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  1. Further proof that Adelaide is the main team in SA too.
  2. Out - Hogan & 2019 Round 3 In - May, KK & 30
  3. If anyone is interested I have 2 tickets in M15, row G. Cost was $82 each. Provided they can be on sold of course.
  4. Does anyone know if it's possible to on sell tickets? Not trying to profit just may have a couple more than needed.
  5. The Goat's are keen to build on their inaugural season in the league.
  6. Maynard for me, think he could surprise.
  7. Do we have 1 Rookie spot available? Out - White (delisted) & Smith (promoted) In - Maynard Is that how the Cat A and B works these days?
  8. Didn't see it dragging out this long.
  9. Anyone heard anything about this? It's dragging out.
  10. Great banter already, bet this is similar to how Hawthorn convinced Richmond they better pounce on Tambling.
  11. Yes I am in, currently Shaun's Team.
  12. Still needing any teams in the league? I wasn't sure if me being on the list meant in the league or the list of backup options. I didn't want to join and pinch a spot from a regular of I wasn't meant to.
  13. I've been playing in Ultimate Footy leagues for a few years now. I'd be keen to throw a team in the league if you are still looking for numbers.
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