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Posts posted by McQueen

  1. 5 hours ago, Demonstone said:

    I am curious as to the age makeup of Demonlanders.  I suspect that, like our supporter base, it will skew towards the middle/top end.

    Voters names will not be made public, so don't be shy!


    Can I ask what the cause/s of this curiosity is?

    Ed: just curious. 

  2. I struggle to see the point of having counsel debate either side. 

    Ultimately it’s 3 heads deliberating on the same evidence the Christo has also reviewed. 
    If consensus is reached - even at a 2 vs 1 outcome them that should be it. 

    Drop the theatre ffs. 

    • Love 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Webber said:

    So many thoughts. Not only was that a wake up call to the team, we supporters, and the media, it’s a huge reality check. That second half was nigh on uncompetitive. Common impartial sense tells me Premiership aspirants don’t give up 12 goals to 1 in a half of footy. Is it a complete aberration, or are there genuine premiership-killing problems ? We’ll find out, maybe even next week, but I can’t remember seeing a capitulation like that for a long time, and in my gut, it feels like there might be trouble ahead. I’m glad they don’t have to carry the unbeaten tag any more, but the way they shed it genuinely asks enormous questions. 

    Cracking post. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Josh said:

    In town again for the real thing. Start at the cricketers arms, gotta finish somewhere I guess 


    ^^ this is an entirely “htf did I end up at the casino look” as you’re recalling the next day. 
    That’s my kpi… ‘the Cass’. 

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