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Posts posted by Canplay

  1. I think if Toumpas is available at 4, surely the Dees would take him. As much as I like the thought of Viney and Wines smashing heads - Toumpas adds a different mix (outside class) to the midfield mix. I would also have a question mark over Wines kicking.

    • Like 1
  2. joke of a trade. FD stuffed up by not trying to keep Rivers, assuming the compo pick would deliver Pederson. Now they are going to fire sale Gys to cover a stuff up and because Neeld not good enough to get the best out of his talent. Joke if this trade happens.
  3. Like a lot of us I truly believe trading Gys will hurt if traded for peanuts. I see him as a spoon fed private school kid that requires some home truths about the work rate required to be an afl footballer. If Neeld can't back himself in to do this, what does it say about him?

    Ok all, start accusing me of an anti Neeld agenda..... Or whatever rubbish comes my way when I post an opinion on here.

  4. I'd prefer we didn't pick him up.

    I like the player, i don't mind the risk of injury (given his price), but from the limited times i saw him this season, his characteristic zip and x-factor seem to have diminished. 1 or 2 years ago, I would have been happy to have him.

    watch the last quarter of the rd 23 port vs tiges game. His zip and evasive skills broke the tiges press and he was instrumental in port getting back in the game and forcing a draw. Based on this and costing us relatively nothing, no issue with it.
  5. Take your coach flogging agenda elsewhere please... this topic concerns Dawes (who has not yet been taken by any club and has nowhere stated he would not talk to the MFC) and is not about the coach.

    It's blokes like yourself that spring up suddenly on this site with the sole intent of Neeld bashing, who worry me.

    agenda? It's called critical thinking. Keep the blind fold on tight pal.
  6. Hey Canplay, have you ever actually met and spoken with Mark Neeld?

    Because, if you had, you'd not be making those comments.

    No, never met him in person, would like to. But his press conferences, interviews and especially his foundation heroes speech consistently disappoint, in terms of lack of engagement, motivation and instilling belief. Hope he proves me wrong for MFC sake, but this bloke worries the hell out of me.
  7. It concerns me that while I am supportive of Mark Neeld(as per my avatar ) it is a concern that it appears two players (wellingham and dawes )who have had direct contact with our coach and have had good money offers put in front of them have chosen to go elsewhere and seemingly were just not keen to entertain coming to Melbourne

    absolutely.... As I've said before, Neeld has no emotional intelligence, and hence no people skills. For such a revered pies assistant coach, both Wellingham and Dawes didn't want to even meet with him...... This bloke really worries me.
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  8. This is lunacy!! Freo of the 90's - 3 duds traded from Essendon so they could get Matt Lloyd.

    If Pies use pick 4 to get Hogan in the mini draft we will regret this for the next decade. Neeld is showing desperation and making short term decisions.

    Another rumour is the Pies are willing to offload Wellingham because his groin has ongoing issues and he has been nursed through the last two seasons - might explain the lack of penetration in his kicking. As for Dawes - pick 26 at best for this bloke.

    • Like 1
  9. Correct on Riv.

    People are talking Stef Martin to Collingwood, which may be true but I think we will possibly see Gysberts in black and white next year.

    I have also heard that collingwood are very keen on Gysberts, with talks having taken place this week. If talent spotters like the cats and pies rate him, WTF would we be doing off loading him.

    Also, Gerard Healy on AW said tonight that the Saints and Cats are both putting offers to Riv. Culturally I cant see how we can let him go....... great clubman we need to pay overs to.

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  10. You guys do realize this topic was started by someone who has been a consistent bagger of Mission, despite the fact he's only been with us 1 preseason.

    Amongst his other posts are ones blaming Neeld for all our woes this year, calling Sellar a total spud who can't mark anything and should be delisted, and post after post trying to start up a lynch mob for Schwabb.

    Where's Range Rover and his agenda accusations when you need him?!...... (Probably busy starting a poll)

    Thanks for the synopsis of previous 29 posts you sad [censored]. Happy for you to dismiss a legitimate third party observation regarding attitudual and cultural issues that have contributed to poor performance and development of talent due to having posted only 29 times!

    It's people like you that make these fan sites such a laborious read. Those like you that only leave their lounge room and venture out into society once a week to go to the footy get all there opions from the Internet and print media without actually meeting or knowing anyone with true insight or club knowledge.

    As for previous posts:

    Neeld - still feel he lacks emotional intelligence and has pulled wrong levers at the club.

    Misson - believe he should be accountable for players decrease in leg speed this year ie trengove

    Schwab - still feel he's a poor leader of the club, goes into hiding when times get really tough and poor with members and coteries. Unlike others ive actually had the balls to discuss this with him.

    Sellar - yep, still think he's a spud.

    • Like 1
  11. I had breakfast with the Storm's Cooper Cronk recently and he shared a view on Dee's youngsters work ethic.

    He said he looked at them in the gym (that they share at AAMI) and couldn't believe how lazy they are. He said they work through their sets with no intensity or purpose. The younger blokes clown around and none of the older blokes pull them into line. He said the Storms weight session intensity compared to the dees was a million miles apart.

    After Green's swipe at some of the younger players, Jimmy's books observations and now this - it's no wonder Neeld wants to turnover half the list.

  12. Most of what you have written is crap. To reply to the heading, yes. I'm dudded and I'm angry.

    I don't do tips anymore and I feel like its cricket season again. I don't blame my relatives cause they barrack for essendon. I pay for melbourne Football club and have been through hard times. I having trouble gearing up yet again.

    My relatives are not members. More fool me. I'm nearly over it.

    Man up pal. Being a Dee's supporter is character building - show some balls and stick fat

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