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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. How did you interpretate it then?
  2. I believe this post above what has been stated before. I do not know Pert personally, but that should not matter. The circles that he presumably moves in would entertain pushing relevance and listening to the AFL (Media) hierarchy. We believed our players to a GF victory, We should continue the ride as MAX would want.
  3. Massive Inferiority complex. The look on the face gives it away all the time
  4. Correct
  5. Thanks for that, You saw the interview, did you?
  6. It would be nice if Conor Mc would like to spend a month or two out here around the Club for a little holiday and to "athchogain"
  7. I call all of this BS, until they put a reputable Media name to it, and i see Oliver saying it. I think in view of recent media record, we are entitled to ask for that as a minimum.
  8. The best thing happened that could have happened. The Media screwed themselves. Far be it from me to kick them when they are down, but i think they have made fools of themselves for what was such a prestigious body of sports knowledge and respect. It does appear as though they are more circumspect of GWS and their outbreak based on the simple principle of hasten carefully. Basically from my point of view i would like an apology sent to Our Club, and to those maligned players individually. Has it ever been done? Probably not. But it would be a good start.
  9. Heard a crescendo of info that there could just be Cultural problems at C9, but i stress that its true.
  10. Love this post. Fair bit to cogitate on. And a couple of lateral thoughts do not go astray.
  11. Great to see all the courageous posters finding voice. Now that we have concerning trends occurring and being exposed about Channel 9, why would we think that it does not unnecessarily apply to AFL Sport.
  12. Came from a Club obviously with culture, US.
  13. America could be heading for the biggest one
  14. The last statement sums this bloke up in a nutshell. "It's a business, after all". No mate, it's a life.
  15. Speculative rubbish. Both those players, in my opinion, left of their own accord, to their chosen path, quite successfully in my opinion. Both of them were mature enough to form their own opinions about how they were going to continue their attachment to their livelihood.
  16. I would have thought the family might be just over the hills.
  17. Running, goal scoring, solid half back.
  18. Definitely no relation to Confucius, me thinks...
  19. McClure and Morris best chums.
  20. Not now, they already have what they want, and the Club report will include a lobotomy on the Media. Their lack of ethics, intrusive activities and their plagiarising of each other.
  21. Yep, and i wouldn't mind a Danaher coming out of retirement and playing a year or two, or the second coaching at MFC
  22. That's a zinger, Saty
  23. I am changing my mind somewhat after what happened in the GF, where i saw Grundy as being the difference in the game but i was sadly mistaken, Danaher was the pseudo Norm Smith medal winner in that game, purely on impact around the ground, in the air, and GF aggression.
  24. You are too nice RIF.
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