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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. As usual, the AFL will front the press after the mess had been taken care of by others to save their face.
  2. His position certainly became untenable. Had he been done for drink driving, or snorting drugs or punching someone playing tennis I'd say it isn't linked to his work and he should stay. But he was caught inflicting a huge hit to an opponent playing in a competition overseen and answerable to his employer. He had to go. His religion, his job title at the AFL or the conditions under which he got his job should be irrelevant to the outcome imo.
  3. I would trust Maca and TVINEY to make the right call. They know exactly where he is at and the risk/cost.
  4. Rationally? Like "drinking builds culture, it doesn't destroy it" We aren't all apologists mate.
  5. $800-850k is not overs. If he matures into a top 3 kpd in the league, which appears likely, it will be worth it. Does he fill a need? We have quantity not quality, so yes. Given there's an extra 20% in SC we can expect to see more of these mega deals become the norm. Hope we are into him and an experienced, high end mid. Reckon he might stay at crows.
  6. Does he fit Goodwin's attacking style?
  7. And you know this because??? Obviously you must've been on the selection panel when he applied. I'm not calling you a bigot, I'm calling bs. I do not condone his horrible coward punch and believe he should lose his job. His position is untenable. I think the penalties should be based upon what happened and his tribunal record rather than insinuations or rumour mongering about religion or how he might've got his job. I'll leave it at that. Said my bit. Keep going if you wish
  8. The point being that as yet Fahour has not claimed racial vilification as part of his defence. And technically Lebanon is part of Asia, even though Fahour is Australian, but I get your drift
  9. OK, I get it. If our players drink more, they will be successful. Righto
  10. Farmer, Neita and Balls (your examples) are from a different era. Hodge was suspended by his club for drink driving, but I guess you knew that. But I digress off topic
  11. I'm waiting for posters to not assume that religion will be used as an excuse by a Muslim footballer for a coward punch on the ground. The guy will plead guilty and said there is no explanation or excuse. He'll get a massive ban, perhaps get fired from his AFL job. IMO good. Correct me if I'm wrong, but who apart from us (and maybe some press) are bringing religion into this? Has Fahour yet?
  12. Defies logic doesn't it Your. It's almost like they are incapable of engaging a brain between them.
  13. Different era, different expectations Great photo. Time waits for no man
  14. Perhaps an even dumber comment than the act of what the fermented four actually did. You should put that to Gil as the AFL's new moto for 2018. You'll go far.
  15. No twenty-something footballer gets together with 3 teammates to have only one beer and gets caught. Of course nobody knows all the facts except that a group of fringe players vying for senior selection in an injury riddled team were dumb enough to break the team rules for getting on the pizz (or just for you chap I'll call it 'one beer') with a six day break between games. As I said, could they get any dumber? I truly hope not. But keep kirvin Saty!
  16. Your hyperbolic defence of a group of dumb footballers breaking team rules is illogical and laughable, but not unexpected Saty. "Publicly executed"? Lol! One minute you say only the 4 players know exactly what happened, next you're claiming they might've had only one beer. One beer! Too funny chap. How many young footballers stop at one beer? Of course, you are welcome to your opinion, as are all apologists.
  17. First time in 10 years we might play finals and a bunch of fringe players knocking on the door of an injury riddled side choose to break team rules and get on the pizz with 6 days between games. It's not like they wouldn't have known they were vying for senior selection or that they were unaware of team rules. Honestly, how dumb must these guys be?
  18. Houli was not that far from the play with his back to opponent, both on the run. His hit was forceful. He had a quick look but I don't think he "lined him up". That's bs. Bugg looked straight at Mills, with the ball not in play half the ground away and intently and forcefully punched him in the face almost front on. It could almost not get any more ugly. Whether he was knocked out or not, he was certainly concussed and missed 95% of the game. Claiming Houli's and Bugg's are similar is nonsensical. As a Melbourne supporter it would be good for us if he only got 4. If I take my rose coloured glasses off, it will be 6 minimum. We will soon find out! PS. Does the tribunal have extra camera angles to look at or do they see the same vision we have seen?
  19. 6-7 weeks. Might be more if the AFL want to make a point. Was looking strait at Mills. Ball a long way off, not even in play. Forceful hit clearly intended for the head. Not tough or courageous at all. Could be the end of Bugg's year, as he'll likely come back through the VFL.
  20. Obviously Lewis. This is one of the main reasons we got him. Needs a big month of footy. Would be very pleased to see Milkshake step up further. If Kent and JKH cannot step up they'll be finishing their days at Casey or elsewhere. Waste of talent atm, the both of them.
  21. Ron, I'd love him more if he was available for selection in the next 5-6 weeks. A big hit far from the ball when your rep as a bad boy is at it's peak and cameras are everywhere. What the f*** did he possibly think that might have achieved? That's not playing on the edge, it's well over the drop off into stupidity. Amongst the top 5 dumbest things I've seen live at the footy, and that's saying something
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