I rather enjoyed the old BBO, brought many laughs to this office when required.
  22. Hey Biff, been meaning to ask for a while now, have you had a visit lately from your good mate Reginald? You know, quiet odd flying patterns.
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