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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Agree- ban her for life from any Melbourne function anywhere.
  2. Paid a high price for what was a nice punch. I'll always remember it fondly as I will all the finger pointing , hand wringing and whining that followed it. Basher Houli did exactly the same thing ,as did Andrew Naff but everyone turned on Bugg like he was a criminal. Thanks Tom.
  3. Bolton struggles to get his message across to the players, his club or the AFL in general. Perhaps he should get himself a milk crate.
  4. There has to be a plan to stop the barrages. I don't care if we play 18 behind the ball for after the oppo kicks two or three in a row but we get rolled in short passages of time too easily. Sydney would never allow such things.
  5. Mark Jacko Jackson may have had a point when he told Mike Sheehan that Hawthorn are the darlings of the AFL. They always get favourable umpiring and good press but they are filthy manipulators and reap in the misery of pokies.
  6. Hogan and Lever are going to give us more marking power. I believe we need some raw pace on the wings. Also-tackling was poor yesterday as a team.
  7. AFL requires one touch players. He two grabs even simple marks.
  8. The most graceful thing Lewis could do would be to just King hit Nicholls and walk off.
  9. Just bench Lewis for the game. Retire -get out of my sight you hack.
  10. Told you all Lewis was finished but no-"experience". FMD
  11. Jeremiah 49:16 The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you, you who live in the cleft of the rocks, who occupy the heights of the hill.Though you build your nests high as the eagle's, from there I will bring you down.
  12. If you shook hands you should count your fingers.
  13. I've always thought a good car-jacking and an exciting home invasion helps keep a city interesting.
  14. Moonshadow basically looks like this dude.And behaves like him."Bucolic socialist with improvised elements(like Jazz)." The revolution is coming soon. If it's anything like the Spanish civil war I can't wait to join the fascists.
  15. The kid will spew but I suspect it's a decision based on aerial defensive skills.
  16. I know it was heartfelt but I'm not in a soppy mood about the MFC for once. I want blood. Not tears.
  17. Don't worry Adam-they're weak as Pi55 in Adelaide. You and the Mrs will be able to handle the lot of them.
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