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Everything posted by Demon_spurs

  1. Good point Nasher, maybe this topic should have it's own thread, but I think with the game slowing down due to the u/12 type tactics of teams these days, do we really need 3 (and sometimes 4 umpires),? Each has their own interpretation of the rules, which only fuels the inconsistency argument. Most umpires are guessers, that is why habitual actors like Danger and Duckwood get frees paid to them constantly. I think the game needs just 2 umpires, lets face it for most of the game they are stuck one half or the other, I'm a great believer in human frailties being part of the game, get rid of the goal line technology, cut down to two umpires (one at each end) and let them make mistakes like everyone else Shrug and get on with the game (win some lose some)
  2. Better game than the Coll Hawt v game. I reckon were doing alright. Amazing how tracs miss can turn a game around
  3. Hawks have more passengers than the Ruby Princess
  4. Although I'm not so sure about being close to a flag, but I think we could be thereabouts with a few tweaks to the set up. Everyone has an opinion here and in the media. But Chook makes some good points, fit list, getting plenty of the ball, lots of forward 50 entries...maybe just maybe
  5. I can't say I agree, I wish they would pay all of those, the frustrating part for me is they don't. Players too often, grab the ball and look for the tackler, and have no intent in moving the ball on. It's a real blight on the game. The problem is highlighted with the Petracca incident, that it is up to the umpire when he blows the whistle, often a player gets tackled the same, and the umpire blows the whistle straight away and throws it up, and sometimes they wait and then ping the player, there's no consistency
  6. I saw instances yesterday of players running into the 50m arc and ignoring the easy handball off side ways (which would have put them 10 -15 m closer to goal, instead looking for the clever Hollywood foot pass, which the inevitably finished up with an opposition mark. They try and be too cute inside 50 instead of taking the easier and less spectacular option. I think there are few egos in the team that need a real good hard look at themselves.
  7. Should show the players Richmond laughing on the bench. Just shows what they think of us
  8. So I can put this out there prior to the game starting, I reckon they've picked the right side today. I watched Colliwobble talls struggle in the wet on Friday night (how bad was Cox), and I think we have enough height in TmAC, Gawn, Tomlinson, Oliver up front. It's gunna be scrappy, but we seem to like it better that way. The omission of Jackson and Bennell isn't so stupid, Not great conditions for Jackson, and in wet heavy slog, not good for Bennell's calves (remember he is a longer project than just this year) So it's a half full glass of something when they get up today.
  9. I watched Spargo in 2018 and some of his delivery as the 2nd last person in the chain was excellent, however he's never looked fit to me, puffing and hands on knees constantly
  10. I see Sydney Stack has asked to be ommitted, so be doesnt have to face Viney
  11. Interesting that not a lot of defense regarding Jones's dropping, if this had happened 12 months ago, this site would have been awash with protest. But we all watched him last week, if they are going to persist with him, why not play him FF
  12. How come this game is listed on Kayo, but I can't seem to find it?
  13. I can imagine it would have been a harrowing time for him, lots of media hype (personally i wouldn't have asked him to do the radio interview with SEN). He will be relieved that the hype will be less this week, and I expect him to relax and play to his strengths, still an absolute bonus having him on the field.
  14. Good to see werenotbombing inside 50. That cost us a goal
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