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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Eddie doing his very best not to answer the question by chucking a distracting tantie. Like watching a child. Whatever people think of Jones, he was straightforward and calm in his questioning.
  2. Jesse looking child-like in the background
  3. Eddie looking ridiculous and losing his cool. Was a very straightforward and simple question. Of course Eddie knew the answer and dodged it like there was no tomorrow (which could be a reality for some clubs). For all the criticisms people might have of Pert, I'm glad he doesn't carry on like Eddie
  4. I used to cough to cover up a fart. Now I fart to cover a cough....
  5. 2020 draft now resembling pin the tail on the donkey, if it happens at all. Trading our 2020 first pick for Kozzie Picket now looks to be inspired! ?
  6. Is he a distant relative of Gus Brayshaw? Would explain the BBQ onions videos
  7. Very interesting perspective: https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-31/coronavirus-scott-morrison-consensus-jobkeeper/12106334 Shows how petty and self serving politics has been on all sides for such a long time I did have a laugh at this description of Alan Jones: "...he gasped, like a dowager clutching a scented hanky while tottering through plague-ridden streets."
  8. Speculating a Norf move to Tassie or other similarly fanciful ideas is just Caro and other journos illustrating how bored the media are ATM and how desperate they are for attention and relevance. Look at me! Look at me! Waaaaay too early for this sort of talk, in reality.
  9. Good points Wells. Should the rugby or soccer clubs based at AAMI not be in existence next year (fingers crossed for MFC?) we may just find our home base out of this adversity.
  10. @Bitter but optimistic has just texted me saying he's too busy clicking through the Asian lady sites to post anymore. So there's one good side to the ads! ?
  11. Yes, not a good time to have a heart attack or stroke, or to fall off a ladder. Also a good time to pass on a phone number to elderly neighbours via a note in their letterbox. No man is an island, as they say.
  12. Yet you still visit Demonland regularly, according to your profile.
  13. Didn't say that. You are putting words into my mouth unnecessarily. Those that think Hogan would take us deep into September are living in la-la land. His well discussed record against better teams says it all. Wish him well, but he will remain an unfulfilled talent.
  14. Yeah, they've been hack clubs for many years
  15. Alicia Horan's parents would beg to differ. GAS should feel ashamed for the rest of his life Edit. Beat me to it bingers
  16. Robbo crying over his beloved Bombers. Cry me a river Robbo
  17. Perhaps getting a better cut of the mountain of cash that the MCC bathes in from MCG games
  18. Very good Tacky. When I die, I want to come back as the king of Thailand: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/coronavirus-thailand-king-maha-vajiralongkorn-grand-hotel-sonnebichl-germany-a9431936.html
  19. I hear there's panic buying of nangs in WA
  20. Jack Martin demanded a front loaded contract with $1mill in 2020 just so he could get to the Blues. Ha! Whilst $500k is nothing to sneeze at, I wonder if he'll sulk that the remainder of his contract is significantly lower.
  21. There's been about 5 versions of range rover in the last 12 months, I believe
  22. Facebook post removed. What did it say?
  23. A little punctuation might help your post be understood better. From the little I can put together, I believe you are actually agreeing with my comment?????
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