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Posts posted by dl4e

  1. 9 hours ago, Dees2014 said:

    No l disagree. The MCG will be our home ground from next year and need to start building home ground advantage. It would not surprise me if the girls became curtain raisers at the G for some games next year although l know they are resisting. The economics just make sense as does full integration to make little difference b/w the girls and boys teams. Good for supporters too!

    I am talking about us winning a prelim final. Casey is better. Backsides on seats or looking for next year is irrelevant.

    Since when is the MCG going to be the girls home ground from next year. First I have heard of it.

  2. Essenscum did to us what we have done to many sides over the years. They dragged us down to their level. I thaught the standard very poor from both sides but at least we have learnt the caper of winning even when we are not playing well. 

    Essenscum are completely shizenhausen which for me is a real positive.

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