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Dee Zephyr

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Everything posted by Dee Zephyr

  1. Ecstatic for some of the faithful that got to see the boys live last night. There was a bit of noise there, it sounded like it anyway. Nearly 14k there, not bad considering a 20k cap.
  2. This has been the theme pretty much all season with us IHW. The opposition will move forward at speed but our boys lead the charts ( average speed in defence) for top 5 on ground in this particular stat all year.
  3. Haven’t been able to post all day due to nerves. I’m about to cry. An All- Australian bench on the siren …Gawn, May, Trac and Oliver. Usual suspects very good, special mention to Sparrow. He was good!
  4. Press play, close your eyes and picture it like you're listening on the wireless. Wonderful!
  5. It was really funny listening to Gus and Max on their podcast about what went through their minds in the last 30 seconds or so of the game WCW. Worth a listen IMO.
  6. Speaking of the G, we trained there today.
  7. I asked the question on the podcast only because a talkback caller on SEN last week ripped Spargo to shreds. Can’t stand watching him, acts like he’s decapitated every time he gets tackled blah blah blah, the bloke went on and on and singled him out. I have no problem with peoples opinion either way on this, I just thought it was a vicious spray on air and as some of the responses to this particular caller there are serial and worse offenders out there.
  8. It was good Clint, would love to hear the call of the last 30 seconds from the various radio stations broadcasting the game.
  9. Just home from work and asked the kids how remote learning went today. Their answer: ” Very good Dad, our kicking was elite in the last quarter”
  10. My skills only go as far a YouTube search, some people are very quick with this stuff. This one is very good, almost had me crying like I did in the movie.
  11. Agree it was a nice spot to put the kick Nasher, but they showed behind the goals footage of the Max mark on ‘ The Round So Far’ and Stanley will be hiding under his bed for a couple of nights after watching that. No body contact whatsoever and was daydreaming. That’s footy though, we’ve often dissected instances like this one over the years.
  12. What happened there Satan? Heard Jordan Lewis talk a little about it, was it a time keeper error?
  13. And that is a beautiful thing Ben, thank you for sharing. Very similar experience with the 6 of us in our lounge, I’m surprised we’re not locked up instead of locked down with the cheering well exceeding the 5km radius. The room was shaking that much cords started falling out of the walls. The almost 3 yr old was the only that could’ve rang 000 since the rest of us almost passed out from the emotions. I’ve been an avid soccer fan all my life but this sport takes us supporters to a whole other level. Amazing feeling!
  14. Oliver: I hope Max doesn’t hook it. Danger: Um um, if he kicks it the coaches award is yours and you’re probably taking Charlie home too.
  15. Mentally weak hey????? No team should rest on their laurels against our mob….no one. I can’t stop shaking You fckn beauty !!!
  16. Dogs back in, Dogs back out. This little live ladder graphic on the bottom left of screen is a classic.
  17. Dogs remind me of the 2004 version of us. Flying on top a few weeks ago and premiership fancy to every chance of finishing 5th. Most could sense Dogs had used most of their petrol tickets by quarter time. Port just stuck to their guns after copping a few early punches, it wasn’t pretty by them as they fumbled most of the night and it took Boak going forward to make the difference in the game. What a performance by him.
  18. Can’t say I’ve ever looked forward to a non -MFC Friday night game as much at this one tonight. Said to my myself at the start of the year I would love to have finals locked in before going to Geelong in the last round, Top 4 locked in is just a massive bonus. Stating the obvious, a crowd under the roof would have topped it off.
  19. Could be on my own here, I get peeved when an ump 50 metres away from the play pays a free and the commentators say it was paid by the non-officiating umpire. They all officiate to me, it was the out of zone umpire that paid the free.
  20. The only thing Gawny mentioned DJ was we didn’t break any rules and Viney was allowed to play, just like Danger was allowed to play in scratch matches when he was suspended.
  21. Just on that scratch match Earl, Ben Gibson touched on it very briefly on the Gus and Gawny podcast. Jones, Weid and Chandler were 3 of the stronger performers on the day according to club sources. Viney also played.
  22. Heard on radio the AFL is prepared to delay the GF by a week in order to have a crowd. Radio mentioned the HS is reporting it this morning, not sure if this is a ploy to get people at the G. A possible delay, a bye also somewhere in there…we might be in for a prolonged finals series.
  23. Is Majak in trouble for a swinging arm on Mason Cox from last weekend? Exclusive: Majak Daw in hot water over swinging arm that ended Mason Cox’s season
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