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Clayton van Oliver

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Everything posted by Clayton van Oliver

  1. Hogan confirmed to be on Demonland.
  2. I've found that staying reasonably bent throughout has kept it pretty level ?
  3. No, this can be forgotten.
  4. I camembert the suspense much longer. Actually no it's fine. I'm fine If he stays, I hope he's emental-ly prepared and emotionally invested in the club. If he goes, then may it be for a feta trade price than Freo think is appropriate.
  5. Not here. Morning in the Twerp, greatest city in Belgium and where Frenzal Rhomb played a bloody great little gig last night Edit: Jesse didn't sign last night here, either
  6. I know he's a local lad, but be interesting to see how he goes in the fishbowl of Freo, as their great white hope. Used to often run into Pav and others when I lived there (10 years ago now) but then they hadn't shifted to Cockburn. [censored], has Jesse realised he'd have to go to Cockburn every second day?
  7. He's staying. Considering about 20% of the online ads I'm now getting are for Hogan.com apparel, Jesse's career is obviously a giant marketing campaign for them. They're not gonna cut it short now by putting him in Perth.
  8. But how's the atmosphere at the ground!
  9. Me too. [censored] hate 186. Peter Siddle takes a wicket when few others look likely. On topic, really interesting phase of our development, that the FD can show a hardness in looking after club's long-term interests. I really like it. No one player makes a team, and I'd rather them be saying to Jesse, ok if you're not going to commit long-term, we're going to shop you. Old MFC would've been in the Freo, St Kilda, North realm of desperation, but we seem calm and cool.
  10. Massive step of assimilation mate: the realisation that the best way to get in the good graces of a Dutchman is to give them as much [censored] as possible.
  11. Are we there yet? ?
  12. Indeed, if we get massive overs. 2 first rounders + something for Josh and Todd to play with
  13. Unless it's for way, way overs, I would rather not trade Hogan this year, win a flag with him next year, and then who cares?
  14. Reporting from Amsterdam, just bloody got home from work, 5 hours kip then went against the Coco's experience, and instead will head to a private viewing, mainly due to sheer brown pantsness about it all.
  15. Funnily enough, as a drunk 31 yr old in a pub in Amsterdam, I've pondered this very question a number of times this year. Always went 5 for Schwarta so if I was a kid prob Tracc. Think 31 will get pretty popular again in coming years...
  16. I see that Sleepy Spargo's 'needs a nap' brigade is out in force again, even though he gets the week off that everyone's been clamouring for
  17. Happy with all this. Good to see sleepy spargo have his naptime put off for another week
  18. All great kicks and moments... But Salem's. Never seen anything like it. The perfect, under-pressure and unconventional, 15m snap on the wing.
  19. Ain't nothing boring about love for the ox. My first superstar love was Jacko, even called my dog Jakovich. But he disappeared, and in my memories of being 6 or 7, with Jacko gone, this absolute gun arose in the realm of my reverence. I saw how excited my old man got, talking about what we saw him do, and his first knee was my first realisation that injury is a thing that brings heartache to player, club and supporter. Seeing Ox react like that after our win over WC merged the aspirations of the young, brilliant footy player long gone, with the emotions of the now supporter, bearing a love for the club strong enough to make you shout at inanimate objects that can'tshout back, and which we all share. How many times would the ox have wished he could be on the field during the dark years? That somebody would represent the jumper in a way worthy of what it means? And now, finally, we have all seen them do that; a whole team of them just bloody representing. And as a plus we got to see footage of the Ox, virtually standing alongside us, screaming, jumping, hyperventilating and finally cheering with glory and relief. [censored] brilliant. Ta, Mrs Ox.
  20. Apologies if already been said, but what Spargo does is keep running to the next contest. Won't be dropped on that alone. Him pushing himself to be yet another link resulted in several crucial offensive forays on Sunday. Edit, wording
  21. It's all been said, but how he responded to criticisms of his leadership, post swans match, makes me so proud. Reckon we've been waiting years for these kinds of moments, and thrre are more coming. Jones' steely determination in that he WC game was borne of the same perennial frustrations. He'd had enough, and there was just no way he was going to let us lose. Very Jack Viney of him
  22. AmDam's one word analysis of this thread: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  23. Great pressure today, thought the third tier players like Kent and the Wied lifted in the 2nd half, allowed us to hold on. How good was Nev's mark?
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