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Young Blood

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Everything posted by Young Blood

  1. Tom McDonald is done. Even if the player he was is still somewhere in there his body won't allow for it to come to fruition. He can't turn and is useless unless he clunks a mark of which he hasn't been able to do much at all this year. He's not even getting to contests to try and half them. This tank of his isn't doing anything anymore either. Playing him up the ground has done nothing for this team. That being said I hate to say he is one who is given a long leash and I hope it is once again shortened. We look so much better without him as a liability. It was really stupid to play three talls. It kills our forward line pressure which is what we have relied upon so much this season being a front half team. For that reason you won't see Hannan dropped as he is probably our best in that area. Doubt Brayshaw will be dropped as he is coaches pet and was talked up prior to the week by Goodwin stating his best isn't far away. It will not be popular but he won't be dropped unless its fitness (again Goodwin stated he's fit). Salem certainly won't be dropped either. Sorry. Realistically: IN: Tomlinson, AVB, Rivers/Jetta OUT: Harmes, Jones, Tmac We have a lot of good potential ins that could fill a variety of roles. I also like the idea of bringing any of Spargo, Brown or ANB. All of which can adequately perform a role needed. Anyone know how Smith is going? Haven't heard much of him in the scratch matches. I think the experiment of him as a defender should be put to bed and I would love him to play as a high forward. I would be so much happier experimenting with that and giving it a few weeks instead of continuing to struggle with TMac
  2. Even though we lost on Sunday there was still a some signs of the confidence this group has in one another to compete and stay in games even when we've been outplayed. We were untidy with the football and clearly beaten around the ball but we still had a chance to win. I haven't watched any Port games this year but they seem the same inconsistent team of they have been for some time. I think we're a better road team then they are and have a better list on paper. I hope we really come out aggressive and set the tone early tonight.
  3. Like others here I too was surprised to see he was actually shoved down as my initial memory was that he did the old 'I'll put my head between your legs and try to get up with forward momentum so it looks like you are keeping me down'. Such a common tactic. The different example with the Petracca one is where both players are lying on the ground after holding the ball is called. The umpire is blindsided and can't see that Bailey (Bris) is actually holding Petracca so Trac can't get up immediately to get the free. Another effective tactic. They're all little games within the game which we sometimes love but often its pretty ugly watching and even when our players do it I cringe. The difference with Fritsch's one is yes he was shoved down but what got him was instead of throwing or handballing as he got up he chose to hold onto it for that split second more to get up properly and thats when the whistle went. Now I don't necessarily agree with it as a players should be able to regain his feet to man the mark and then throw the ball back. But all of us, including the umpire knew what Fritsch was doing and as whoever was commentating said it right "He just needed to make it a little less obvious". I think thats true. The kid will learn. Side note. How funny/annoying is it when a player who has clearly given away a free kick in a one on one to a direct opponent picks up the ball and holds onto it asking the umpire repeatedly "Who do I give it to????". What a weird game indeed.
  4. He's probably out best field kick after Salem. Such a natural footballer and at only 23 yrs he is set for a nice career. You always look at his body and wonder how the hell he's able to compete but he manages ok. The conditions didn't suit his game on the weekend. He was a tad slow and off in general. Still managed 2 goals and was always competing in the air. The 50m penalty would have been a more major talking point had there not been many multiple reasons we lost the game. Again so frustrating when there were many other occasions where Brisbane players sat on the footy after giving away free kicks throughout the night. Bailey just took it a tad too far. He'll learn.
  5. I thought he was solid enough. He appeared to be playing HF/wing. I think ball in hand his experience was useful at times. It's his off ball work that I'm unsure if he can still compete at the highest level sustaining the pressure in our forward half.
  6. Yep. Super obvious. Would have been so frustrating for our players. I thought Berry in particular played a really sloppy ugly game of football in that regard the way he was laying into players on the ground. Although it may have been effective at times wearing us down its not a great look
  7. Will be unpopular to many here but unless its a fitness thing Brayshaw won't be dropped. It's a case of how much the coaching staff believe in him which I guess can be seen two different ways. Out: Harmes In: Tomlinson I could see one of the forwards like Bennel or Kozzy getting a spell for ANB too
  8. I actually genuinely think the Kozzy hit was called simply because of how it looked aggressive. Which is absolute rubbish. Its so frustrating when a young player shows such ferocity defensively which we should be praising instead now the talk will be around him taking more care with his tackling (the sling one). Overall it was a really ugly game umpiring wise. Would have been hard to umpire but I thought there were a few where the umpire was too quick with the whistle. Brisbane were doing some pretty ugly things off ball and even in contest: dropping full weight on players on the ground, using arms a lot in contests shoving and I don't feel the umpires picked up a lot of it.
  9. It was a pretty clear cut game. + Viney was outstanding. He has been terrific all, has gone up another level like Trac. His ball use and composure now added to his game Backline performed well again considering the conditions. Despite how untidy we were most of the night we stayed in the game and even took control for patches by playing it in our front half Forward line structure good again just didn't capitalize - As mentioned above, at stoppages we were able to win the ball first but so often lost possession and they feasted on the loose ball They were so much cleaner with their ball use all over the ground especially in tight After such an even team effort last week I thought a lot of players didn't contribute enough especially late. The gap between our best and worst was noticable. Viney, Trac, Clayton, Gawn, Langdon all felt like the only players really contributing to gutting out a win. Harmes had an absolute shocker. Very keen to see him have a spell and give someone else a go at the role
  10. Not a great one to watch and I wasn't that impressed with Brisbane's physicality in terms of the unnecessary things like sitting or falling on players in vulnerable positions as well as some other off ball acts. You could see our guys getting frustrated at times but overall I thought we handled it pretty well.
