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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. New banner done and dusted @Demonland
  2. I find it funny that so many of our players live on the Mornington Peninsula but hate driving to Casey. It’s a far easier drive from there to Casey than it is to AAMI.
  3. Well yes of course it’s not the tea lady and her dry biscuits 😂 But I think if his issue was with Goodwin, then that clown Morris would be all over it. When in fact Morris went out of his way to say Trac has no issues with the coach.
  4. Literally any number of people from the football manager to the high performance manager would have a significant impact on the direction and performance of the club, and on Trac's career. You think Trac only interacts with Goody and McQualter?
  5. The irony of course is that our fans are screaming the place down asking for everyone to be sacked, and yet they are upset that our players are voicing their own concerns. I highly doubt that Cripps has never had a go at Carlton, while Neale was out the door at Brisbane. You have leaders in every club who would be unhappy, just as you would have employees in every business who are unhappy when things are not going well. If these discussions were not leaked, we would be none the wiser, and this would be just another end of season review for a club that has missed finals.
  6. I thought this is exactly what he said, but maybe I read between the lines. I don't think anyone would have read that statement and thought "everything is peachy". It's very obvious that things are not great and we are working to certify the situation.
  7. Might not be a coach. Plenty of people in the football department who are not coaches you know.
  8. Because clubs are accountable to members, whereas journalists are only accountable to the sock they keep in their bedside table.
  9. What exactly did you want him to say? He didn't sugar coat the truth, and it's obvious there are issues at the club. You don't go from top 4 to bottom 6 if everything is sunshine and rainbows. At least they are trying to do something about it, and talking to our best players and leaders is a very good start. You'd be worried if everyone internally was happy and saw nothing that needed fixing wouldn't you? I would be annoyed if any of our leaders were happy about this season, or our coaches for that matter.
  10. Well you got your wish. Pert with what I think is a pretty good statement. Not sugar coating the disappointing season, clear that we are already reviewing what went wrong, and emphatic that Trac is going nowhere. Can't ask for much more right now. Of course the proof is always in the pudding.
  11. Yep a pretty obvious “we are talking to key players about improvements going forward and Trac is going nowhere”. We are doing the right thing reviewing where we are at and trying to leave no stone unturned in returning back to final contention. Cue the meltdowns that our club is falling apart and everyone is unhappy.
  12. How about we wait to read the statement first before having a meltdown?
  13. Thank god because I was worried we were looking to trade him for Peter Wright 🙄
  14. What evidence is there to suggest that Trac or his management went to the media, Tom Morris of all people, and had a vent? A few people here have said for weeks now that Trac and his family are not super happy. Maybe his cousin or his brother or his nonna said something to someone who said something to Tom Morris who was like "amazing news, I love to burn my football club". There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that Trac is behind any type of leak.
  15. We had an elimination final to prepare for. What would the board being vocal about that incident achieve? Certainly wouldn’t have changed the outcome.
  16. It's very obvious that Trac won't be leaving, mainly because there is no planet in which we willingly trade him when he has 5 years left to run on his contract. Last year Petty wanted out, with 2 years remaining. We backed ourselves, and less than 12 months later he extends his contract. To be fair to Morris (who should rot in a hole!), he also never said Trac will leave, only that he would be open to it if he was out of contract. Which is like saying, I would be open to getting $10mil if someone offered it to me. PS- this is why you sign your stars to long term deals. If Trac only had 1 year left on his contract, or heaven forbid was OOC, this place would be on fire.
  17. Are you talking about the Waterman who just signed a new deal with West Coast? 🤪
  18. Have you seen his posts about Jefferson? Just kidding PF, I love your PASSION
  19. There is nothing solid about any of these reports. Is there some discontent in the Trac camp? I would say that's highly likely. Is there any actual suggestions that Trac: - Wants out - Hates Oliver - Blames the club for his injury - Doesn't like our game plan - Thinks our attendance figures are terrible - Dislikes Goody or the rest of the coaches - Thinks our fitness staff is bad No, there is no solid evidence to suggest any of the above is true. He is a competitive beast, he's watched us have a bad season, while nursing a life threatening injury. He is emotional, he is frustrated, he is annoyed. He is human. I am sure that whatever it is that is upsetting him can be resolved. He is not the first or last player to have issues with his club.
  20. It's completely fair to question the board, who has failed to deliver us a home base, a platform on which they were elected and have been very vocal on. Progress has been made, but it seems slow. I also understand that sometimes fans just want to hear from the 'leader' and be reassured, but frankly there is nothing Roffey could come out and say that would truly ease the angst amongst the supporter base. If she says anything, you'd have half the supporters saying she's just paying lip service, and the other half saying she should concentrate on running the club not making statements. It is a no win scenario. I do think that Pert and Richardson could certainly do some media in relation to our on field performance and what the focus is going to be heading into 2025. Whereas I prefer the board deal with board matters such as a home base, not football matters like our game plan or list management.
  21. Yes because he was in isolation, hence nobody was allowed to visit him. Maybe he’s upset that the club didn’t maintain contact with him while he was in isolation. That makes more sense. Imagine Goody turning up and giving Trac a secondary infection. Tom Morris would be frothing!
  22. I don’t disagree with that at all. Just making fun of those suggesting we should trade him 😂
  23. And the site hasn’t crashed yet. Stellar! 👏🏼
  24. No, but I’ll tell you what it says: Christian Petracca will play at Melbourne for the next 5 seasons.
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