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La Dee-vina Comedia

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Everything posted by La Dee-vina Comedia

  1. Is anyone else concerned that there has been no official announcement? It's been quite some time since the sponsorship was mooted. I'd hate to think all this conjecture is for naught.
  2. To be fair, Jones and Bartram (in my view) are each better than Ward and Godfrey respectively. Having said that, neither is particularly good. Great endeavour, poor skill execution.
  3. As a matter of interest, how has the Demonland voting compared with the B&F voting in previous years? Do Demonlander's get it more right more often?
  4. Really? Hasn't Tom McDonald been named on the bench previously and not played? If so, I guess that makes him part of the 0.0022%
  5. Less holistic? I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.
  6. Is there some doubt about Jamar? The only point I can see in picking all of Gawn, Jamar and Martin is that the Russian may be a late withdrawal. Personally, I'd like to see Morton play and be on the ball - basically a straight swap for Gysberts. Pretty similar physiques, too. I presmue McKenzie and Petterd play, so I suspect the final choice for the bench is a small to replace Strauss. So for me it's between Blease and Nicholson. I like what I've seen from Nicholson so far, but surely it's time for Blease to get a full game.
  7. You may care to re-word. Sounds like a suggestion that WCE should thrash us this coming weekend as some form of support for the removal of our former coach. I'll assume it's not what you meant. (Although perhaps you meant that we, as supporters, should get the whipping!)
  8. And Matthews was a successful coach (at two clubs) and Ayres wasn't (at two clubs).
  9. I hope not. Not because I don't think he could be captain, but because I'd like to think the new coach would expect to be involved in decisions such as who should be the captain. Or, to put it another way, why would you want to put your hand up to be the senior coach when decisions like this are made without your contribution?
  10. I'm never sure which is better. A small crowd at Etihad to show the AFL that Melbourne members will not turn up to that ground, even for home game, or a large crowd to show the AFL that Melbourne deserves to play all its home games at the MCG because it can draw a crowd. Nevertheless, I'll predict 14,250.
  11. I just don't think we are fit enough, fast enough or strong enough. And our skills are poor. Apart from that... Seriously, it has been reported elsewhere that James Hird and Simon Goodwin were horrified at the level of fitness at Essendon when they arrived. I wonder whether we, too, are similarly comparatively unfit.
  12. The umpiring on the day overall was OK, though. And it was 8 free kicks to one (our way) at quarter time.
  13. Strauss? Idea of a bad joke? Good luck to the young fella. Hope he recovers and gets back to earn 'real' votes. As to mine, 6. Watts 5. Trengove 4. Garland 3. Frawley (not obvious offensively, but kept the dangerous Walker quiet) 2. Petterd (I like him going on ball occasionally) 1. Gysberts
  14. Is it preposterous to suggest that a brand which has just been re-established and uses the name 'Melbourne' in its title might see synergistic value worth pursuing? So, Bank of Melbourne, come on down! And if I'm wrong, it doesn't stop MFC still pursuing Bank of Melbourne for sponsorship. There's always room for more.
  15. I believe Lyon when he says he has no interest in coaching. But, I wonder whether getting involved, albeit temporarily, in direct football matters at the club will awaken a dormant interest?
  16. My link The first paragraph in the story makes an unsubstantiated claim. There is no supporting argument, no evidence given and no link to the claim in any of the subsequent matters discussed in the article. Very poor journalism. Nothing to see here.
  17. As I've posted previously, I don't favour appointing someone too young as captain. So, I've thought some more about who it ought to be, recognising I don't see all their off field capabilities. I've concluded it's out of two. One has been AA, has for the last couple of years performed exceptionally well and when he's spoken in the media seems quite capable. That's Mark Jamar. The other struggles in the media but until this year showed great courage and capability - that's Brad Green. What I'd really like to know is why his form has dropped off. I don't believe it's the captaincy...unless the off field issues are far worse than we know and he's been involved at his own personal distress. If we can find out why Green's performance has dropped off and can fix it, maybe he is still the best person to be captain. I now expect to be strongly criticised on this forum...
  18. I can't believe what I'm reading. How will a 20 year old command respect from anyone who is 21 to 30? How many 20 year olds do you know who lead others that much older than themselves? I suspect Trengove will be an outstanding captain - but not yet. Let's look at the essential question - what do we want a leader to be able to do? It's got to be more than playing well and leading from the front on the field. The captain has to perform well in the media (so Frawley is out of contention - it's just not his thing) and not misbehave in public (while a couple have had some minor indiscretions, I don't think we have anyone who should be excluded on this ground). A captain has to satisfy the role of glad-handling sponsors and corporate types (I have no idea who'd be good at this). We may not have any obvious candidates that tick all the boxes but I'm certain that it's not yet Trengove, Watts or anyone else under the age of 23.
  19. Well said. And one thing you didn't say, when we played well it was the players who got the credit; when we played badly it was the coach who got the blame.
  20. And James Hird didn't want to coach Essendon...Julia Gillard didn't want to be PM...and Neville Chamberlain wanted peace with Hitler.
  21. Does anyone here really think it can work at Collingwood having Malthouse looking over Buckley's shoulder? I know I don't. So, in my opinion we'd being doing Collingwood a favour if we engaged Malthouse. BUT, I don't think he's the right person for us. It took him a long, long time to get success at Collingwood with the best resources at his disposal. Don't forget, he was nearly dumped by Collingwood two (three?) years ago. I'm not sure who I'd like to see as coach. I'd rather see a list of key selection criteria developed and then try to match he best person against that list. My list would have on it, in order (1) character/integrity, (2) tactical nous, (3) management skill, (4) educational skill, (5) drive, (6) successful career to date in whatever capacity this person has been involved in, (7) AFL success, meaning premiership, as coach, assistant coach or player, (8) senior coaching experience. Certainly Malthouse has a number of these characteristics, but I have no idea, for example, whether he has tactical nous or whether Collingwood's gameplan and gameday management is primarily from one or more of the assistants.
  22. Viney should NOT be appointed Melbourne's permanent coach. That statement has nothing to do with his tactical skills, his determination, his Melbourne FC loyalty or his experience. It would be inappropriate for him to be coach at the same time as his son joins the playing list. It would form a conflict of interest (and emotions) that neither father or son should be expected to have to cope with. That conflict will eventually become a media issue which will destabilise the club. Nothing surer.
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