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Posts posted by Demoneyes

  1. You know what though?

    For a prolific twitter user, Rockliff comes across as blissfully unaware of any rumours.

    Rob Kerr may have refuted them, and his manager has refuted them... but Rockliff himself hasn't even acknowledged them, let alone pledged his loyalty.

    Just found that interesting.

    Manager could be just playing the PR game, so Rockliff can stay if it all falls apart.

    On another note, interesting to see him posting photos having out with Fev in recent days.

    Would that worry anyone if a young player of ours was hanging out with him?

    I might not be concerned that Fev would be able to "turn him wrong", but I do think it shows some strange character traits to even want to spend some free time with such a buffoon.

    Totally agree! But unfortunately young guys like him probably think that BF is like a god! Hope we can get him away from such distractions!

    • Like 1
  2. I am pretty happy with where we are at as a site in terms of politeness and respect.

    You struck a nerve on GF day with a great number of posters incl. myself. It's no big deal, we all move on and enjoy the ability to discuss the Demons with other Demons.

    No problems. Go Dees!

  3. DJ - Sydney got him because of their allowance. Otherwise, he would be at GWS where he is sorely needed. I wouldn't put it past The Bloated One to stop it even this late and send him there.

    FA is without bias, the clubs that have room and a good pitch can get good players. We haven't had a good pitch, but that tone will change with Roos will it not?

    Moloney was not wanted by the MFC and while we can all hide behind Neeld ruining him, I don't think his departure hurt at all. His lack of leadership, finger pointing, front running, and inability to get to contests wore thin with me as I wrote in his last couple of years.

    Rivers was playing forward for us in his last year for all those revisionists - we had moved past him.

    The Sylvia situation was played well by the club. Roos wants to imprint a culture on this place and Colin would be more of a hindrance than a help. Of all his transgressions I know that not all were actually reported.

    And the club, and FA, should deliver us Pick 22 for Colin so don't just dismiss that chance to suit your argument.

    Should Frawley leave next year he will net is a top 5 pick or a very good trade.

    FA rewards smart clubs, oddly enough I think that Port has been the smartest; they got two second round picks for Chaplin and Pearce, traded for FA Monfries, and have already been on the attack with the signing of Matt White.

    We are worried because we have been a terribly run club, but how about we try and be a well run club instead of worrying about a system that will not leave.

    Fully agree with most of that rpfc but don't understand how we could come out with pick 22 for Colin if Hawthorn are only getting pick 19 or 20 for Franklin? I think Colin would be more likely around pick 38 (start 3rd round) or worse

  4. Demoneyes, you spam all the threads on the trading & drafting board, and you appear to post specious information under the pretense of you actually knowing something or having some valuable contacts at the club, despite none of your "inside info" being factually correct.

    You come across as a tool.

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    I hope you feel better getting that off your chest! For your info I do not spam every thread on here, on GF day it was about 45 I replied to. Who I know is none of your business, but I am quite comfortable with the contacts I have. It is quite obvious you haven't read all my threads as some have been correct. Someone said on here that i only post stuff on here to big note myself, what an absolute laugh! If you really feel I come on here to get "uplifted" from comments I make by you and others, you are all sadly mistaken! With the high stress job I have, I come on here to de-stress with some light hearted entertainment. As for yourself, the way you re-act and your language says volumes to me about the person you are. Be well!

  5. Simpson has done his apprenticeship, and it was under a 2 time premiership coach. Why would he want to do another one

    I am hoping we get Nathan Bassett, he was my number 1 choice from day 1

    If he doesn't get the job at WC I am sure he would be most interested in getting a guarantee to be coach after 2-3 years. Besides Sumich very in the frame also at WC

  6. I love it! Finally doing what ever it takes to get the best.

    If that means waiting a year so be it, Swans can pay and train our coach for a year and he can tap up some players to come with him.

    Could certainly live with that! But is it unlikely to be Dew when Mahoney said today he should be announced in the next couple of weeks?

  7. James is a restricted FA next year but will be uncontarcted at the end of it. We do need to re-sign him but I take a little comfort in the fact he has said in the last few days his heart beats red and blue! Him and Garland are extremely close and I am not concerned about him going elsewhere as I believe he will stay. In response to the post, we have been down for a little (!) while so it is difficult to attract the FA's when after serving 8-10 years all they want is a premiership or at least finals. We just need to rise, and the FA's will come and then the other clubs will have the same complaint!

