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The adventures of President Donald Gump

Earl Hood

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Hi nut - only time for quick reply now - but always happy to discuss with you because you seem rational - on my phone on train so hope my answer makes sense (find it hard to tell from this tiny screen )

Do i think the kids were deliberately put in harm's way? I've got no idea. It's possible of course - from what we saw in Indonesia last week anything is possible. But i also know that demonstrations are mainly a young mans game and that where you've got 18 year olds throwing rocks chances are there's going to be a lot of 15 year olds. As i said before i was at the Melbourne apartheid demos (and numerous anti Vietnam War ones) when I was 15. 

Let me ask you a question in reply How can you say you "struggle " with the violence? That worries me. I have no equivocation at al l . There were a hundred unarmed protesters killed by one of the most sophisticatedmilitary forces in the world. It was barbaric.



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52 minutes ago, Jara said:

Do i think the kids were deliberately put in harm's way? I've got no idea. It's possible of course - from what we saw in Indonesia last week anything is possible.

Hi Jara


Please, this has nothing to do with Indonesia or Muslims. Please remember that Palestine before the Balfour and the Brits 'gave' it to the Zionists - as though it ever belonged to them in the first place - was an entity consisting of Muslims, Christians of many denominations, that the concept of Palestine has absolutely nothing to do with Muslim Extremism. That's really clouding the argument and falling into the Muslim equals Terrorist paradigm which has been deliberately 'constructed' by recent Neo-Con extremists.

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3 hours ago, Jara said:


Let me ask you a question in reply How can you say you "struggle " with the violence? That worries me. I have no equivocation at al l . There were a hundred unarmed protesters killed by one of the most sophisticatedmilitary forces in the world. It was barbaric.



Let me rephrase - i deplore all violence  - i struggle with the futility of the bloodshed and seemingly no solution to a centuries old problem

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2 hours ago, nutbean said:

Let me rephrase - i deplore all violence  - i struggle with the futility of the bloodshed and seemingly no solution to a centuries old problem

Hi Nutbean


I too find you great to chat with and I appreciate your opinions. However, I must take you up on the notion that this is a centuries old problem. If you mean this problem originated in the very late 19th century when Zionists starting buying Palestinian land then I grant it is centuries old.

Other than that, please allow me to remind you that before british Mandate 'rule', Jerusalem was the epicentre of the Judaic religion and its offsprings Christianity and the Muslim faith. As far as I know under the Ottomans each managed to live with each other in harmony and peace. Allow me to remind you that the problem arose when the Palestinian population got wind of the end goal of Zionism, namely to take their land, by hook or by crook - witness Deir yassin and all of the other less publicized  examplesthnic cleansing.

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1 hour ago, ProDee said:

Israel-hating Leftist weirdos will disagree with this video.  So by all means go through each point and articulate why you disagree.


No Thanks. I've had a gutful of Israeli lies and propaganda and half truths and phony history shoved up my clacker.

If I were you, I'd read Miko Peled, Shlomo Sand and Ilan Pappe. All Israeli Jews who see Israel for what it is. Two of them are Historians, the other is the son of one of Israel's most famous generals. All of them would know much more about this topic than the likes of you.

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8 hours ago, dieter said:

Hi Jara


Please, this has nothing to do with Indonesia or Muslims. Please remember that Palestine before the Balfour and the Brits 'gave' it to the Zionists - as though it ever belonged to them in the first place - was an entity consisting of Muslims, Christians of many denominations, that the concept of Palestine has absolutely nothing to do with Muslim Extremism. That's really clouding the argument and falling into the Muslim equals Terrorist paradigm which has been deliberately 'constructed' by recent Neo-Con extremists.

Sorry, Dieter - you're right, go course (I did say I was sitting on the train - hard to write on the phone). I know that many of the leading spokespeople for the dispossessed (Edward Said, Hanan Ashwari, for example - alas, not Joe Hockey) are Palestinian Christians. I dare say though, that the continual massacre of unarmed protesters in Gaza does a lot to feed the fundamentalist fire.

