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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. I’m pretty sure that measurement is broken. It’s a third party app and not an official part of the site software. After most games we usually hit about 1000 plus people on at one time.
  2. It's only for Desktop but I don't think it was ever visible on mobile which attempts to save as much screen real estate as possible by its very nature. If on mobile and you want to know a posters reputation by their points and post amounts then you just have to click on their name.
  3. The thread pertaining to his trade was one of the busiest threads on Demonland for a while and still gets a bump every now again.
  4. I tend to agree but the reason it was brought in was that so people who made posts that made people laugh in a facepalm manner weren't credited with "reputation" in the same way someone who posted something genuinely funny was. Granted I could just make it so that the laugh reaction gets no points at all but I also wanted to differentiate between the joke and the butt of the joke.
  5. Does this fall under the Facepalm emoji?
  6. That's where the reputation points come in. The software allows for negative reputation points but I thought that could be used in a mean spirited way despite some posts being deserving of it.
  7. I will see if banned posters can be labelled with it.?
  8. Reputation can be found in a user's profile or by moving your mouse over their name when on a desktop. Not sure why it's been removed from the place under the name and there doesn't appear to be a way to get this back in the settings. There may be a third party app at some point that someone creates that will bring this back and I will keep an eye out for it.
  9. FYI I don't believe anyone has achieved the ranks of Captain, Coach, Fuschia or Premier. Also ranks based on post count don't necessarily mean anything.
  10. The ranks have always been there but in text form and just relate to the number of posts you have made. The new software update has turned that text to a badge. I've added images to the default badge that the software applied and have tweaked and added to the names of each rank. Rookie Demon: 0 - 49 posts Demon: 50 - 499 posts Mighty Demon: 500 - 999 posts Redleg: 1000 - 4999 posts Trident: 5000 - 9999 posts Legend: 10000 - 49999 posts Captain: 50000 - 99999 posts Coach: 100000 - 499999 posts Fuchsia: 500000 - 999999 posts Premier: 1000000 + posts I'm not sure what has happened to the community ticks which was actually called reputation which was based on the Likes & Thanks reactions a poster received. I will check into it.
  11. Didn't see this until well after the show. You should have jumped in the chat room to ask. My answer: It's a strong possibility. I'm worried.
  12. The Demonland Podcast will be LIVE in 1 hour @ 8:30pm Listen & Chat LIVE: https://demonland.com/podcast Call: 03 9016 3666 Skype: Demonland31
  13. The Demonland Podcast is LIVE Tonight 12/7 @ 8:30pm featuring @george_on_the_outer, @binman, @Supermercado & @Demonland We'll be chatting with @Supermercado about his latest book The Last Hurrah as well as discussing our glorious on the road win in Port Adelaide that propelled us back to the Top of the Ladder. Listen & Chat LIVE: https://demonland.com/podcast Call: 03 9016 3666 Skype: Demonland31
  14. That may be true but it doesn't account for some of the non-free kicks to Sydney that I witnessed yesterday for things that were awarded free kicks to the Bulldogs. Admittedly I was wearing a one eyed Sydney hat so that could explain my outrage.
  15. The adjudication of the length of passes and whether it has gone the required distance or not is so inconsistent from kick to kick. Often a ball has clearly traveled the required distance only to be called play on and then seconds later it clearly travels less than 15 and is called a mark. The only consistent thing about it is that interpretation is just as horrendous from match to match.
  16. Prior to this round they were leading the Free Kick Differential by nearly 30. Also they are the only team that consistently gets away with blatant throwing of the ball.
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