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Posts posted by dl4e

  1. Cripps won't be rubbed out. There is one main reason. They play us and the filth in the next 2 weeks and would have to win one of them. Tigers should win both of their games and the dogs should as well which would place Carlton out of the eight. Saints probably won't win another game for year. The AFL want Carlton in the 8 so will make sure their most important player does not get rubbed out. It may not make a difference anyway but they want Carlton to have as much probability of making the 8 as they can.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Hellaintabadplacetobe said:

    Reckon our best result will be to finish 4th and play Cats at the G.

    Both Swans n Pies have troubled us for years and they will both fancy their chances against us. 


  3. 4 minutes ago, Winners at last said:

    Not as much as me.

    A highly debatable reply but the hatred of the filth is ingrown in to most Melbourne supporters genes to the extent that MFCSS is. I wish you all the luck in the world tonite in your hatred of the filth.

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  4. Just now, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Agree with you to some point.

    We have an atrocious record against Sydney at the MCG (losing to them in 2018 and 2022) but did win our most recent meeting up there at the SCG in 2019 (but did lose to the Pies last year there)

    Was thinking more about the fact that after last year's lockdown, the club would be keen to have all of its finals in Melbourne so all can attend.

    I agree on the attendance theme from both you and RPFC but it ain't the granny which will be at the MCG and we all want to attend so lets just get there.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    I think we're going to need to win all 3 games to finish top 2 as I can see Sydney going 3-0 and making up the percentage on us as they'll likely have a 10 goal + win against North on Sunday. Sydney have a very healthy percentage.

    Assuming we (unfortunately) go 2-1, the only way we could avoid a trip to Sydney in week 1 is if Collingwood beat Sydney next week. I'm sure Sydney will go at least 2-1 to finish the season unless they implode against St Kilda in round 23.

    Obviously the destiny is in our own hands tonight and the following two rounds if we want to finish top 2.

    Can't stand the SCG to watch footy however is it really more desirable to play them down here than up there ? To be honest I don't think it is. They play the MCG well and we have gone 6-0 interstate this year.

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  6. Just have a look where we are on the ladder. Stuck in between the 2 most hated clubs in the AFL. There would be nothing better than rising from the middle and smashing those 2 scumbags to oblivion.

    • Love 1
  7. 44 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    All I want out of the Dogs - Geelong game is for someone to kick Selwood’s hand and break it. 

    Oh and for Geelong to lose. 

    I agree 100%. However it is Selwoods 350th game so watch how  many head high tackles he receives and the umps kow towing to the feral crowd.

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