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Generation dee

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Everything posted by Generation dee

  1. Uncontested possessions- up by 120. We may have over used it, but similar to the dogs, we just didn't let them get there hands on the ball. Think that's as well as Collingwood can play. 8 goal win, highly accurate goal kicking again (1.4 early) bring on the swans
  2. Bernie Vince 42 disposals, winning contested disposal count, disposal count, tackles and fwd50 tackles. Funnily enough, losing time in forward half. Bring on sydney
  3. 14 goals to 3 after quarter time with time on to play...
  4. Think back mate. 2006 I think it was. Mark Thompson was coaching geelong and they called his head many times. He stuck to his game plan, even with the father sons, the game plan and his aims never changed. Alistair Clarkson taught his players in 2005 a game style. He had Franklin and roughead. He played a style and had a plan in mind, he tinkered woth it slightly while those guys were young, but he stuck to it. My point stands, we are getting taught a style that will stand up in finals, that utilises our playing groups strengths and helps shy our weaknesses, that hopefully will long term put us in a position like Hawthorn and geelong- winning a lot more games than we lose
  5. I went back to quote, saw this and thought against it. It's easier to forgive those calls when we play well. I'm guilty of them when we play rubbish as well. ?
  6. Mate, there is a difference between posts stating we haven't started well, as opposed to "Jones is a bit grader amd we need to trade our leadership group out" or "we haven't improved at all" While we field young and inexperienced teams, We will have great games and inconsistent quarters, we will have bad games with great quarters. Let's hope our inconsistent quarter is done, and the rest of the game we continue to play great.
  7. Really want to go and quote all the wrist slashing, no idea posts from the first quarter. Good improvement boys
  8. 4 years in the system, still can't get either a sustained run without injuries, or when he does, is ineffective and inconsistent at best. A top 5 bust.
  9. Go away. We all know your point. No need to keep screeching like a parrot. Hood luck to him in front of hopefully 80,000. Hope they boys all pull of a solid win.
  10. To be honest, it would have been easy to walk away from the Melbourne footy club in 2013 in hindsight. Be it him or whoever else wanted to leave. Now, I think you'd have to be slightly pushed to even consider leaving. The general closeness of this group is something not seen at many other clubs. I know for a fact from one of my Collingwood playing associates the he can only wish the Magpies were as tight knit as the demons are.
  11. To be honest, it would have been easy to walk away from the Melbourne footy club in 2013 in hindsight. Be it him or whoever else wanted to leave. Now, I think you'd have to be slightly pushed to even consider leaving. The general closeness of this group is something not seen at many other clubs. I know for a fact from one of my Collingwood playing associates the he can only wish the Magpies were as tight knit as the demons are.
  12. I just quoted a post prior to this, but who would your proffered back 6 be? Excluding milkshake as we haven't seen him yet to include him. Do you think oscar, Tom, frost and jetta would defend better if they had lamumba and Salem? What mixture? I'm curious, as I think my point with Oscar's development is strengthened if he is surrounded by more experience with lamumba, bugg and next year possibly melksham
  13. Good points, how would you see our back 6 line up if all players were available? Excluding milkshake.
  14. Whilst I do agree, you and I will have different views in what is best for him as opposed to the FD. I also agree on the breaks,keeping a player fresh before they get burnt out. Even though hunt is in his first few matches, he's still been on the list 3 years, so he has done a lot of training. Wagner being a bit older as well. The whole dynamic of the defence changes with lamumba there. You see how highly they value his leadership. We havent seen his best in his time at the dees, but he seems to orgsnise and defence. But back to oscar. In my opinion if he keeps positively contributing, he stays. As soon as his output becomes a negative, then I'm all for a vfl stint.
  15. Note the Asterix at the end saying there are variables. And no need to completely overblown what I said. Oscar Macdonald is a second year player who has had minimal injuries through his juniors even leading up to this season (sans the ankle this year) Weiderman played minimal footy in his final 2 years of underage footy, which ultimately lead to question marks over his draft status, on top of that is a first year player. You want to make any other irrelevant comparisons? Had you of focused on my post amd the points I made, I stated that surely as long as omac positively contributes in the short term, he should keep his spot in the long term. Would you agree that's a fair comment? As an aside for your irrelevant quoting of past drafted players, I think it's obvious there is a difference in the quality of development staff, coaching and the whole football department. Scully is playing fantastic football at GWS, Trengove could have been an all Australian or delisted, and you'd have better luck predicting PowerBall numbers than knowing how they would go had they been drafted into a half professional club. But that's a whole different argument that's been done to death amd we will never know.
