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Red N Blue Society

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Everything posted by Red N Blue Society

  1. Melksham is very average at best..We've had enough of his type at Melbourne of late...No thanks. AAA+ range mids as Roosy said & not DDD- Duds who go missing out of the best 22 frequently..
  2. Early season he was in all australian form...now he has lost the plot....Lynden Dunn is our no 1 back atm & not afraid to show it either. Tommygun doesn't seem right......looks a bit disinterested...off field perhaps? I hope he comes good...he was outstanding for a while..
  3. I would keep Matt Jones personally. Grimes, Watts & Mckenzie should be moved on before Matt is even thought about.We gave Watts a fair run of chances...why not Matt Jones...who can seriously run! The Russian may have another year left IMO also, but he's either injured atm or he may no longer be up to the rigours of AFL with such poor form. On another note.. Its been a long time coming but if Spencer plays another game like he did the other week then he will get a gig over Gawn frequently. Gawny I love, but I don't think he's as mobile now...doesnt seem to cover the ruck contests as quickly as spencer who may well have a bigger motor. Gawny might just be a pinch hit fwd & ruck option. But the man I call Ned with the Bushranger beard go's pretty good when on song!
  4. I too have this dilemma running through my head as to who was the most exciting.. I think it just comes down to personal memory doesnt it... For me it was Jaka...just. But Gee WIZ...was The Wizard a super goal sneak..one of the best we've had.
  5. My take is the whole team was ordinary today and we were found out with our linking play & running off ect.. The 3rd qtr was horrendous. Tommy Mac had a dip as far as I saw. My only gripe would be that Jamar was poor & needs to do better than that.
  6. Its called passion H&S We nearly went under... End of story... Some of us have seen a lot of years through MFC and some things linger I guess. BUt things are good financially now....we just need winning results and improved players..
  7. Its called passion H&S We nearly went under... End of story... Some of us have seen a lot of years through MFC and some things linger I guess. BUt things are good financially now....we just need winning results and improved players..
  8. Exactly Fork'em! Its the only way...We must win a flag fast. All impressionable kids want to follow winning premiership teams...its what they see!...in the media...in the papers...on the net...on the Tv...AFL is freaking everywhere & the Demons need to grab these kids and say have a look at us! But the only way to do that is ON THE FIELD! Winning Results!! Not rubbish efforts...even if we are rebuilding... half assed efforts and lopsided scorelines wont cut it for todays kids. They will jump ship to other teams if the Demons dont turn it around! Kids arent traditionalists anymore I believe and wont follow the Demons because our Dads did or family did..like me.Eventhough I wouldnt change this ever. We must win them back. Hawthorn have 60k of members now...but they have had how many flags since i was born (76)..many....much like Essenscum also. Flags....thats what its all about! With the Dees in a really strong financial position to recruit during Free agency maybe... just maybe.. things will fall our way faster than we think it will atm and land another very big fish like Mitch C. Whoever player wise fails to make it will be given the boot quickly under Mark Neelds regime so players will be moved out & in fast in order to find the next Stars to help us win the big one. I pray it happens soon..its been so damn well long now..
  9. For such a bad year to date we are going alright for 35k members. We have a lot of pride at MFC as a club & supporters & we might be down atm but we wont be going away ever!
  10. I was there as a young bloke with my Dad and his mate.I may have been about 20. I distinctly remember Sean Wight standing leaning against a pillar or post at the back of the room with a decidedly staunch angry type of look. His arms were folded in either disgust at what was happening or just dilligently listening to the speeches handed out from Pro or anti merger persons. Everyone broke into raptures when Brian Dixon stood on stage..it was electric in there..Passion was high on every MFC fan & members agenda for the night! It was just like the MFC member stand in the old red n blue seats. Loud! I think every one knew why Ian Ridley tried to merge. He wanted success for us & saw a damning future ahead. But we were not going to be us if we merged! There is no way in HELL itself we voted for the merger...absolute garbage. I went home knowing we wouldnt merge & we didnt. End of story...the press can say we voted to merge I say BS!
  11. Stephen Quatermain is pretty good.Even bags his own beloved Hawks when required. Hudson is a very good unbiased commentator IMO also. I also like the two ex cats that do special comments as in Lingy & Tom Harley. Dermie can sometimes be on the ball but gets annoying when he thinks every player should intimidate the opposisition and play like him. Dermie... its todays game and not 1989 mate. Unlike BT and Commeti who hate Melbourne.Especially BT.Has nothing but negativity for the Demons. Mr Nasal Whately is cringeworthy each & everytime I hear him talk. Have to agree with the I hate Carlton more than the Pies comment too. They are the most dodgy club of all time...and continue to rort the AFL system to this day I believe.
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