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Kiss of Death

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Everything posted by Kiss of Death

  1. Agreed - huge difference between a real solid legal side-on hit during a marking contest, and the constant barrage of lazy elbows, knees and fists that Max cops week-in, week-out. the old farts in the commentary box need to step up here, they’re the ones celebrating it
  2. And there is the problem - Joe Citizen watching the game is very unlikely to take it out on the rules committee or AFL house or whoever is going to be wearing Gil’s shoes in the future. only the umpires will receive the heat, which is wrong.
  3. It’s yet another rule involving interpretation that drives me mad. Case in point - when Gawn tackles and it slips high. He will cop the free against, and you often see him on the replay standing on the mark gently shaking his head. How does the umpire interpret this action? Is it dissent with the decision that was made? Is it disappointment with himself for making that decision in the first place? With Maxy I've always interpreted it as the latter - but how long until an ump interprets it as the former? Umpire #1 might have thicker skin and respond to a player who turns around and tells ‘what was that for?’ with ‘Mate I know he spun and ducked as he picked it up, but you still smashed him in the nose with your elbow, you need to show more duty of care, it’s a free kick, stand’ Umpire #2 might say ‘it doesn’t matter what it’s for, dissent, that’s 50’
  4. Bowey, he’s improving! I rate the Suns, 4 points on the board, let’s hope that there’s not too many sore lads out there, and let’s focus on the Dons.
  5. But Dermie is confident he meant to headbutt him while trying to win the ball and the game
  6. Brereton you [censored]. You absolute turnip. he’s reading minds again
  7. Incredible umpiring today. Giant HTB left hanging there
  8. Just a flesh wound…
  9. Let’s go Dees. kick 5 goals this quarter, put it in the book, and get home and rest up
  10. So you’re able to swipe somebody in the face with the fingers before tackling them now? can’t say I saw that one in the rules. DuhWayne and Brereton arguing that it doesn’t matter if you’re hit in the face, how are these two paid money
  11. Sooo many HTB there, my cat is really annoyed with me
  12. Umpire screams at a player to move for 5 seconds…. Just pay the bloody 50 ffs
  13. Koz definitely cut somebody off in traffic
  14. Real tough grind today.
  15. No more bounces they’re [censored] tonight
  16. Hit to the head = charity? Dermie’s last brain cell must be getting lonely
  17. Questionable bounce but far too easy out of the middle there
  18. DerWayne and Brereton - more painful than watching vision of Gus being hit
  19. I will take the score line. Suns are good. I’d rather Riv and Gus weren’t now under injury clouds, we are running out of backmen fast
  20. J Viney isn’t here tonight
  21. Dog ya legend. Fantastic recovery from the first 15 min onslaught
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