  16. Look, I for one get what you're saying. The thing is, omac is going to not only learn quicker, but become more comfortable and better suited where he is. Playing him in the vfl for any extended period just slows that down. There's going to be short term pain, as you've alluded to we have leaked goals at times. But the more these 5 or 6 play together, the more cohesive they get. The more they understand each other's style and reading of the play. Oscar goes back to the vfl and for the next few weeks he plays on respectable vfl key forwards.. let's say he shows some signs of improvement. The thing is he then has to come back to afl level, with different team mates and better opposition, and improve all over again. In a round about way, I'm trying to say,wouldn't it be better that he showed that improvement and gained that confidence in the ones, playing cohesive with the other long term senior defenders? You know yourself that if he lines up on Cox, Cloke or white this week, and he manages to play another game better than the last (IMO has slightly improved each week) and defends well, rebounds well, then his short term confidence will grow quicker. Dropping him now after 3 weeks where he has started to adjust would just sap an confidence he has gained. I only look at it that he is obviously earmarked to be a long term key back for us, why not continue to back him in and learn from his mistakes, knowing that he will get better with continuity and confidence. If he played every game from now til the end of 2017 he will be around the 40 game mark, which is when you'll really start to see more of a complete player.* *yes I understand the variables associated with that comment, and I imply it that while he positively contributes he is earning games, not being "gifted"
  17. Exactly my thoughts. The thing with harmes and Kent is they possess that real goal kicking nous, they could both kick 4 goals this weekend. But they could both have 1 goal and from 7 touches too. Throw in a garlett stinker again, and before you know it we rely on 7 to hogan to win. Honestly, it's our least experienced area of the ground. These guys have still all played less than 30 games. It's not an excuse, it just highlights the inconsistencies of inexperienced players playing in a difficult position. Throw in petracca or stretch rotating through and it only gets younger. Now I've thought about it more, I'd be inclined to agree with your change nasher
  18. He had some good moments, most notably his 3rd and 4th efforts to get the ball back for us right on the stroke of half time. But other than that he didn't have a lot of impact. Harmes has had 2 quiet weeks, as has Kent. I agree Vanders is likely to have an impact, I just think he needs 1 or 2 full matches under his belt. Having said that, I was surprised to see he spent more time on the ground than many other players. Whoever plays of Kennedy, Kent, harmes or Vanders, doesn't particularly matter in a sense. They are all ikely to score a couple of goals and set up 1 or 2, but the pressure when we don't have the ball needs to dramatically increase from last week's output.
  19. Ben Ken in for Vanders would have been mine. Just didn't look ready yet and might need another 1 or 2 in the 2's
  20. 2 goals from 15 disposals. Dunn played back and frost forward. Not sure why all the doom and gloom here. Collingwood had 53 inside 50 entries and kicked 7 goals at the weekend. Hawthorn had 58 and kicked 11. We defended much better as a team in our back half at the weekend, and if it wasn't for some very lazy forward half pressure and an inability to keep the ball in our forward half, we probably go closer to winning the game. Port showed last week that when we let teams walk out of our forward 50 unopposed we are easy to score against. Our problem, as it has been for a few weeks, is our inability to trap the ball high in our forward half for longer periods of the game. If we let sidebottom, pendlebury and trealor get the ball in hand with space in the centre square, it won't matter if it's frost, McDonald's or whoever defending. The biggest kpi's this year on our wins have been tackles and pressure acts inside our forward half, and our ability to keep the ball forward for longer periods of time. It's just crazy to think that defenders can consistently get blamed here, even with their individual failings, when our half forward line and midfielders don't put enough pressure on, don't stick their tackles and don't close down space well enough to allow the opposition to just wake it out of our forward half. Anyone who has even a remote idea of playing football knows that if the midfielder has open space in front of him, the majority of the time he will hit a eating forward and there is little a defender can do. Get the ball in your front half, then put enough frontal and midfield pressure on to keep it there and inevitably you win more games of footy than you lose.
  21. Surprised Vince was so low. Thought he was super.
  22. Seen him play at Casey this year? Maybe the wet conditions slowed him down a bit too. Like every other player on the ground.
  23. Glad you and others are starting to see this! Good post!
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