  11. I thought Gus had a decent impact on the game on the weekend. Yep he butchered a few kicks. Also kicked quite a few to advantage that ended up in goals. There's less being asked of Gus since his breakout season. He is playing off ball much more with Viney, Trac and Clayton playing more in close. I've noticed he's usually a longer handball away from where we win at the contest and is more a release player now. I think he's still getting used to it not having to win the ground ball so much or be as much of a stoppage option like he has been previously. As Gawn said he's playing his role well. Might take a bit of time until it reaches fruition to the point where we appreciate it as supporters.
  12. With Tmac I can't help but noticed he looks a lot more sluggish and heavy. More so he doesn't look confident in how he is moving. I know he had the torn meniscus last year and before that an ongoing foot/toe problem? He just seems to be lumbering around a lot more then he used to. He was never an agile player, struggling with turning and kicking on the run from angles but he at least had a decent burst of speed and power. Is it just me or does he look heavy this year? His confidence in his ability is definitely lacking. I wonder if niggling injuries and body are letting him down further.
  13. I think we can expect a huge emphasis on pressure in this one. We've gone smaller and faster. I'm looking for us to win the tackle count in the wet hopefully.
  14. Or just bring the ball to ground for Hunt, Kozzy, Harley, Melk and Bayley. I reckon AVB will be tasked with throwing his weight around the forward line and competing in the air.
  15. I'd say AVB will spend time predominantly forward. He will slide deeper when T-Mac chops out in the ruck
  16. Yeah this is pretty baffling. I was fine with Weid not coming in due to the fact that Jackson is actually a decent ruck option interchanging with Gawn. I thought that the club would have thought that too valuable to bring Weid back in just yet. But now they're dropped him... Never like seeing T-Mac in the ruck but maybe they see it as more game involvement from him.
  17. Obviously not being at the game its hard to tell what our back line structures were like. Carlton were playing quite a few fwd talls high across the ground like McGovern and Casbolt. Harry Mckay seemed to be the main deeper leading forward for most of the game. May obviously had the job on him so I woundn't mind betting Lever was being dragged further up field where those forwards had a real impact later in the game. Makes it very hard to help out in defense which is his strength coming of his man.
  18. I understand the want for T-Mac to be dropped. Was very average and I really this he doesn't look physically able to have a great impact like he did. He was always a pretty stiff player, mostly running in straight lines/leads. But the game asks more of you every year and his lateral movement is just non existent. He looks bulky and lacks pace. That being said he won't be dropped. I doubt there will be big changes with the forward line. Smith was a real let down on the weekend especially in crucial moments late. I can see Hibberd coming back in. Its possible they swing Joel forward. Jackson presented well first half and then didn't seem to run out the game well. I'd say they like having him though as best tall to give Max a break to go forward.
  19. I am also one who thought Brayshaw played an ok game. Didn't star, some sloppy ball movement but overall seemed to play his role putting pressure on the opposition and was involved with some nice link up play. If you're looking at stats it was a low disposal game overall so I wouldn't read too much into him lacking there. He had an impact on the game. He looks lethargic yes but he is also one of a few players that don't panic with the ball and goes hard every time IMO.
  20. I suppose it looks like that after the weekends football. But those clubs you mentioned like us have been dreadfully inconsistent the last few seasons. They bob up for a big win then get belted a week later. We shouldn't be in the same boat but we are. Strangely enough I thought our skills weren't too bad on the weekend. I don't remember seeing as many eye rolling/groaning dumb mistakes that we have seen so often with this team. We made some bad decisions especially moving forward in the second half. But thats more due to decision making/structures.
  21. I honestly don't know how either club could have any fully formed confidence going into this one. Both clubs have a handful of new players, some draftees, changed positions/roles etc. It will come down to continuity and chemistry with the game plan, who can execute. Predicting a very ordinary game. Extra rust to shake off. Quite a few teenagers playing. Cant wait!
  22. Really enjoyed his press conference. Speaks with calmness and confidence. Also loved his openness and honesty. You can tell how much this moment means to him. Needs to get through unscathed to get further confidence in the body. I have no doubt he will be locked in. He's looks serious about impacting.
  23. Yes discarding Hibberd. Not sure why he was delivering the ball inside so often anyway. Again our structures, set up and game plan were really flawed on the weekend. Outclassed if every aspect.
  24. Wait so one good game and we're saying he should be captain? Max has been outperforming him in that respect consistently for seasons. Also not sure if others watched the postgame interview. Was so refreshing to hear from an articulate, honest and mature captain who was really clear and realistic with his understanding of where we're at and expressed this well. Jack was never able to do this.
  25. I watched our forward entries really closely yesterday. Very rarely were short options available. Westcoast do an incredible job of running back defensively and their midfield fill the space just inside 50. This is where they also spring their attack and movement from half back. It wouldn't be the players defying orders at all. It was obvious we went with a smaller side with the aim of trying to bring the ball to ground for guys like Spargo, Kozzy, Bedford and ANB. I'm sure I'm probably giving to much benifit of the doubt here but I felt like the (ineffective) plan was to bomb it in but try to take advantage of 2 on 1 situations by bringing the ball to ground for smalls. A clear and rare example was when the spare back came across to help on one occasion leaving Kozzy wide open for the drop of the ball and easy goal.
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