  8. This is a load of rubbish.

    If I was to post a link to a video that a friend of mine sent me, and that video happened to be of 3 naked people beating a child with a corpse, what do you think would happen to me? What would the reaction be?

    By passing on the information (the 'message') you have made a conscious decision to do so. If people tell you that your rumours are rubbish and that you are a tool for posting them, then they are completely within their rights to do so. By doing the sort of stuff you have been doing, you invite scorn upon yourself.

    This is a community of people. I will treat everyone with respect until I deem them not worthy of respect, and this is the same online and in the physical world. If you're a tool, you'll be treated as if you're a tool.

    And I believe that may just be an extreme example, and nothing to do with what we have said. But if you did post something like that, you would deserve to be hounded, but not by us - by the authorities!

  9. This is a load of rubbish.

    If I was to post a link to a video that a friend of mine sent me, and that video happened to be of 3 naked people beating a child with a corpse, what do you think would happen to me? What would the reaction be?

    By passing on the information (the 'message') you have made a conscious decision to do so. If people tell you that your rumours are rubbish and that you are a tool for posting them, then they are completely within their rights to do so. By doing the sort of stuff you have been doing, you invite scorn upon yourself.

    This is a community of people. I will treat everyone with respect until I deem them not worthy of respect, and this is the same online and in the physical world. If you're a tool, you'll be treated as if you're a tool.

    There are always ways to do things,cordially! Rumours are rumours until fact. I hope in future you only post fact by your overeaction! Just because someone hears something and it doesn't happen, doesn't mean machinations weren't there in place to make it happen and it all fell through. An example just for you: a week before Jack watts 3 year contract was announced I posted it. My info was it would be announced on the footy show. They announced it the following Tuesday. Last minute tweaking maybe. I don't care. That is the way the world works!

  10. 943026-matt-scharenberg.jpg

    Matt Scharenberg, 190cm, 89kg


    Luke Dunstan, 185cm, 83kg


    Dom Sheed, 184 cm, 83 kg.

    I can keep going if you'd like?

    Aish weighs about 70kg, and already has dodgy shoulders

    Ridiculous comment.

    Those 3 look pretty good to me! Would be happy with any or all!

  11. On those points:

    1. I think we see very little of what could be called "personal abuse" in the footy related threads (political threads seem to be the place for that)... but, I suppose personal abuse is defined by how thick skinned we are (or are not).

    2. I certainly do not see anything slanderous... an interesting one, because can calling people on here out be considered slanderous when we are all hiding behind avatars (although I have chosen to use my actual photo for my avatar) and assumed names... the players, club/afl admin and Scully's father are the only people likely to be on the receiving end of slanderous comments.

    3. Indecent... nothing - but I suppose that comes down to each individuals' moral threshold.

    4. If we were to really police knowingly false information, that could see the end of the rumours thread, because you can be almost certain that much of what appears in there was pulled out of thin air in the hope that the person making the call can attain some bragging rights.

    5. As for any other matter deemed inappropriate, that is a catch-all that parallels the AFL's bringing the game into disrepute clause or a govt's state of emergency act - it is necessary, but very rarely acted upon.

    Anyway, I believe what we have here is a storm in what is, for the most part, a very placid tea cup.

    In regards to point 4, isn't everything on here rumour until it becomes fact? Things you hear from people you see every day is all rumour, until we see it actually reported in the news or on MFC website. We're just saying don't shoot the messengers! And if in this instance you are just referring to me, well as I said, I only report what I hear. Enough has been said about this, and it has made people think, hopefully for the better. Now roll on the draft because I obviously have no idea who we are going to get! But I'm still excited about 2014 and beyond! Go Dees!

  12. Yet you still seem to find time for multiple posts across almost every open thread.

    There is a wonderful button called "follow this topic" I have a half dozen on there certainly not "almost every open thread". What I said was I don't scroll back through 200+ messages to see if its been said before. I have you people to remind me of that!

  13. How would you feel if you had someone in your business who was simply riding along on the back of the innovative thinking of others in the organisation and claiming it as his or her own? Because that is essentially what Demoneyes has been called out for on numerous occasions. The "abuse" directed at Demoneyes for the most part has been pretty tame, particularly when you take into account his drunken ramblings on Saturday evening... I was actually surprised there was no reprimand from the mods (perhaps there was and it was a slap on the wrist that we are unaware of?).

