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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. Unfortunately, your comments/insults are very predictable. Its clear you think yourself as a heavyweight poster who appears to have little respect towards other forum contributors. You may well have very worthy comments and insight in to various issues and threads in Demonland but by adding constant put downs to differing views does in fact devalue your own posts. Over time you should come to understand that your constant put downs actually makes a larger statement about yourself than to the other poster you are trying to discredit. In your view a lightweight I may be, but I am a MFC Supporter/Member first and foremost like the majority of Posters here. Althought I may personally disagree with specific posts/comments, I rarely see that the Poster does not have the best interest of the MFC at heart. I would strongly disagree with your comment that everything you do does need to be done. But that comment does say alot about you as a person and would indicate to me and others that you are likely not to listen to the above advice. After all a rightous man is the most ignorant.
  2. I see their problem, it was not their singing that was the real issue. But the theme song itself, how copuld anyone be expected to sing that rubbish with any passion. Now if the song was "Its a Grand Old Flag" that a totally different story.
  3. Come on we all know you like many other would love the golden arches on the jumper LOL
  4. Clearly there is so much more happening in Saint Kilda then is known by the general public.
  5. It is important that a fair and equitable investigation is undertaken in such matters, but it is very unfortunate that it take so long for the final report to be released. For the good of the game, clubs, players and supporters a more timely system be vert benefical. IMO it would have been a tragedy if MessyDrugs won the 2013 GF or even played in the finals. The only reason this did not happen was the clause about being the game into disrepute. But it may have been a different outcome if all those involved actually challenged their penalties in the courts. This would likely have resulted in a delay of many months and MessyDrugs would have played finals. From the information I have seen and read so far it appears to be a very strong case that illegal substance had been used in the Club. If this opinion is proven to be the case when the final report is released, there would have to be significant penalties imposed on the Club as it was not individual players but the Club itself that introduced an illegal drugs program to its players. If the AFL did not impose the appropriate penaties then it would likely lose the confidence of other Clubs, Sponsors, Government Support etc. As much as I feel the Club would get what is coming, I would still feel sorry for the innocent Supporters and Members who could actually see the total destruction of their Club. I would be disappointed in the whole process if its likely illegal Drugs have been used but it could not be determined which players actually took the drugs. If this was the case then IMO the Club should take a more substancial penalty, even if that includes the Club being disbanded. Illegal Drug Taking should never be accepted in sport just because the penalties are considered too high. If you do drugs then you need to be aware you could lose it all.
  6. Totally understand your feelings. However PJ had come to a train wreck of a club in so many areas. His role was to recruit a experienced Senior Coach - Which he has done very successfully. Regardless if Roos does any good as a Coach which only time will tell, PJ has done his job. He has restructured the football Department and now the CEO does not get too involved in football decisions. Club employees who did not understand their roles and responsibilities or lack the neccessary skills have been moved on. With the past 6 or 7 season the MFC has had, it would be difficult for anyone to sell a major sponsorship deal or two. IMO PJ has done every thing a quality CEO could and should have done so far. The real challenge for the Club is to extend his term as CEO or be able to recruit a similar quality CEO if he leave us.
  7. That is good news mate. I am hoping thing will slowly turn around for us next season. We are so bad in 2013 IMO it too much to expect a major improvement in 2014, but I hope I am wrong.
  8. There you go again Ben putting other posters down. May be, just may be, he has a different opinion then you. Does this make OD wrong? Did you really need to put your final comment in your post to make your point?
  9. Because we love PJ and know good things will be coming soon.
  10. The picture stood out to me as they appeared to be truely hurt by the Teams performance. This is the type of supporters we all should love. Pity our teams was so bad in 2013 and the previous six seasons.
  11. Oh think thats me. Just wanted to add some fun and colour to the thread.
  12. LOL Let us Never forget what can happen if we get the wrong man! I have so many more photos for you mate. I know it painful but without pain we will never fully recover But here is some more uplifting photos for you. Bring on 2014.
  13. If they can afford to do this we want them as our major sponsor
  14. Damn, I can't get a game at North Ballarat either! If only I nominated for the AFL Draft I could have been drafted by the MFC as well.
  15. Hopefully they will all be sitting on the sidelines watching
  16. I said it once and I will say it again. Nothing good has ever come from Collingwood! I hate that Club, their Supporters, Coaches, Players, Sponsors, President, Training Venue, Forums, Web Site ....
  17. Happy 7,000 plus posts in this thread! Oh what good times we could have, if only .... You wish is my command
  18. Appears we should only be drink Banana Smoothies from now on
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