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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. He was born to be TWSNBN's "Divine Right Coach". A two way success story........... of love and humility........
  2. I could have sworn a few players and their families suffered.......ahh well, cheers media......
  3. .....and i thought this thread was going to be about when the next Federal Election was.
  4. Why O why. Well might you ask.........
  5. We could call it "Oxford Analytica".
  6. ....not to mention giving Port a bad name.....
  7. Mrs Brown's kids wouldn't be saying that......
  8. What would you like, good old R.C. or Bob Mueller, or if Micks involved Papal Inquisition?
  9. Gees, i was going to give him $2000.00 for that tap to the goal square...???
  10. There is a lot of undisturbed murky waters under well known bridges that do not want footballs ripples in them.....Poetic License
  11. I'm thinking this situation will be closed like a steel trap pretty soon. The Big Boardroom in AFL Town will close this up really quick....
  12. DJ, your last paragraph summed up probably a lot of folks "lounge chair" thoughts, including mine and friends. That said, the press, the squash and the crush, have all been thrashed with possible solutions. I worry about the great outside distance handball, the evasion between skilfull players, the lovely palm over the back and the Fair bump... Are they nearly gone? They are certainly under threat....
  13. Your comments are warranted, and, without using "but", i would place Treloar's value to Pies at least as much as Viney to us for sheer ferocity, BALL SPEED and momentum. WE will see 4 games hence.........
  14. Wep, dragged kicking and screaming into International Court by WADA. That was a real good look. The AFL is the "you can Bank on footy" Would it be fair to ask who's watching over it now? Money is not everything, not bigger than the Game.....
  15. If TWSNBN"s game is anything to go by from now on i'm going to refrain from orchestrated hate sessions.....
  16. Too hot to handle, eh?......
  17. Concrete and grass don't mix..... at least they haven't got razor blades growing in the fences....
  18. Big Head problem at Port.......my opinion.
  19. Your not a lone Dimmy...... Shows you how much they knew....Ha Ha My opinion for a while is well known. Now i will add that he, Melksham is a leader in waiting. His analysis is measured and rational.
  20. I think, and i also think that they think, that their Home Ground is their biggest problem. Same goes for St Kilda....
  21. That's on my calendar too........
  22. Yep, what he did was good, the way he went about it was, to me, reminiscent of Ron Wearmouth.
  23. My "lid is definitely on" after a win like that. Just wondering if the crowd left before the game because i couldn't see anyone there during.
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