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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I would've had Gawny just ahead of Lever
  2. Great season Gussy. Can't quite put my finger on it but something a tad diff about him post season...
  3. Haha Maysie sticking it to the filth! Love it
  4. Has Goody been on the beers or just bloody pooped!
  6. I dunno.... your Caddyschack meme last night was up there!
  7. Yeh.... "Pssst Grubby ... i mean Tom, i got the good oil on the Bluey and your the first to know, Clarry won!"
  8. Hibbo you bloody beauty. Sure gonna miss this fella running around doing his stuff. Amazing player for us. GL piggy and thx a million!
  9. Not sure about the intro sting music for Deak.... Thunder.... struck (off the list) 😖
  10. Barrie Vagg ....life m'ship. Correct me if i'm wromg but that's one of OD's favs from that era if i'm not mistake.
  11. Do CS members get a discount when attending?
  12. I didn't get to see much if any of only fools Chook but i'll take your word for it.
  13. Thanks for your efforts also KC. Dissappointing finish but much of that out of the hands of those who ponied up at the end without much back up.
  14. Yes there were probably a few who had better games at times but many did not mamage to stay on the park as long as Deak WC. Regardless a wins a win and part of this game is about endurance. Well done to the young lad. Was surprised to see him delisted.
  15. No worries 58. I agree re Seinfeld. It's hit and miss. One episode can have moments of hilarity (for me) and another episode i might be lucky to chuckle once, if at all. Even during episodes there are some moments but 90% of the rest can be very ho hum. I guess this is true of many sitcoms. I too am a massive Brit comedy fan. Fawlty was fabulous, maybe a bit dated in some ways now. Yes minister a classic. Porridge might possibly be my all time fav. For those who haven't seen it this is Ronnie Barker at his peak and probably his best comedy role imv. Talk about brilliant. Very much worth a squiz. Open all hours (another Ronnie Barker special... the stutter always got me). Rumpole was also one of my all time favs. I even purchased a book or two i think. Nanny not bad but can't handle the accent for long. Becker is ok in patches. Talk about a cynic & anti social. Imagine having him as a doc! But he actually does make some pretty poignant life anecdotes on occasions. I actually like the young assistant in that. She plays one of the great dumb comedy roles imv. Doc Martin has its momemts. Was lucky (or unlucky) enough to stay in the village this was shot in for 2 nights (Port Isaac). While it's a fab view and surrounds, let's just say many of the villagers are as grumpy as Martin, or in some cases even worse! I get the impression some would rather the series never came to town. And the roads to some of the shops / accomodation through there. Talk about steep. Wow. Looking forward to a happy Bluey tonight and the boys getting round Clarry!
  16. Ok so in response to Adonski's clever (in jest) take that 12 players might be all that's left at the B&F .... Some may not get the veiled reference if not a Seinfeld fan or haven't watched this particular episode. If you are you're already aware of George's character and that he's a habitual cotastrophizer and panic merchant/drama king, this GIF a great example of that. On one hand some D'landers do call "fire" when there is just some smouldering (nothing to see here) smoke in a basket. That's one aspect. I'm also guilty of that on occasions! There's also some truth in what Adonski jokingly exaggerated in the sense that so many players (end of season this time around) are either looking to exit, have already retired or may be doing so due to potential career ending injuries. Probably also some Clarry no show 'spin off' take in there as well. A bit of a scramble for the exit (overnight list 'Shrinkage') with a D'land (Costanza style) panicy twist added in for good measure. It was also a great excuse to just post that GIF, an all time classic Seinfeld moment imv. George taking no prisoners in pursuit of his own self preservation. As you can see, my SOH is pretty warped. And some of it is (sometimes) a reflection of my own flaws that i see when watching certain sitcom characters & episodes.
  17. Deakyn had a solid season and played most matches if not all of them yes? Tough as they come. Great result for him.
  18. Bring him along, Clarry the minder as penance
  19. If he's in a reasonable place / state he should be attending and no reason why he wouldn't. More circus material for the media nuffies if he doesn't imv
  20. A fabulous pick up. Personally think he managed the interum at the Tiges (on short notice) beautifully. Hopefully he has some significant impact tweaking some of our systems/methods in 2024 for the better. Welcome to the mighty Demons!
  21. I thought i saw two filths contesting the same ball on the ground in one contest with a Lions player standing over both, one hand up asking for the free. Yet again, nothing to see here i'll just make up the rules or ignore them for this mob. Next!
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