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18 minutes ago, Jara said:

Sorry, Dieter - you're right, go course (I did say I was sitting on the train - hard to write on the phone). I know that many of the leading spokespeople for the dispossessed (Edward Said, Hanan Ashwari, for example - alas, not Joe Hockey) are Palestinian Christians. I dare say though, that the continual massacre of unarmed protesters in Gaza does a lot to feed the fundamentalist fire.

Yes, but we need to focus on the big picture: fundamentalist idiots like Greg Sheridan take the bait and feed it to the masses, that Hamas is a Muslim Terrorist group. Like I say, Islam has absolutely nothing to do with the Colonialist takeover of Palestine, a region that accommodated each and every religion for centuries. Well, until the Crusades when so-called Christian propaganda and intolerance created the atrocities the Crusaders committed, in god's name, would you believe? 

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3 hours ago, ProDee said:

Israel-hating Leftist weirdos will disagree with this video.  So by all means go through each point and articulate why you disagree.


I had a look at it (even though it was posted by a Russian troll bot, or whatever Choke said he was) - from the look of this article http://mediareviewnet.com/2018/03/how-israel-and-its-partisans-work-to-censor-the-internet/  it's produced by an organisation backed by the Israeli intelligence service. The presenter, David Brog, is apparently a cousin of former Israeli PM Ehud Barak. 


For a more objective analysis of the Two-State solution, just look it up on Wikipedia. Very fair summary there. 

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5 minutes ago, ProDee said:

This is also very good and once again mad Leftists won't rebuke it.  Why ?  They don't know how.


You sure have a deep pool of lies and propaganda...Keep dredging in your cesspool, ProDee, you belong there...

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8 minutes ago, ProDee said:

This is also very good and once again mad Leftists won't rebuke it.  Why ?  They don't know how.


Pro, you're nowhere near as scary now we know you're just a Russian troll bot.

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2 minutes ago, Jara said:

I had a look at it (even though it was posted by a Russian troll bot, or whatever Choke said he was) - from the look of this article http://mediareviewnet.com/2018/03/how-israel-and-its-partisans-work-to-censor-the-internet/  it's produced by an organisation backed by the Israeli intelligence service. The presenter, David Brog, is apparently a cousin of former Israeli PM Ehud Barak. 


For a more objective analysis of the Two-State solution, just look it up on Wikipedia. Very fair summary there. 

Like I wrote initially, ProDee has a deep reserve of Israeli condoned/produced bulldust which relies mainly on fiction and downright atrocious lies.

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5 minutes ago, Jara said:

I had a look at it (even though it was posted by a Russian troll bot, or whatever Choke said he was) - from the look of this article http://mediareviewnet.com/2018/03/how-israel-and-its-partisans-work-to-censor-the-internet/  it's produced by an organisation backed by the Israeli intelligence service. The presenter, David Brog, is apparently a cousin of former Israeli PM Ehud Barak. 


For a more objective analysis of the Two-State solution, just look it up on Wikipedia. Very fair summary there. 

Refute the arguments.  

Can you ?  

This is the problem with the Left.  They can NEVER refute argument.

Of course Prager is a conservative and a Jew.  And you don't need to use google to let us know about this particular presenter.  That in itself doesn't mean they're wrong.  Unless, of course, you can refute the arguments.  Naturally, you can't.  Why ?  They're using FACTS.

Jara, just stick to googling who's providing the information and deciding which side to pick.  It's a dumb way to live life, but it suits the Left, who always simply choose a side. 

No wonder you like footy.  You just need to choose a side.

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14 minutes ago, ProDee said:

This is also very good and once again mad Leftists won't rebuke it.  Why ?  They don't know how.


Oh god - why do I do it? - I wasted another 5 minutes of my life looking at another of The Russian's wanky clips because I thought - oh well, this guys from a University - he might have something to say - then I looked it up. Prager University is NOT A UNIVERSITY. It is an online channel established to broadcast the views of more lunar-right American gazillionaires. 


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3 minutes ago, Jara said:

Oh god - why do I do it? - I wasted another 5 minutes of my life looking at another of The Russian's wanky clips because I thought - oh well, this guys from a University - he might have something to say - then I looked it up. Prager University is NOT A UNIVERSITY. It is an online channel established to broadcast the views of more lunar-right American gazillionaires. 


