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Everything posted by What

  1. What was your answer? As soon as the trade becomes official I will reveal all.
  2. I predict they wont do a 2 hour TV finale next season. Everyone is taking about how fake and manufactured this whole thing is. It is backfiring spectacularly for the AFL, who truly believe the public are idiots.
  3. Only wanting to go to one of the two Perth clubs means the family circumstances reason is total bull [censored].
  4. People saying we paid overs for Lever... fmd.
  5. I implore you all to not tune in and give it ratings.
  6. Watch this back to back and it will almost be time for the grand finale of trade period.
  7. Almost 9,200 replies. This thread will easily get past 10k posts.
  8. Bummer. That kid is seriously gifted.
  9. Is there any chance that Rankine kid will be available at pick 5 in the draft?
  10. Good. Make Essendrug pay up.
  11. What

    Dylan Shiel

    Surely he will not let Peter Bell steal his spotlight!
  12. The AFL are once again shooting themselves in the foot by purposely holding off on trades going through until their 2 hour TV finale. This is how you alienate the fans.
  13. Just call him Kade, it should be fairly easy for you to remember but you can always put a reminder in your phone.
  14. I never proposed it. Its my own nickname for him. Go make your own one up.
  15. Turn on Trade radio for the first time this trade period Hear Sam McLure talking Immediately shut it down
  16. No. No. And for the record, this riddle isnt a waste of time or something stupid. Its actually a brilliant nickname. If nobody has figured it out by the close of trade period I will reveal it.
  17. Dont fret, we are a strong club now. The Hawks became even better after Buddy left, and they got pathetic compensation for him.
  18. No, nothing to do with cars. It is much more intellectual than that. I think someone will get it if they think hard.
  19. My nickname for Kade is 'MGA'. If anyone can figure out that riddle they likely have an IQ over 150.
  20. That might be the worst nickname ever conceived.
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