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Everything posted by FireInTheBennelly

  1. Let's face it. If you're picking OMac while Hore is an emergency, you're not really trying to win the game are you!
  2. They go to Oscar's match up every single time. Why would that be?
  3. Yep. Can't wait for the circle (rhymes with) work to begin. How [censored] good are we!!!
  4. Is Doulton's middle name Kingsley?
  5. ANB gets double points for that surely. Handpass directly to the opposition's foot
  6. Apparently wasn't reprogrammed enough to get him to spoil boundary side though
  7. How long before Fritsch is moved back permanently?
  8. Good to see Gil at the footy. The au pair must be looking after the kids tonight.
  9. Hope the Preuss bashers enjoyed that Bruce goal
  10. Ask them if our playing up there has increased supporter numbers for Adelaide or the Eagles.
  11. No idea what to expect, confidence is shattered. If we were playing a top 4 side I'd say we're a chance, but against pretenders it's a lottery. I think if we lose this I might just start agreeing with Lyon's sentiment that last year was the anomaly. Please show us something MFC.
  12. Don't think it'll be too long now.
  13. Eddie, mate, nobody's listening, because nobody gives a flying. Bye, have a great weekend!
  14. Agree back at ya DZ. How unbearable, I don't even want to imagine it.
  15. Richmond looking unbeatable. 2 very high quality talls and the resting ruck. Following that up with remarkable skill when the ball hits the deck.
  16. Umpire 32 just destroyed his career.
  17. The following sounds like how we play also. Thanks Kev, again. Legend.
  18. If we're going to continue the deal, it needs an increased value purely due to our better standing as a club (yes, realise this year's a fail, but the club was a basket case when all this began). It also needs to be done properly. The AFL needs to understand if they give Darwin to the GC, we're out, wasted decade all round. The deal needs to be for the whole of NT to be our academy zone. We agree to put serious effort into an academy, as well as local clubs. If all that was accepted, then we need to go out and get Tippa, and the brothers Hill. These things would all go a long way to building a following in NT, rather than have our own shots for goal booed. Surely all the powers involved realise that's not a good look for a 'home' team.
  19. As much as I dislike said player, this makes a lot of sense.
  20. Can we rookie him to play the 2 NT games? Work with Wrecker as part of the academy, and get some interest in the Dees up there. Otherwise it's just like playing 2 home games against West Coast or Adelaide every year.
  21. Wrong option Fritsch. A kick like that gives you no chance to mark, you can't see it looking into the sun
  22. Both holding. Yep sure, but only 1 was watching the football.
  23. Maybe everyone's enjoying what they're watching?
  24. Who's this turd that keeps calling our kicks not 15?
  25. How'd you like that little inside 50 Wise?
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