Once again, you simply CANNOT refute any argument and simply check the side.

I present a challenge to you.  Take your time.  

Refute his points.  I dare you.

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3 minutes ago, ProDee said:

Refute the arguments.  

Can you ?  

This is the problem with the Left.  They can NEVER refute argument.

Of course Prager is a conservative and a Jew.  And you don't need to use google to let us know about this particular presenter.  That in itself doesn't mean they're wrong.  Unless, of course, you can refute the arguments.  Naturally, you can't.  Why ?  They're using FACTS.

Jara, just stick to googling who's providing the information and deciding which side to pick.  It's a dumb way to live life, but it suits the Left, who always simply choose a side. 

No wonder you like footy.  You just need to choose a side.

Now listen, Russian. I've already wasted ten minutes of my life looking at your Israeli/Christian zionist videos.  I'm not wasting any more time refuting their simplistic arguments - why don't you do it for me? You seem so keen. Just look up the PLO's website, or some such thing - I'm sure you'll find just as much propaganda from the other side. 

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1 minute ago, ProDee said:

Once again, you simply CANNOT refute any argument and simply check the side.

I present a challenge to you.  Take your time.  

Refute his points.  I dare you.

Life's too short (and so, I suspect, are you)

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1 minute ago, Jara said:

Now listen, Russian. I've already wasted ten minutes of my life looking at your Israeli/Christian zionist videos.  I'm not wasting any more time refuting their simplistic arguments - why don't you do it for me? You seem so keen. Just look up the PLO's website, or some such thing - I'm sure you'll find just as much propaganda from the other side. 

If they're simplistic you'd be able to.  You're not.  You're a dud.  You're an intellectual lightweight.  You know it and anyone reading this knows it.  It's embarrassing for you.  Set a challenge you can't refute a single argument, because you don't like who's stating the argument.  Is there anything weaker than that.  I'll mail you a white feather.

Back to ignore, along with Balwyn's physically challenged son of one of Hitler's best. 

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12 minutes ago, ProDee said:

If they're simplistic you'd be able to.  You're not.  You're a dud.  You're an intellectual lightweight.  You know it and anyone reading this knows it.  It's embarrassing for you.  Set a challenge you can't refute a single argument, because you don't like who's stating the argument.  Is there anything weaker than that.  I'll mail you a white feather.

Back to ignore, along with Balwyn's physically challenged son of one of Hitler's best. 

White feathers now! What’s this 1918? 

Pro I implored you to see your doctor ASAP last week but you obviously didn’t follow up and the medication has worn off and you are raving again or at least providing links to raving lunatics from non universities and other nutjob web sites. Are they the same sites that deny climate change? Again I suggest you to see your physician immediately! 

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15 minutes ago, Jara said:

Hey - hang on - before you ignore me - that last sentence makes no sense - Balwyn's physically challenged son of...wtf? Have you forgotten to take your tablets again?

As I said, a very long time ago, why the hell do we bother arguing with fascist fanatics?

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Just now, Earl Hood said:

White feathers now! What’s this 1918? 

Pro I implored you to see your doctor ASAP last week but you obviously didn’t follow up and the medication has worn off and you are raving again or at least providing links to raving lunatics from non universities and other nutjob web sites. Are they the same sites that deny climate change? Again I suggest you to see your physician immediately! 


Why don't you comment on the content in the videos.

Hint, you instinctively won't agree with the assertions, so articulate to me why they're factually wrong.

Can you ?

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2 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

White feathers now! What’s this 1918? 

Pro I implored you to see your doctor ASAP last week but you obviously didn’t follow up and the medication has worn off and you are raving again or at least providing links to raving lunatics from non universities and other nutjob web sites. Are they the same sites that deny climate change? Again I suggest you to see your physician immediately! 

Physician/ Morticia/ Surgeon, any would do. Sounds like a Lobotomy would be a kind prognosis. No doubt, this post will be 'censored' but I don't see how it's any different to any of PD's insane 'Leftie' accusations.

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