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Everything posted by Satyriconhome

  1. I like to answer most of the points raised but as the psychiatrist said in that wonderful episode of Fawlty Towers . "there is enough for a whole conference there"........it's always the same group of posters who are down on everything MFC...as I have said before why do you bother, you seem to either hate everything about MFC or think everything is crap...... I am hoping that we will progress this season as a team, I trust from what I have seen or heard that Mark Neeld will accept no passengers in his side, and if you don't have a crack then you won't be in the team I said to BH yesterday this is just footy, you go along and watch it, nobody dies if we lose, sometime in the near future I hope I will be able to go along and watch MFC play in finals I have never seen the point of criticising constructive or otherwise, bagging of players, they don't read the board, and being professional sportsmen they know exactly what their failings are and they also know that if they don't improve they won't be at the Club If you look at some of the other clubs supporters boards, you will see them doing the same to players who we would supposedly drool over, Bryce Gibbs anyone "I'm thinking you went to one of those schools which had an 'it's okay to lose' ethos. You know the ones, where excellence is discouraged in favour of 'everyone getting a fair go'. That about right?" er no, I went to a school in Liverpool, England where you either stood up or fell down, I just find it interesting to suggest that maybe some people, if you want to do a bit of amateur psychoanalysis, live vicariously through the footy players and feel that at the moment they are only adding to the overwhelming feeling of inadequacy that they have Satryicon is from the Fellini flim, read the critique on the Rotten Tomatoes website and you will see why I chose it I'll happily discuss footy, I thought last week the whole team didn't have a crack for the last 10 minutes of the 2nd qtr and it is something that has to be eradicated
  2. Lunchtime....looking for a laugh and here it is......Stuie I am with you.......just a couple more of the hairshirters to pop in their posts and the topic will be complete... I often wonder if the players sit in AAMi park and think Christ I wish some of the supporters would lilft their game and stop bagging us By the way the 'criticism' is not constructive,it is the same old trotted out again...... I find it strange that the Footy Dept thinks four of them are so terrible they have them in the Leadership Group.... First mention of Nik Nat by RR for the season...didn't take long....you may have to wait till at least round 5 to see him in action this year Rangey...that's if the groin injury hasn't cruelled his jumping
  3. Binman, not so much as float my boat, as a more senior citiizen, wasn't really into the social media thingy until I discovered this site and twitter a couple of years ago. Being a Melbourne supporter it gives me an outlet, not like some to make me feel important or to vent some spleen, but to discuss in a sensible manner the Footy Club. As you can see from my posts not really into the 'bagging' of players, we all watch the games and we have all seen the performances of the last couple of years, bit pointless in my view to either keep rehashing or assuming we are going to see more of the same before a real ball has been kicked in anger This topic is about a player who as another poster says, non MFC supporters rate and the MFC Footy Dept must as well as they have made him co-captain, the sometimes rather spiteful way some posters opinions are expressed can annoy me, they are entitled to that but also to have my 'opinion' given as well If a poster like BH, who seems to think the rest of us are beneath him, makes a post asserting what he thinks to be a totally correct assessment of Jack Grimes, then other posters are allowed to disagree I actually have to listen to similar during the games, from so called supporters who in between going to bar to refuel with the overpriced and watered down alcohol at the G, spend 2 hrs shouting abuse at "their" team......I sometimes wonder if it is to cover their own percieved inadequacies
  4. What and miss out on your posts, no not really, bit rich coming from you OD, like I get told, don't read it........just trying to defend one of the captains of MFC....shield at the ready
  5. Binman......I might be one of the usual suspects...but I enjoy the sport of it...
  6. Gee BH insulting you, you must be very thin skinned although you don't mind handing out do you...'brain dead' 'fool' just a couple of examples., you are allowed your opinion ,the same as we are allowed to question it, my 'opnion' was you were wrong in your 'opinion' of Jack Grimes....having seen some of the diatribes you have launched against other players, I assumed this was just another one as I said in another post it must terrible for you being so alone atop your lofty pedestal whilst us mere mortals can only worship at your feet when you decide to impart some wisdom Ruthless business...this is footy, nobody dies....eeekkk heaven forbid .I am not compromising anything, especially the Club... I don't work/play/coach etc at the club so I cannot influence anything, apart from maybe those so called journalists at the Age who read this board looking for non stories...(Hi! Caroline) I support all the players whilst they are on the list, it is pretty pointless criticising them on this board, coz they don't read it so they are oblivious to the criticism, so it will have none of the influence you hope it will
  7. No BH I read every word you write, gives me the full picture I can then pick holes in......a considered opinion that would nearly be a first for you BH, you need to go back and reread your posts, most are diatribes against particular players/administrators/other posters, it gets tiresome to some of us, but this board is a democracy so you can do it I am not the only one to point this out to you, I try and put forward my viewpoint, as it is not an opinion, see below to explain why I watch footy to watch it, I don't sit there for hours analysing like you obviously do, it is meant for enjoyment........if they have a crack that will do me Gee and you have it in for the left as well.....were you picked on at school or something? You certainly don't like people disagreeing with you. Grimes is just a Melbourne player for me, if he comes out each game and gives it the best he can, that's fine by me, if his best is eventually good enough to make him in others eyes an 'A' grade midfielder then that is cool as well That is my 'opinion' of the team as well, I am only 'disappointed' when in my 'opinion' we didn't have a crack, ie last 10 minutes of the second qtr against St KIlda last weekend, same as Mark Neeld....hopefully we won't see that too often this coming season
