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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. Feds always have a presence at Tulla airport. Isn't it their domain? #stevoshitstirrer
  2. DD, nothing is more certain from us than countless long bombs i50 every game
  3. And to read this thread from first to last post
  4. Correct, however that assault law covers many moves in the game of Aussie Rules. Obviously punching a player isn't in those rules, but police will be reluctant to get involved IMO, it opens a can of worms. Eg. Was Cameron's elbow chargeable by police? Wasn't consentual. Hard to know where to draw the line. I'd rather the AFL dish out harder suspensions for tummy taps, jumper punches, etc. Despite the howls of the outraged majority, i do believe Gaff wanted to punch Brayshaw's chest and in that split second got it horribly wrong. That's not excusing him, however many body punches get off with a fine and are too accepted by players and the MRP. Gaff made a massive mistake which cost Brayshaw dearly. He'll pay the price which should only be in supended matches, not police charges.
  5. Yes, and they can bank a lot of it each year if they dont
  6. Yes me too. Footy Classified saying he's had a massive offer from Norf. "Mother of all offers", they claimed.
  7. You're probably right, just not happy with all the lynching on the Gaff thread. Let the tribunal do its work. Plus I might do a maths short course ?
  8. I saw that, but coaches do not disclose votes. Unlikely but not proven
  9. No it's not. You're making this vote equation up. Fake maths. Where's your evidence to say Simpson 4/Lyon 0? Happy to apologise if I'm wrong, will you and SWYL apologise if your opinion cannot be substantiated? From the evidence so far, its not Simpson who should be ashamed, it you and SWYL
  10. ^ FAKE NEWS ^ No evidence to support these.
  11. No, nothing mentioned in pressers. Any real source for 4/0 AFLCA Gaff voting? I ask because if someone writes something as fact without evidence, posters like @No10 and @Sir Why You Little think it's accurate and create ridiculous outrage when it could, in fact, be fake. Not having a go at you, just trying to establish fact without emotion. You may be right, would be good to find the breakdown. Obviously straight after the game the coaches were emotional. You'd hope coaches would be professional enough to vote without bias and the hyperbole of social media. If they can't, and they gave their votes based upon one incident, well, I'm glad they aren't at MFC. Does anyone have the breakdown of which coach gave what votes? Thanks in advance.
  12. Where did you get that breakdown MSF?
  13. Have been to all of them. BC has reared its ugly head in my family. The game I look out for every year.
  14. Thanks for putting it into reasonable context Ethan I'm sure we'll see that horrific photo at least another 10 times before they day is over. Though it's far from his mind ATM, I bet Andrew Brayshaw would be over the online analysis and hyperbole as well.
  15. Except the rules of Victoria don't necessarily apply in Western Australia, which is where it happened, and the WA Police Commissioner Dawson has already indicated a reluctance to step into the professional sport arena: “Physical contact on the footy field is expected. The central issue here is what should be governed by the sporting code and what falls within the criminal realm." The Saudi Arabia analogy was put in to highlight the stupidity of the original quote. Violence at nightclubs is usually alcohol fueled with a different context
  16. ^ not going to happen. No chance
  17. Urgh! In that case, I'll be watching it at home on my own. You can tongue kiss Saty in the Trident section If we win, I will be so bold as to put a deposit on finals tickets
  18. More unfounded hyperbole
  19. Gaff's head on a plate, judging by the hysterical outrage of many on this thread. We all condemn Gaff's act and he will probably accept the tribunal's penalty, but some of the suggestions on this thread are ridiculous
  20. You don't think Gus and Gaff might sit down for a beer in October and work past this event? It's called 'professionalism'.
  21. Ok, so it's universally agreed that Gaff hit on Andrew Brayshaw was terrible, yet there's no outrage when posters talk about the Brayshaw boys having Gaff in their sights next year? Revenge is fine, I gather... Posters wanting Simpson suspended, posters wanting Gaff deregistered, posters not wanting him to play at the Dees next year... you'll all clap excitedly when he runs out in red and blue next year (except SWYL, of course)
  22. So I expect all of those who think Gaff should be charged by police to be picketing with placards outside the tribunal this week. Meanwhile, the players will accept it and move on
  23. Reckon Gaff will get 4
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