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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Work is considered essential travel if you can’t work from home. AFL is a job and is the livelihood of thousands. I believe Harmes lives in the Casey area, but given the current restrictions AFL players SHOULD adhere to, they shouldn’t be out in the community so it’s irrelevant.
  2. As per usual our club is scared to do anything but pull the company line. I want someone to come out and say we are sick of losing out because of other clubs doing the wrong thing.
  3. If you take the premiership away clubs have nothing to play for. And sadly the competition won’t survive financially if we don’t have a season this year, no matter how compromised.
  4. Seriously if this guy breached the rules and our club doesn’t go demanding the 4 points, I will be furious. If this happened to Collingwood Eddie would be screaming blue murder. Completely unfair!
  5. [censored] this season. I hope we get thru today with no injuries. Although knowing our luck....
  6. Annoying for us, as in essence we have done nothing wrong and it will end up biting us in the [censored] as we will need to jam this game in somewhere later in the year off a short break or play another game off a short break which disadvantages us. I know it’s nobody’s fault, but why this always happens to us is beyond me. We are damn cursed. Cannot catch a break.
  7. I just can’t believe this involves us... but then again... of course I can!
  8. It’s very possible that it’s a false positive. If he’s tested negative first. The chances of a false positive when you’re doing so many tests are quite high.
  9. A lot of underdone players going in. Bennell, Vanders and Hannan do not leave me with great confidence of getting thru a full game. Massive call on Jones. Melksham was worse and he isn’t our ex captain and does not have nearly as many credits in the bank. He is on thin ice. Neal Bullen did a lot more than him and yet he is dropped. Seems unfair, although I’m not fan of ANB.
  10. Demonland ? Edit - that was earlier in the week. I just read today's training thread and it appears he did train. So I have clue.
  11. He didn't train this week. Could he just be not fit?
  12. Gawn dominated the ruck last week too and it didn't help us much once Carlton learnt to read his taps.
  13. The lack of respect for a player who has given his all for a decade and stuck fat when he should have gone elsewhere, is truly pathetic. Players are allowed to slow down towards the end of their career. The malice being shown towards him is completely unnecessary. He has done everything right by our club, and deserves the same back. That includes hero supporters sticking the boot in.
  14. Agreed, and I also think that comes from playing with a crap backline for years where he was basically the only experienced player and tried filling in the holes as third man up. He needs to let that go and trust that Lever, who to be fair he has barely played with, can do that now. But it must be a hard habit to break. Smith on the other hand needs to calm his farm and just do the basics well first, rather than trying to outmark his dad at every contest. For me Smith is the perfect case of looks like a perfect footballer, plays like a mess. But I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  15. I also question just how fit he was, given he hasn't trained much last week or participated in the game simulation training. Can't be 100%, no matter what the coaches are saying in the media.
  16. Yep. When your opponent is a foot taller than you, how else are you expected to defend? That match up was beyond stupid.
  17. I love how he also made sure Carlton hit the post twice in the last quarter, thereby ensuring we won with a last minute miss by Fritsch. Genius!
  18. They should put Hunt on Saad in a 'defensive' forward role. He has the speed and aggressiveness to go with him. Jones should play off half back, allowing Harmes to go back into the centre where he belongs.
  19. I'm all for bringing him in, I've said so throughout this entire thread. Also he kicked 5 in a scratch match. So did Brown. I'm not exactly engraving their names on the Coleman medal as we speak.
  20. That's nice to hear. I'm certainly going to struggle to pay my renewal for next season (given my membership is around $700). This might make it easier without needing to 'downgrade'... not that I'm worried about missing out on a grand final anytime soon
  21. Play both, then there is no risk that you won't be at least a little disappointed
  22. I'll judge him when they put him back in an inside mid role where he belongs. He isn't an outside player, and to force him to be one is just setting him up to fail. It's like asking Steven May to win centre clearances and wondering why he's not playing as well as he did at FB.
  23. It isn't the end of the world that some people are making it to be. It is however a perfect reflection of our club as a whole. Just a bit of a hot mess. How you forget to look for the captain during the team song, the captain who is 8 foot tall with a bushy beard, is really very much in the same mysterious vein of how we can give up a 45 point lead.
  24. I don't think we can play all 3 of Weideman, Jackson and Tmac, because Fritsch plays as a tall. He is not a ground ball player. It will leave us far too lumbering. As it is, when the ball hits the deck we are stuffed. But there is no rush for me with Jackson, whereas Weideman is at an age now where we need to find out if he can really play and be that CHF we are looking for. If he isn't, we need to reinvent him or cut our losses. But he has never played with enough continuity for us to find out. I refuse to believe that someone who played so well under the pressure of finals, does not have the talent to be a good solid player at the very least. And honestly, how many years does TMac have left with his feet? He can barely move as it is. Imagine in 2 seasons! We invested a lot into Weideman, and yet we won't invest game time into him.
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