  8. Wow, BH judging a guy on a practice game in 35 deg heat and masses of interchanges, you get better and better don't you, been reading all the negative posts on the board today.....gee we have a lot of posters really looking forward to the season and an MFC failure so they will feel vindicated for their pessimism, that's really good support
  9. Thanks longsuffering, at least you can see there is a future, unlike most of the posters on here who want instant gratification, everybody knows how long since an MFC flag, we get constantly reminded on here, but at least in the next few years we are on the way to having a really good crack at it
  10. You can echo for everybody except me, and they say it because the media says it
  11. Is there no reason we can't develop them, or are you saying we have failed in that in the terrible past and we will in the future....you can't keep trading, you want players to start at 18 and still be there at 28...I believe we have turned the corner, Rodan is there for the next couple of years to teach/protect/play/provide cover etc.....but I think we can develop Blease, Howe, Viney, McKenzie, Toumpas, Evans etc into a decent midfield in the next couple of years led from the front by Nathan Jones
  12. He has one real injury, his first few years at the club he was stuck behind Jeff White and couldn't get a game, but he kept his head down and carried on, since he became the nr 1 ruck he has been pretty consistent when fit, hence the three year contract....I think he is another one that suffers comparison with the 'flash' ruckmen such as NikNat and Kreuzer....but he does his job.......on a side note with everybody's favourite ruckman, NikNat, if that groin injury he has got is on his launcn leg...we may see a different NikNat
  13. Timid is not a word I would associate with Jamar, maybe using his nous..he is getting his hand to the ball which is good....the rest will come.....St Kilda had a lot of experience in there reading the taps...and blocking the receiver......we'll ge there.....the succession plan includes the big Pencil by the way, that is why he is still on the list for two years....he is developing al lthe time as well....I would prefer to see Gawn on his comeback standing in the goal square wiith an occasional ruck up fwd........
  14. Just a point....it pleases me so much that the redemption of Lynden Dunn is nearly complete............the unfortunate side effect being some posters on here will need a new whipping boy.........even I thought Dunny was a bit like Matt Bate always gave his absolute best but couldn't nail a possie in the team.......have even more faith in Neeld and co who have taken him and turned him into a rebounding defencer with an awful lot of upside.....he is just settling into the role.....could be anything there...and from what I have seen at training and games could be in for a big season
  15. And when Gawn doesn't live up to his potential...what then...rubbish him and start looking for another alterntative...he got a 3 yr deal because the Footy Dept wanted to give him one....rather poor of them not to agree with your assessment wasn't it
  16. How many ruckmen do you want?Jamar, Spencer, Pedersen, Sellar, Fitzpatrick, Clark. Jamar was very good against St KIlda, but we couldn't get first hand to the ball after his tap work, that is not his fault. Did you watch it?
  17. I like to read the posts, it keeps me grounded Let me see have we played a proper game yet this year, er no, have we seen who is going to sit in the so called small fwd possie in the 'best 22' for the first game er no. are we going to play a small fwd....not sure, we may go all tall...who knows.....am I allowed to express my thoughts...er yes
  18. Milne is the best small forward in the game, followed by Le Cras, Betts may be third Why is there a gaping hole, have we seen the full forward line play together yet or have I missed something Betts has been brought up in at least another 3 topics so far this year Can we see how 2013 pans out, I am sure the FD have got this under control
  19. Stuie, are you ready to lauch your invective at everybody who doesn't agree we were crap today?...hope you enjoy it
  20. We lost to a nearly full strength side by four goals in a pre season comp in 35 deg heat and from all reports nobody injured ...I am satisfied
  21. Actually one of the funniest bits today was Burton sledging Mitch Clark.....said something like "don't go near him, he'll fall over" I am disappointed I have another commitment tomorrow, that's why I went today, I think we are in for an improved showing, we may not win, as St Kilda are a proven side with most of their talent playing tomorrow apart from McEvoy, but just watching the body language today seem to suggest that maybe the Renmark game and the way the structures worked seems to have switched a big light on with all the players
  22. I agree, I have been to training quite a few times this year, it is run with military precision, I sat on the bench across the far side of the oval before the start and watched Misson measuring with a measuring wheel and marking spots on the field, noticed the players using these marks during the drills......no more just throw a few witches hats around........same with Viney as reported he has a neck problem so he was pulled out of the contact drill but did kicking and handballing for the 5 to 10 mnutes it took before joining back inAs I said both Clark and Trengove are looking really fit, Clark has been making steady progress using anti-gravity treadmill, pool etc, he does not look out of condition at all, and standing next to Trengove he actually looks a bit bigger in the body, so has been using his off feet time as well Every player I have spoken to at training all same the same thing, they are actually feeling fitter, stronger etc Stood next to Tapscott today to chat to him, was always a big body, but solid doesn't do him justice
  23. As far as I could make out, didn't want to make it obvious I was eavesdropping, both Martin and Moloney got a mention, Burton said Lions were pleased with both....it was mainly Craig asking the questions........he asked about Brisane's draftees......you have to remember they are all linked Craig at Adelaide, Rawlings at Brisbane, so a lot was 'in code'.... .when I meant interesting it was the first time I had seen a group of different coaches get together, not usually privy to that sort of thing , and annoyingly I don't know who it was, but Burton said (and this is paraphrase) "he did this already, so that's his season over" and the others nodded in agreement........I assume they were talking about a player they all knew and probably shows more than he goes
  24. But they are puttng in the extra work, as I noted in my report, neither Trengove or Clark looked 'stuffed' after the session and it was hot, yet the 'young' body Stark did...just saying
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