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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Ruby Hamad came out and criticised the assertion that Islam is" feminist" made on Q and A. For once she "called [censored]"coming from another Muslim. Don't hold your breath that Islam will reform itself though.
  2. I generally steal the vision anyway. Works well for me.
  3. Do you reckon some of them lied on paper about the Christian thing? Also mate, the Sudanese are lumped in WITH the Vietnamese in Springvale,Dandenong,Sunshine and Footscray. The Ethiopians are absolutely beautiful ,and calm. Sudanese seem a bit mental if I'm generalising, as is my want, but we can put that down to growing up in a war torn hellhole of Muslim creation.
  4. I'm not flippant about violence. Societies must prepare for it or they cease to exist. That's the great lesson of history. I'll let you in on a secret-the Chinese are petrified of it, yet their whole culture is built on The Art of War which is a paradoxical text about creating harmony and preserving life.
  5. Sudan is 98% Muslim so yes we can blame Islam for the hell that is Sudan . Also I would suggest many of these kids were raised as Islamic, whatever religion they now claim i cannot say. Also Adam. Footscray,Sunshine,Dandenong and Springvale are urban ghettos. The government service seem to put them there in groups ,or provide the English lessons there probably because of NIMBY sentiment. Flemington was the same before that.
  6. Finally some sense from you. We are the same size but you probably have a decade or so on me. The only sensible way to resolve our differences is a fist fight but you will have to tie one hand behind your back as you are younger and everything has to be " fair" right? Have a lovely time in Rome. Compare and contrast the life and freedoms there with Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. The church is a nice bit of theatre there and nothing more to most. I agree all religion is retarded.
  7. Some are Christian ,some are not but what you say about role models is true. The immigration department has also made errors with these kids by putting them in the ghetto,en masse,with no preparation for city living. The Shepparton Sudanese seem to be going well but who really knows.
  8. Navel- gazing speculation on western evils.You been trained to disrupt your own culture and take a rosy view of others. No freedom for a woman in Texas? You've never been there. Take the little lady to Mecca for a dirty weekend and see how you go. Rome might be a better option though,if you really thought about it . Did you know there are millions of slaves in China? If you wrote something critical of the govt in China you would be finished. Why [censored] a dead horse with your criticism of Western values- nobody cares. We are absolutely awesome.Enjoy it while you can you bleating ,vegan whiny invertebrate.
  9. Thanks for confirming your insanity Dieter.
  10. Violence is a part of life. It will never be eradicated.
  11. Your view is acceptable. I don't roll that way. This isn't Sweden yet.
  12. There is a problem demographic. Namely uneducated Muslim youth. We will need bigger prisons to "house" them.
  13. If a Muezzin is waking me up to pray in Australia I will not be tolerating it. i merely suggest as does Mark Stein others arise from their slumber now.
  14. Some Jews survived between 1933 and 1945. Dieter,I don't know what books you've read ,or if you read in German,but i urge you to look at TOTALITARIANISM in all it's forms. It's the great evil-the ideology that denies logic and difference in a human society. Yes minorities need protection as,do whistleblowers and apostates. Islam needs full-frontal attack from anyone with any sense at all.
  15. As Pro Dee has highlighted, There is no such thing as "Islam Light" or a moderate Muslim. The quotes he has brought to your attention illustrate that fundamentalism is at it's core. YOU ARE EITHER ISLAMIC OR YOU ARE NOT! There is no middle ground. Sure,there are those who question the faith, but they slip down to the level of "Dogs", or up in my view. The moderate Muslims in your kebab shop might be nice guys but the hardliners turn on the nice guys. It's an oppressive faith, totally disgusting in it's attempt to conquer all in its path. I try to take "the Left" along with me but ProDee is less concerned in getting through to you. There is no light in Islam. "A radical Muslim is someone who wants to kill you a moderate Muslim is someone who wants an extremist to kill you" Those of you conflating anti-Islam with racism need to understand that there will be no secularism, no elected government, no choice but to submit.> That's not how I live my life. It's not how most of you live yours . it is an all or nothing bet. Furthermore,any Australian kid that converts should be watched and monitored 24/7 as he will just become a tool of this insane cult-a ticking time-bomb if you will. Read the doctrine before you start throwing in the guilty red-herrings you do in your lovely way. They want you dead.
  16. Syrians were begging the USA to "save" them. The USA chose not to intervene in any of The Arab Spring conflicts. Now they get blamed for Syrias domestic crisis. America simply can't afford to involve itself in these dramas. It's not a western problem. Merkel has effectively ruined the EU. France will be out of it in six months. Italy is over it also. Open/porous borders do nothing to solve it. The only moral obligation a govt has is to the people who elected them. Governments everywhere are learning this lesson.
  17. Hardtack, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Have you asked yourself why 3/4 of the Syrian refugees in Germany were young men, of fighting age. Were they avoiding national service do you think? Do you deny that people are fleeing Islamic countries in droves? WHY? Is it the responsibility of Europe to take them in ? WHY?
  18. Yes.I'd like muslim immigration halted. It isn't possible to have a travel ban. So as you are so thick you do not understand the difference,I will put it this way..... They should need a return ticket to visit here. Yes-stop Muslim immigration-not travel. You are a massive tool. I've made my position clear. No more immigration from people who identify as Muslim.
  19. Travel ban/Immigration policy. Will repeat for the slow.
  20. I'm not opposed to Muslims travelling here. I'm opposed to increasing their numbers here with permanent migration. Subtlety isn't your strong point. Did you look up Bacha Bazi? You will find child sexual abuse abounds in Pakistan,Afghanistan and Iran. Fairly difficult for people to complain about it to the Imams when they can advocate capital or corporal punishment to the families concerned. I'm sure it's in every religion. Another reason to have a good secular state where religion is kept in check.
  21. Are you discussing a travel ban or permanent migration? Not that you ever make any sense.
  22. No use of the word Ban. I saws it ,I wrote it,I stick by it.
  23. That's not advocating a ban. 2.2% will grow into a larger figure in a short time span as a % of population so I think they should marry within Australia and not import teenage brides. I'm not about defending Paedophiles,or increasing Christian numbers either.
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