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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. You never stop building... teams like Sydney (or Brisbane of 01-03) who simply trade away their early picks for mature players, will spend a sustained period of time at the bottom when their current team retires. The idea is to constantly build, change, evolve and grow. That's the way the competition works, and our club just cannot afford to go through long periods at the bottom of the ladder. Even a big club like Carlton is suffering due to poor on-field performances. What Daniher is saying and doing is exactly right. We have a list that can challenge for the flag as early as this year, but that's not to say that in 2 or 3 years time we'll be struggling on the bottom of the ladder, because we haven't stopped recruiting well, and we haven't stopped changing our tactics. There are no guarantees in this game, but we can control our long term future with the way we manage our list. That way, if we don't win a flag in the next two years, at least we won't have to bottom out again to become contenders.
  2. Thanks Fan, I'm so glad someone has time to go to training and fill us all in, it's much appriciated. Great news about Bartram. Hopefully he'll be right by Round 4 or so, after a couple of practice matches at Sandy. His injury has turned out much much worse than I think everyone expected.
  3. If we see Sylvia playing seniors before Rd 10, I'd be very very surprised!
  4. Just like what I said to you the other night... it's better the devil you know. Unless there is an obvious better choice out there, I rather stick with Daniher, at least while we're still in the Neitz/White- era (or 11-12pm on the clock, whichever you choose). I'm not his biggest fan, but he knows how to build a list from scratch, and he's proven that. Whether he can coach us on the day to take the flag, is another story. I guess the proof can only be in the pudding. But one thing is certain... we could do worse, a lot worse!
  5. And Junior, who had his best season when released from his tagging duties. Bartram makes my 22 when we have a full list to choose from. It's a real shame that he won't be available for the first month of the season (at the very least).
  6. Would love to go, but there is a little issue called 'work' getting in my way <_< Whether you care about the results or not, it is still a good opportunity to go watch the team play, be it badly and without care, but they're still wearing red & blue!
  7. Sure, but you're forgetting that we didn't have our two key forwards out there. And considering everyone on this site thinks Miller is useless, there would have been no point kicking it to him either. Given we had no key forwards out there, it seems logical that we moved the ball by hand. I didn't watch or hear the game, but it sounds to me like we basically got overrun by the Crows. This to me is more worrying than the over-use of handballs, because we are meant to be fit enough to run out a game in March... if we're not, than nothing has really changed. Still, it's a pre-season game, so there is really no need to make judgements.
  8. Really? When did it cost us games? When we looked disinterested against Carlton? Or when the Bulldogs ran all over us? Or when Davey's kick for goal was ruled a point? It never cost us games, just like this handball-crazy tactic is not costing us games (because nobody cares about pre-season matches). Moving the ball quickly via long kicking is great in theory, but more often than not it results in the opposition's loose defender zoning off, and if your kicking is not 100% accurate, the ball will be rebounded just as quickly. How often did we see Melbourne bombing the ball long, only for it to fall into the wrong hands? It's just as frustrating, if not more frustrating, than having the players over-possess the footy but eventually land it into the hands of a forward.
  9. Here's a thought, the coaching staff are trying to bring a new side to our game which involves a lot of handballs (this may prove to be a winning formula interstate). Since Melbourne is mainly a kicking team, a lot of practice is needed in order to prefect this tactic. So the brain trusts at Melbourne figured they'll give the whole senior list a go this pre-season, and encourage all the players to handball as much as possible to adjust to the difference in game style. So far, it's only been mildly successful, giving our coaching panel plenty of time to modify this tactic, so that hopefully by Round 1 the balance between kicking and handballing is as it should be. I rather we stuff up now, and learn from our mistakes when it doesn't cost us premiership points. Radical hey? By the way, weren't you the one who got all defensive about our 'keepings off' tactics early in 2006? And didn't that game plan win us a number of crucial games? And wouldn't it be nice if all this pre-season practice means we're fully prepared for Plans A, B & C in Round 1 (unlike last year perhaps)? Yeah, I'm sticking with our coaches on this one. Gees, I think I forgot after all this time just how much hysteria is bred on this site
  10. For what it's worth, West Coast went down to Essendon by 58 points today (100-42). That's two pre-season games for two losses. I wonder if their supporters are slashing their wrists as well... they can come join the masses at Demonland P.S.- Adelaide > Essendon
  11. Rivers? Still, that's our two main forwards, our FB and the 2 best midfielders we've got. If anyone is actually worried about the results, they need a quick reality check. These matches are played purely for the purpose of fitness and experimentation.
  12. Rd 17- Port Adelaide. Not a bad draw that.... Then again, according to half the posts in this thread, by Round 17 we'll be hot favourites for the spoon, so it won't even matter
  13. Haha, this is gold! We are losing a practice match? Oh no, I think I might rip up my membership and go skiing. I care about one thing, and one thing only, that everyone comes out of the game injury-free. If Moloney got through the match and doesn't pull up sore, than already we've won. Will anyone remember this game in September?
  14. FFS, give it a rest already! Season hasn't even started, so how about we ban pointless bagging of players until we play at least one game.
  15. And Davey, although this is a 28-men squad so we don't know whether they'll actually play.
  16. The MFC is not alone. All clubs (apart from Essendon), have done the same. Apperantly Telstra pays us to have a horrible home page, and we're not exactly swimming in money to turn it down.
  17. Very nicely done! I love your backline, but I'd swap CJ with one of Bartram/Green/Bruce/Holland or Miller (or even Sylvia) depending on the opposition. Sunday night's match proved that CJ is an attacking player, and is best utilised on the wing or forward flank.
  18. The website is absolutely disgusting! It doesn't even look like the Melbourne homepage. I absolutely hate it.
  19. Thanks doctor, but I'll believe people who are actually in the know, over you. Freak, were you disappointed by recruiting of McLean or Davey or Bate over the last few years? How about your precious Colin Sylvia? It's so easy to pass judgement after one pre-season game. Remember Andrew Walker's debut game? ...Well I'm still waiting for the kid to hit a target. How about we reserve our highly-sought after judgement to say 2008/2009 when we can start having a real discussion on the merits of our recruiting.
  20. Just keep reminding yourself that we're better off being fit in September, than March. Sylvia and Bartram will have delayed starts to the season, meaning they'll be in better physical condition in September (if they don't get injured of course). As for McLean, we're protecting him from any possible harm, as we should. But let's face it, if we were playing in a Grand Final tomorrow, he'd play and probably get BOG honours. There is just no point risking even a grade 1 strain, at this early stages. I'm personally more worried about Moloney, and I hope that all his hard pre-season work hasn't gone to waste with another flare of OP.
  21. Nope. I'm with Optus, and I haven't received any letters asking me to donate to the 'rebuilding fund of Princess Park', or to join the CFC. I'm really interested to know how they got hold of our names
  22. Haven't you heard? West Coast players are above the law.
  23. Couldn't agree with you more. Yes, we need a fast-paced, line-breaking defender, but they also need to have good disposal and good decision making. It's great that Ward can run fast, but that's where it generally stops. He made so many poor decisions on Sunday, and to top it off, most of his kicks went straight into Hawthorn's hands. I'd like to see Green and Buckley rotate through there, or possibly Bruce if there is a good match-up for him (ie- Tarrant). Three tall backs- Rivers, Carroll and Miller/Holland (Holland still has a role to play, and I have no idea what else we can do with Miller). Three small backs- Whelan, Bell and one of Green/Buckley/Bruce/Bartram who will rotate depending on the midfield rotation.
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