    As another poster mentioned, respect has to be earned and hopefully Demoneyes will earn that respect... who knows, he may even start to post some of those innovative ideas you alluded to. I certainly hope so.

    Really? Sick of re-explaining part of your post, so won't. And this is a forum to discuss things as you hear them, which I and many others do. I generally don't have time to scroll through countless other posts to see if it is mentioned before. I say it, as others do when they hear it! And whether it comes from a mate at the pub, at an airport or anywhere else, it doesn't really matter. You can discuss it cordially or since you probably have nothing better to add, say nothing. And finally, yes , what brought me to the subject, was the way I was dealt with but that is not the crux of the matter, it is how all others are dealt with also. As someone said, 99% on here are respectful. It shows quite clearly from the start of this thread those who are not!

    • Like 1
  14. The thing is..... Demonland is a community. An online community, but a community non the less.

    If someone in my workplace or group of friends acts like a fool or spouts rubbish to big note themselves, I will pull them up on it.

    I will not give them any respect.

    If you find yourself the target of multiple users disrespect, maybe ask your self what you are doing/done to earn this disrespect.

    The great thing with an online community is that you can simply delete your account or change your name. Or even better, stop being a tool.

    It actually matters little to me what they say! I can take it being involved in the industry. I am talking for others. I had the day off and scanned through countless posts and the same protagonists come to the fore every time. I don't know if they have miserable lives and are trying to convey that on others (or if its just following the Dees over the past few seasons!) but am just asking to be RESPECTFUL of others.

  15. I usually have you on ignore (what a great little feature of 'land), however I think you need to read again the two sentences you wrote above. Firstly because you spam threads over and over without adding anything meaningful (eg, GF day), and second because you persist with little pieces of information that are either already common knowledge or untrue. Respect is earned. Please try reading more and posting only when it really adds. This is the internet, if you think 'land is disrespectful, you may wish to avoid the other footy forum sites. 'Land is generally well behaved and certainly well moderated.

    Finally, if you are feeling depressed, consider contacting Beyond Blue ph 1300224636 or lifeline ph 131114. I am serious.

    In regards to GF day I have already explained that elsewhere. I talk in general. I have scrolled through a lot of threads (obviously) and the same protagonists pop up with the same vitriole time and again. I tend to wonder why they want to be involved here?

    • Like 1
  16. It amazes me the amount of unrespectful communication on this site towards others. I feel it is some people's mission just to tear apart every thread with no real desire to add something meaningful! Please remember this is a thread for all who love the Demons. We are all supporting and (hopefully) members of the same team. Any little piece of information should be welcomed and not trodden into the ground time and time again. The amount of abuse and bad comments towards some posters makes me cringe and I certainly hope that those that do these posts do not have a bigger issue to deal with like a bullying claim or possible suicide of the receiver as has happened on facebook and elsewhere and to a personal friend of mine.

    Be nice and respectful. You may feel better for it!

    • Like 12
  17. I'm really hijacking here, but finally I did ask if Melbourne had spoken to him before the combine.. They had.

    I asked him about his thoughts in coming to Melbourne, and he said like anyone you do pay attention to the terrible year they had, and how bad development and team harmony looked under Neeld. However, he stated he was shocked at how he considered their interview to be one of the most indepth and constructive. The line of questioning was very direct and the approach the club has about where it's going and the type of players it wants was very firm. They did touch on the past and expressed to him that the MFC wanted to draft players who wouldn't stand for poor results and is he the type of character who plays football for passion or because he's always been good at it. I don't know if it was a dig at current players but seemed to be incredibly interesting.

    I asked if he'd be happy to come to Melbourne and said yeah I'd be stoked.

    Most in depth and interesting article I have read on here in a while! Obviously you won't name the player?

  18. It isn't anymore than a rumour... someones 'mate' saw him getting on a plane.

    We've heard that one before with Roosy jetting off to Perth.

    He was definitely at the airport - in Melbourne. Where was he going to? How credible that he was seen in Brisbane?

  19. Not sure I agree. If GWS take Boyd (which I think they will do), this means that our pick 2 becomes the most valuable tradable pick in the draft for all other clubs. That should be worth quite a lot in a draft which thins out quite quickly after pick 30 apparently.

    Incidentally, there is speculation that GWS will pay serious attention to any trade for an experienced ruckman with 3-4 years left in him. Surely we could package something up involving Jamar to get one or two of their gun mids? Could be good value for us.

    Don't know if Jamar has that much left in the tank, but we can only hope!

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