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The heart beats true

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Everything posted by The heart beats true

  1. God this is frustrating to watch. Sydney should have iced the game by half time.
  2. BT now asking ‘what is the world coming to?’ because Stewart got fined for pushing over an injured Viney. I’ll tell you what it’s coming to Brian. The end of outdated, boring old men like you.
  3. Wow. Sydney are keeping Geelong in this. it’s infuriating
  4. Isaac Smith really irritates me. He’s a good player, looks to be a great fella, and should have come to us.
  5. Because it’s not September yet.
  6. Binman? More like Clingman. I’m here all week, try the veal.
  7. If you didn’t point it out I wouldn’t have even noticppped.
  8. Didn’t look so crash hot when we dominated them for 80% of the game 2 weeks ago. They were one kick away from being beaten at home by the 8th team on the weekend. It’s seems flashy and exciting because they come from behind a lot, but their forward line is as much of a problem as ours, and there’s some clear weak links in their system.
  9. I was just reading some old posts here and realised we haven’t heard from @Sir Why You Little for a few months. Hope he’s doing ok.
  10. Some of the criticism makes me wonder what’s going on. Is it the weight of expectation? Unrealistic expectation? Or, nostalgia rewriting the form of players in 2021? We got rolled by 2 bottom sides in our premiership year. Players form fluctuated (often dramatically). We came within a kick of having to go and play Port at home in our first final. It may have all felt like a fairy tale thinking back on it, but it wasn’t.
  11. Which I don’t have a problem with. I don’t like the travel for the players, and the fact that it’s one less game in Melbourne - where we are based, and need to continue to evolve our games supporter base.
  12. It’s an own goal by the admin of the club to sell a home game these days. We’ve made our own life harder. 65k members. We’ve done our part. If the eyes on the club at this moment can’t be turned into bigger and better sponsorship opportunities then we aren’t working hard enough off the field. Selling a game to the NT stinks, and jeopardises the clubs impact where it matters most.
  13. For those saying Pert should lobby the AFL, first you need to lobby Pert. Email him and tell him. The club works with us. If we make a cohesive argument then it helps him go to the AFL.
  14. First of all this is the funniest way to make an argument against something you don’t believe in. Argue that we aren’t doing it, but that other teams are??? But I’ll humour your odd assumption by saying that you are completely correct. The teams mentioned ARE all in different heavy training, BUT you have to take the contexts of their wins into consideration. Collingwood played against another side off the bye who also are training to be playing in September. Adelaide is Burgess and Burgess is a huge advocate for loading. The effects possibly nullified each other - and it was as close to a draw as you can get. Geelong played last week so would have had a lighter running load this week, and a crucially important week of match conditioning. But don’t take my word for it…. Not one side has won coming off the bye playing a side that played the week before. Not one. The 16th side beat the 3rd side. The 9th side beat the 4th side. The 11th side beat the 6th. I could go on and on across literally every game. All 8 of them. Training loads have a massive impact on output and performance. If you don’t want to see that then there’s not much point talking about it.
  15. I think I see what you are getting at… That we are heavily fatigued from a large block of training and our efficiency by foot drops off as games go on, resulting in poorer shots at goal? Right?
  16. And that makes it 8 straight losses (most of them capitulations) by teams coming off a bye playing teams that didn’t. 🤔
  17. Hawthorn look terrible after beating Brisbane. The bye is the new Covid.
  18. Does Fox know Jeremy Howe only missed 3 months of football? They are carrying on like he’s been cryogenically frozen since 1928.
  19. Imagine having to show up at work everyday and heap praise on the guy who took your job, and makes you look like a fool? Nathan seems to do it with ease. I’m not sure self reflection is a strength of his.
  20. I wonder if Collingwood would have won that game if they sold it to the NT government and played it at Alice Springs?
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