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La Dee-vina Comedia

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Everything posted by La Dee-vina Comedia

  1. That's a whole new topic. Valenti, Bate, Dunn, Johnson (P and C)...we've had our share Reason for edit: doubled the number of Johnsons
  2. Win for the AFL. If the AFL gets a low crowd, it can "blame" the competition and everyone in Sydney will accept that. If the AFL gets a bigger than expected crowd, the NRL will be embarrassed. Or, to put it another way, if the NRL crowd is bigger than the AFL, the NRL gets no credit because a bigger crowd would be expected; if it gets a lower crowd, it's embarrassed.
  3. Actually, for the first time ever, I thought Morton didn't look skinny.
  4. I'm up for the challenge. How about, "He should, of course, been willing to kick more often" (Yes - I know, I cheated by inserting a comma.) And seeing as we have moved onto hated media expressions, can I please add to the compendium: Stephen Quartermain saying "He shorts it" meaning he doesn't kick it very far. And any person who talks about an individual having to do better next time by stating that he must "re-group". How does an individual "re-group"?
  5. The Zuckerberg and Saverin of 1858. Personally, I think the social networking value of football is better than Facebook.
  6. Good detective work WJ. When Tom Wills moved to Ararat, did his father get offered a 'special' job to come too?
  7. Not quite. Misson from Saints, who I understand are said to sit at God's right hand.
  8. Please clarify. Do you want 'lol' banned as a cliche?
  9. Thanks. And look at the muscle definition in Davey's upper thigh! (7th photo down)
  10. Any number greater than 100 when a % symbol is added. For example, player saying "I'm going to give it 110%". Why not 120%? or 1,000%? I'd be happy if each gave 100% for 100% of the time.
  11. Looked out of his depth in the PA game. But, Grimes' first game, also played as last for the season, was nothing exciting, so maybe JF can move on from here, too.
  12. I think he's better than just a "run with" player. I see him being more like Luke Ball. Works really hard but doesn't quite have the finishing polish of the most highly skilled. Would be in my starting 22 every week in an on ball (but not running with Luke Ball) role.
  13. Close. But I'd prefer to ask... "What is going to change in the first month of training in 2011, and who is going to step up in a new role"?
  14. Just love this time of year. Every year. We're more united, fitter than we've ever been and have recruited incredibly astutely finding diamonds in the rookie draft. Love it.
  15. Is there any evidence that Holmes' sacking is in any way linked to Scully Sr's appointment? For all I know, Holmes' might have been against the idea or he might have developed the plan or he might have had no idea. And any one of those reasons might or might not be behind his sacking.
  16. Maybe Holmes' salary was also included under the salary cap and GWS needed to make cuts to fit Lucky Phil in
  17. If Tom Scully is in the best 10 footballers in the country and wants to return to Melbourne FC after concluding his contract with GWS, would you take him? Given the amount of vitriol already on this site directed toward him, I suspect it will be difficult for many posters to say "yes". In which case, I hope those same posters are not actually working in our List Management area in 2016. Emotion is great when watching from the grandstand, but it's not so helpful when making business decisions. (If his contract with GWS is for 6 years, please feel free to read 2016 as 2017).
  18. I've seen a number of posters decry our lack of size and strength in the midfield. But I don't agree that's the problem. We have that with Moloney, Sylvia and Jones. And we have other in and under types in McKenzie and Gysberts. So I think we are fine for distributors. What I think we lack is outside class, or deliverers. I'd like to see Trengove, Bennell, Morton, Bail, Blease and maybe Nicholson turned into classy deliverers. And, really, Sylvia should be moved to this group, too. Can they do it? I don't know. But that's what I want to see.
  19. While I don't want injuries either, this view that the International Rules shouldn't proceed because of this risk is flawed. Players get injured at training, in car accidents (no, I'm not talking about Sylvia - think Peter Motley), in the school yard and because they slip over at home.
  20. I share your view about his foot skills and therefore question whether he's a midfielder, but I think he's clearly in our best 22.
  21. Will be good for Morton's confidence. Cale will think he's The Incredible Hulk in comparison.
  22. Let's not worry about the facts of when it's allowed. Just who should be considered? I don't mind if we offer a few NQRs to join as you'd expect they'd be pushing hard to get noticed which might push a few of our own to work that much harder. Maybe Paul Bevan? If we hadn't picked up Clark I might have even suggested Fev
  23. I agree that development of the AFL brand in non-traditional locations is good for the competition and therefore indirectly the MFC. I just ask for two simple things: (1) teams who play in Darwin (or perhaps Cairns) get their bye in the following week and (2) the game is televised on free to air TV.
  24. My priorities would be (1) open with a win (2) open with a home game (3) open with a blockbuster
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