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Posts posted by Canplay

  1. If not Roos then definitely Chocko for me. His record at an undermanned and resourced Port Adel is amazing. Got shafted by Sheedy at GWS and u could argue GWS have gone backwards this year since he left.

  2. Watched toumpas closely today. Whilst lost at times, also thought he was less lost than first couple of rounds. Don't blame Jimmy, as in a Ross lyon team he would come into the side with a role and know how to execute the role. Appears to me Neeld just sees some good skills at training so throws him onto hff and let's him flounder.

    • Like 1
  3. Former Melbourne Football Club legend Peter 'Crackers' Keenan says Jack Watts will be @Fremantle_FC in 2014 @913sportfm

    So he can take his troubles to freo there.

    On a serous note I hope he can be back in time for the richmond match.

    This Freo rumour by Crackers is not new. Gerard Healy said on 3aw a few weeks ago that watts management had been approached by Freo and Frawley attracting plenty of interest.

  4. Mathew lloyd scathing of Neeld tonight on AW. Said his comments on dees losing Moloney because of new world of free agency and not being able to match offer under free agency were rubbish and a cop out. Said Moloney left simply because of Neeld and and that Neeld needs to start looking at himself as to why Jamar, Moloney, Trengove, Watts, Mckenzie all not developing or going backwards under his program. All agreed that Neeld won't be at Dees next year. About time media stopped beating around the bush.

    • Like 3
  5. This kid is yet another being destroyed by Neeld and his total lack of being able to adjust his style and coaching for individuals.

    Just tell this kid he's got 10 straight games and tell him to just play his natural game. Let him take it on, use his pace, break the lines & take shots for goal 60m out on the run. Give the kid confidence and stop stuffing with his head.

    Everyone's been sucked into Neeld's obsession of physical conditioning and training standards and lost focus on game day and kicking bloody goals.

  6. Could just imagine him going home each night and complaining to the wife that all the players hate him and don't let him into meetings. Then one night the she suggests he gets a sleeve so players think he's cool.

  7. Er why, I am 61, work in a corporate enviroment, and when I wear a long sleeve business shirt you can't see the tatts on my arms, was going to treat myself to a new one this year, as was going to do it for 60th but bit late, hopefully he will grow a beard and put a bone through his nose.............is this silly?.......christ we will be told he dresses on the left next, when it is only corporately responsble to dress on the right

    Mate, if you want a sleeve at 61 good on you. Perhaps you could invest the money in a shrink to look into your deep seated insecurities instead?

    • Like 2
  8. Can't confirm. Only repeating what I heard on SEN at about 12.30. Cam Mooney brought it up and Half said he'd heard about it.

    Mooney went on to say it was ironic as he though Nathan Jones sleeve had counted against his captaincy bid.

    What a look, the specs, suit and a sleeve.

  9. If ever I needed final proof that Cam has lost it, according to Half and Cam Mooney on SEN, Schwab is sporting a new tattoo sleeve.

    Can't believe the Board would be too impressed with their CEO courting corporate sponsors with a fresh sleeve.

    Can understand a 20 y.o. getting a sleeve, but a bloke in his late 40's it smacks of crisis time and lack of clarity and judgement,

    Last straw, this bloke needs to go.

  10. The Board should personally pay out his new 3 year contract. Unbelievably stupid and irresponsible decision.

    I only hope they had performance kpi's in his contract that allow them to exit him with minimum payout.

    Schwab is as weak as pis$ and should have the balls to resign. The fish rots at the head.

    • Like 1
  11. Stick fat you turn coats. I know it hurts - but life wasn't meant to be easy and success isnt a given.

    You're all sitting on your couches calling the club weak and walking away. However, a club is only as strong as it's members - and if you're all prepared to throw in towel then it's no wonder we're so weak on-field. My 3you and 1yo will have no choice but to support the red and blue - it is character building.

    • Like 6
  12. At about Round 3 last year I expressed I didn't think Neeld had to emotional intelligence to be a senior coach - pulls all the wrong strings at the wrong time - falling out with all senior players, constant referal to "good clubs like collingwood", making Trengove skipper in his 3rd year, can't flex his game style to suit to suit his team on the park - all signs of a bloke that can't see the wood from the trees. I was called a Troll at the time, but I think a few of you might to coming around.

    Anyway, I firmly believe that Neeld's job is in strife. The only thing that might save him is we cant afford the payouts. That being said, I think the Club should firmly consider giving Chocco Williams the senior job. Premiership coach, that in 13 years at Port had a winning % of 57%. Consistent record of challenging players attitudes, getting under their skin and developing talent. I could see him finally getting the best out of blokes like Silvia, Garland, Watts and Frawley - that have been going through the motion for the past 2 years.

  13. The only time he showed intensity was when the defenders huddled after every port goal and he looked to spray all his team mates. Can't believe when the game was over in 3rd and Clark injured that Neeld wouldn't throw him forward, in the guts or give him a role. Such unimaginative coaching.

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