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Everything posted by demon3165

  1. Well it seems your not a bright person, if you can read I said he played a different game in the finals last year than during the year and he played well for it, you can thank me for helping him, instead of trying to take everyone on he played like Clarry early years get ball give it off to someone on the run so he was a different footballer and is better off for it, but thanks for the attempt at a cheap shot.
  2. The problem is our forward line, last year we played that contested football down the line sides have now woken up to us knowing we don't switch the pill, all our forwards are forced to go to pockets which brings their backline on mass into play because even if we get the ball out of the middle it is nearly always kicked to pockets. BB is good at one on one and let's face it he got all his goals leading or one on one, there was several occasions last week where players were calling for the switch which would open the forward line but we never look for it we just go down the line.
  3. Wow forgot about that I have one to, used to like a port in the old days not sure i'm ready to try it.
  4. Turner limiter, did you watch the game?
  5. Sorry Mcdonald is not the problem it's the game plan because it worked last year opposition teams have worked it out.
  6. Did you watch the game plus over the last three weeks, suggest you put glasses on.
  7. Everyone has worked out our game plan, we only play one side of the ground, when we have the ball no-one looks to transfer the play just kick it down the line, forwards have to go that way it is because that is the way we play, we will make finals but Jesus they have to change the way we play.
  8. If he goes he goes just get 1st round picks for him, unfortunately we will lose some players who will want to be traded to get a game somewhere else next year so I guess get the max amount of picks while we can in the draft.
  9. They also open the forward line so players run into space.
  10. Because they play in front hope our forwards are watching.
  11. You are 100% right on Max that was a brilliant press interview he is without the best Leader we have had at the club for a long time.
  12. Part of the problem is they like to play one side of the ground all the time, going to the city end they go the Southern Stand side, going to the punt road end members stand side they do not switch it around, quite a few times last night ball on HFF line players calling for it across the ground free but we just bomb it into pockets, and again I will say this BB got his majority of his goals at north on the lead bit hard to lead if that's where the pack is. Sides have worked it out against us lets see what the coaching staff come up with. Not making excuses but we looked a little slow and I am just wondering if they are being loaded up before the break.
  13. That's not a bad idea at least Petty can take a pack mark.
  14. We have done it all year I would go so far as the put Jackson at CHF if we continue to play this way.
  15. If you watch, what they do is kick to pockets players never look to transfer the ball other clubs have woken up to it BB has nowhere to run but to that position.
  16. Well if they keep bombing it in then yes, BB kicked goals as a lead up forward not a pack mark player, maybe change the forward line setup first.
  17. The forward line is a shambles, we got away with it last year but the game moves on, all they do is bomb it in BB is not a pack mark player but we still do it, players are so structured they kick down the line without looking to see if it can be switched to open it up, players not manning up and allowing to many short kicks which sets up players down the ground. Teams are chasing us down we need to change things up to get back on track.
  18. BB is a leading type forward thats where he got all his goals at north, he is also not bad at one on one but what we need is a pack marking forward.`What we are now doing is heading to pockets in packs instead of separating.
  19. You are right there, when he first started he was like Oliver when he first started what I call puppy fat size this kid will make it for sure given a good run at it.
  20. Bit harsh there, the truth is we do have a problem last year was last year this is a new season teams put in extra work we have a hugh amount of entries for a top team but we don't really have a pack mark player BB is a leading forward tmac can be hit and miss, to really cause damage all we need to do is some modifications and we will be back on track, you cannot keep bombing it into pockets all the time.
  21. Bit hard if all we do is bomb it in to packs for any player to mark we do not have a park mark player time to change it up.
  22. How true our forward line is dysfunctional all we do bomb it in to pockets we don't have a pack mark forward BB is a lead up forward and a one on one player you cannot sustain doing the same thing. Today some of them looked slow and I just wonder if they are doing a mini pre season seeing they had a two game lead on the ladder but this forward line needs sorting out quick.
  23. Tracs kicking is easy to fix Fritta did it and look at him now so ok you say how, I would say Chocco help Fritta run directly over the mark and when he goes on an arc to kick his percentage is down, Trac always kicks on an arc which in turn makes you hook to ball because that is the way the leg is going, he just needs to go back to basics.
  24. And the delivery was crap for 3/4 of the game bbb kicked 60 odd goals for North mainly as a lead up forward that's his strength or one on one forward.
  25. I think I will wait till Salem gets back in to answer that question saves the headache.
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